Excellent article. Israel is dropping passports because they are ineffective in reducing the spread of Omicron. That should be the end of the argument. If organisations believe they have a right/duty to protect the health services will they also apply the rules to those taking part in dangerous sports or those that persist in an unhealthy lifestyle?

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Also, although I, as an unvaccinated person, am not allowed to go in a restaurant or to a concert, which have had the necessary distance and hygienic measures in place for two years, I can walk into a crowded mall anytime I want. (Fortunately, I don’t want to). It simply doesn’t make any sense. These are punitive and coercive policies that have done, and are doing, much more harm than they are supposedly trying to prevent.

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My daughter, 23 is unvaccinated ( naturally immune- we all C 19 in 2020) She works at a restaurant as a waitress. Has to show (-) C test 1/wk. But she can' t eat as a customer in the same restaurant. #science.

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same case here , they forced my daughter to get the vaccine even though she had covid previously she was super sick for 3 weeks after the vax and caught covid twice after the vax the Gov is insane , following science . Yeah science fiction

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That's horrible. I'm sorry we let this happen.

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Here's a strategy you might want to try. Enter the forbidden place, and see what happens. If they ask to see your papers, just turn and walk out. Do this with dozens of businesses. Hell, make a day of it and walk into every business you can and get turned away. Just wear them down. No need to be rude. Just make it extremely taxing for anyone going along with this. At this point they fully deserve it.

This is something we can all do - well those of us who object to being pushed around by people with neither conscience or a scrap of scientific evidence to support their antisocial behaviour.

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Good strategy, ebear, but sounds like an awful lot of work. I’m getting so used to not participating in society or contributing to the economy, I actually kind of like it. It may in fact be a preferable state of being (tongue in cheek). I’m just waiting for the day when they lift the travel restrictions and I can leave this backward country. There must be a place for me somewhere. If this what the vaccine passports were intended to do, alienate people from a crummy society, they are doing a good job!

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Jan 26, 2022Edited
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I have been weeping for joy and I haven't even been to the highway yet!

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There was no pandemic!


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The gene therapy platform injections which change gene expression were NEVER tested to stop transmission. The Covid-19 military operation didn't involve "mistakes". They (the IEEE, Five Eyes, Bank of International Settlements, WHO, WEF, DARPA) KNEW this was never about a virus or even healthcare.


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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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Czech Republic is not dropping passports, sadly. They only scrubbed a proposed legislation for mandatory vaxx for over 60 and certain public professions.

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Even with a sterilising vaccine such as measles vaccination, only three provinces "require" it, and the rule is flexible, not only to religious or medical exemption, but exemption based on conscience. No Canadian child is refused education because of vaccine status.

Covidians need to stop using childhood vaccination as an argument for all social mandates, specially with an illness that leaves kids unscathed.

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""sterilising vaccine such as measles vaccination "" Really tell that to my 3 kids and grandchildren guess it didn't work on us . Just lucky ?

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Right? I got the Red measles, the German measles and the mumps AFTER I was vaccinated to prevent them. Just like the modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections....theses "vaccinations" CAUSE the diseases they claim to prevent.


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There's no such thing as 100.000% in vaccination or any pharmaceutical procedure. The best you get for "sterilising" is 95-99% efficacy. So of course there were always going to be some breakthroughs. (I didn't have any of those vx, I caught all four childhood illnesses and damned glad for it, specially measles, which I think is important that humans catch, as it syncs up immunity for the rest of life. I see too many kids in the school system with hyper immunity problems, and I suspect one day will find out it's because they never caught measles, as measles cuts down on too much immunity long term.)

NONE of the seasonal vx are anywhere close to sterilising, and coronaviruses vx will NEVER be sterilising, as coronavirus Ig antibodies are short-lived.

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Anyone willing to take a hard look at what's happening knows something is seriously wrong.

To preface this, I am not against vaccines. In fact, I've had dozens of them over my lifetime due to my work. However, when I bumped up against the following firsthand (and several similar stories since) early last summer, I decided to take a wait and see attitude.

A service provider for my family was super pro vax. Then one day the attitude changed and I called him out on it, wondering what was up. Turned out his two brothers, both in their mid 20s, had decided to get the vax the previous week. They both received Pfizer together. Four days later, literally two hours apart, they both had heart attacks.

The doctors said it was a coincidence, but the nurses told them it was the vax.

My service provider is now scared out of his mind (mostly because of the utter rejection of the doctors to call a spade a spade) and the entire family won't touch another shot. They won't go public either due to the blowback they know they'll have to endure.

Fast-forward to today: everyone I know - vaxxed, unvaxxed, triple vaxxed - is getting covid now. And some of them quite badly. As The Globe finally had the balls to explain over the weekend (read "Vaccines are a tool, not a silver bullet") vaccines will never solve this problem alone.

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"Fast-forward to today: everyone I know - vaxxed, unvaxxed, triple vaxxed - is getting covid now. And some of them quite badly."

Evidence is emerging that repeated vaccination induces OAS (original antigenic sin) and ADE (antibody dependant enhancement). This is probably why the vaccinated are having a tougher time: their immune system has been compromised, possibly permanently. I've also read papers that suggest the vaccine can interfere with cellular DNA repair, which if true can potentially induce cancer somewhere down the road.

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Can you provide some evidence that the ''vaccinated are having a tougher time''? Statistics are showing that in Ontario the 10% unvaxxed population are responsible for 50% of hospitalizations and 90% of ICUs. That shows that it is the unvaxxed who are getting severely ill disproportionally, not the vaxxed, and they are taking up hospital beds desperately needed by others. You may want to read some scientific studies about the mRNA vaccines. mRNA is not the same as DNA. So no, these vaccines cannot induce cancer down the road. Failing to get a vaccine now can cause severe illness and death right here right now. And in any case, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine is a conventional non-mRNA, like the ones everyone got as a child. This could be a good option for those who fear the mRNA vaccines.

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Table 6. Note, this is for the delta variant. You'll have to do the math yourself. Hint: deaths as a percentage of total cases.

Omicron is far less lethal than Delta, however you're being mislead to believe that's the result of the vaccine and not the fact that it's just less lethal. In truth, the vaccines are effectively useless for Omicron which has escaped the vaccine through mutation.

A word about vaccine status. If you've had a single dose, you're counted as unvaccinated. In some countries two doses is now counted as unvaccinated. They keep moving the goal posts. That's why people are getting pissed off. They think they vaccinated their way out and have their shiny new passport, but a few weeks later discover they need yet another shot to be in compliance, which only goes to show that you can't comply your way out of Tyranny.

Now, as for your statement: You may want to read some scientific studies about the mRNA vaccines.

Sorry, but I think it's you that's in need of some reading. You're misinformed about J&J. Did you take it on the premise that it was a traditional formulation? If so, how do you feel now? How about if I tell you you're wrong here as well?

"mRNA is not the same as DNA." The end result is they BOTH produce the spike protein. The method by which they achieve that is irrelevant to the final outcome.

"So no, these vaccines cannot induce cancer down the road."

Sorry, wrong again.


Ever heard the expression "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing?"

Now you know why.

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I support Lorraine’s retort and that it’s more true than ebear. Ebear is guilty of the very hyperbole previously apposed. Now if ebear is revealed to be a biochemist or similar, that last post would be more persuasive to me. I’m not convinced when links are posted to support the banter. Any of us can find a link to support our current ideology; the very definition of hyperbole if I understand it correctly. Sorry to get into the weeds here but I think it’s dangerous to start out discussing the ethics of vaccine mandates to then go down a long rabbit hole as to the efficacy of vaccines. I think part of the issue is that not enough people were vaccinated quick enough (by choice or by systemic issues in access) that the virus mutated (at least twice) and is winning the race against the vaccine. Viruses are smart and it’s not in the organism’s best interest to kill the host…but then things don’t always go well in mutation. The next variant could be highly contagious AND lethal. (Btw, I got this information on viruses from my friend who is an organic chemist)

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"Any of us can find a link to support our current ideology"

True enough, but a link to a published scientific paper with supporting data is pretty much the standard when doing this kind of research, unless you believe opinion pieces are equally valid, at which point we're no longer doing science and have drifted into politics.

"Now if ebear is revealed to be a biochemist or similar, that last post would be more persuasive to me."

So appeal to authority is your standard? OK. Is there a higher standard than the UK ministry of health's own data? That's what I presented. Their data, not my opinion. Would it make you more comfortable if I *were* a scientist? I normally refrain from posting my credentials - anyone can do that on the internet - but if that makes you more comfortable, then sure, you can imagine that I'm a scientist. I'm using the scientific method, so that would be one clue.

"The next variant could be highly contagious AND lethal."

Indeed it could, but it wouldn't get very far before it burned out. The natural evolutionary path of a virus is the one that kills the fewest people while infecting the most. If a virus is too lethal it will kill the host before the host can transmit it, especially under current conditions. If it's less lethal it can infect more hosts, and thus survive. Pretty straight forward.

It's not a zero risk situation, so you need to do a risk/benefit analysis with a lot of other variables included, but that isn't being done. What we're told is that the vaccine is the only way out, and that its present failure is somehow a reason to keep on taking it, like it was aspirin or something. That's a very dangerous road to tread with a completely new approach to vaccination which hijacks your body's own cells to achieve its goal. Basically you're part of a large scale clinical trial, and people like me are the control group.

Meanwhile, we're being denied one of the most important variables in our risk/reward equation: the possibility of early treatment, or prophylaxis with known effective drugs like IVM & HCQ. Again, I can post a literal ton of data in support of both drugs, but that's been done enough times already, and it still doesn't answer the question of WHY? Why are we being denied a safe alternative treatment that we know works at least as well as the vaccine, and with none of risks, which are anything but rare, and accumulating rapidly the more we push the vaccine into our bodies.

That's the $64,000 question I don't see anyone asking.

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Ebear the studies support your post t bad more people do not look in the right places and have a hard time with stats , more studies out every day that support your post . just look at NIH EPUB all is available

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Here is proof of the lies we were told. Why can't you admit we were all lied to?


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own the road 3 weeks after the 2nd vax my mother , mother in law and brother in law all died fro multiple organ failure BIL multiple cancers throughout the body , he was a non smoker drinker had been in hospital numerous times the year before for heart problems , had every test known done Never a trace of cancer WTF ?

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The Covid-19 military operation enabled the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Canadians from government pensions, payrolls and benefits thus ERASING THOSE GOVERNMENT LIABILITIES and maximizing stakeholder profits.

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No vaccine mandates are not at all reasonable. Firstly and foremost is the annoying TRUTH, that the 'vaccine' only has EUA status. Im FED UP TO MY EYEBALLS that a EUA drug has not been properly vetted -as in gone through real research and yet is treated like some infallible God. And what about early treatment therapeutics? What about the malicious censorship of other scientists? Think Great Barrington Declaration. We never had to go through this bs. Instead we see captured govt, media, scientists, big pharma. Peoples lives HAVE BEEN DESTROYED! It didnt need to be this way.

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It was disgusting how the GBD authors were treated. Have you seen the FOIP'd emails showing how Fauci and Francis Collins, at the very start, actively sought to target them as fringe scientists? Those two men should be charged with crimes against humanity.

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Hope ?? Slim chance we will ever know the truth to many forces out there with backhoes ready to bury the truth or those that speak it . I can only pray the truth comes out and Fauci and his crowd end up in jail

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A fairly and honestly done assessment of the question. The evidence cited by Professor Diane Pohler is pretty overwhelming in showing that many of the vaccine mandate policies, both by the governments and employers, are unreasonable and wrong. Forced vaccination policies, using threats of firings or actual firings, denials of health services, fines, denials of access to food, etc. very likely are the most unreasonable and immoral, and are most likely unsupportable legally.

As she says, she is not an epidemiologist or a virologist, but that is totally irrelevant. Her arguments have to do with political, social, moral and legal issues, which she is perfectly positioned and qualified to analyze.

The witch-hunt attitudes of a significant number of ordinary citizens, most predominantly political supporters of authoritarian political parties and politicians, share responsibility for such policies and the stubbornness of government policy makers who refuse to abandon or modify unreasonable policies. Of course, we all know that politicians and governments almost never abandon or modify unreasonable policies unless forced to by citizen action.

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Plus, this was agreed with by all previous *Pandemic Planning* as well as ACLU ethical guidance on *Pandemic Planning*.

The concept that this was 90% effective was never justified/backed-up by the pharmaceutical companies' own data. Their analyses were underpowered by time, and KNOWN to be wrong in that ALL coronaviruses have short Ig antibody immunity, AND large animal reservoir. Coronaviruses are simply with us.

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Can you post some examples of denial of health services and denial of access to food to the unvaxxed? The only denial of access to health services that I aware of involves postpone of procedures because of the hospitals being overwhelmed with CoVid patients. I’ve heard nothing of denial of food.

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A grocery store in Fredericton tried such a policy. Thankfully they backed down. But what if others had followed suit? Once we start going down that path, it's a slippery slope.

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We've had two years of slippery slopes. Each and every individual act of compliance led to the next loss of rights.

It's truly depressing that it took two years for some people to wake out of the fear-porn.

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That would not be legal.

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Already happening in quebec. And no, your right- we would have considered this unthinkable .

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Jan 25, 2022Edited
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Wellllll, it is and it isn’t illegal. When discussing rights, what about the right for a private business to deny service? For any reason except human rights violation? And Quebec is a very distinct society compared to most of Canada - I recognize our Territories are also distinct. I question whether it is ethical to support one set of rights while jeopardizing another. And I reject the tone going political. All govts are corrupt to some degree. What I have seen is this issue cannot be fairly debated when it goes political-even if the politicians got that ball rolling. I’d prefer the people to take back control the conversation from the politicians.

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When my charter rights go out the window, yours go with it. And your grandkids..

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Jan 27, 2022
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There is a food market on Christie in Toronto where vax free people have been turned away. And in New Brunswick, public health gave grocery stores the option - push back stopped it. Why is it so hard to understand that this kind of divisiveness is straight out of the Nazi playbook? Do a little digging for "some examples" for mercy's sake.

The CBC won't hand it to you on a platter - they are paid your tax dollars to deprive you of it.

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Restaurants are food... Even some grocery stores have started demanding it of customers. You really have to not have paid attention to ask such a question.

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Have you heard about the four-year-old with leukemia and their family who were evicted from Ronald McDonald House because they are vax free?

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Good point. I think Pfizer donates to that charity, so that explains that one. I think they also fund the CDC and the FDA as well?

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From a Dec 3 CBC report: "Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons." This came from a new order by New Brunswick government on or before 2021-12-03. This enables unvaccinated to be denied access to food supplies. After much criticism they backed off on part of that order.

There have been many reports in the media of people in great need of hospital services (surgeries and other non-trivial measures), such as constant high pain levels, being unable to access treatment for long periods. In many provinces long delays are unfortunately normal, Quebec is the worst, but it is much worse during the pandemic.

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FUNNY MY HEART SURGERY WAS NOT POSTPONED or delayed and i was not vaxed Dr said big deal come on in no problem , never been turned back at any hospital , must be lucky

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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Vera Sharav also compares today directly with Nazi Germany. Letting them close small businesses was our first mistake. Allowing today's segregation, although not lawful, is another obvious one as you say.


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Godwin's Law.

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This was one of the saddest revelations for me, these last few years. All this 'wokeness' and people turned ugly so fast! Friends, family..good smart people. The meme stream media are being weaponized to mass hypnotize, via their sleight of hand, same tools fear, lies, and threats and intimidation

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Beautifully said...

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Morals don't enter into it anymore, as the jabs are proving to be deadly duds. The science, backed by unadulterated data, proves this out, more and more. This false efficacy claim as well as the existing excellent drugs being quashed for early treatment, makes the moral argument a non-starter. IF, and that's a big IF, the injections were sterilyzing, effective 95% as claimed, had low and less serious side effects, (like death!) then and only IF the virus was more deadly than this joke, then you can talk about mass mandated vax.

The morality of this discussion is in question if you do not critically examine the basic physical, underlying scientific details of how this is more than a pandemic.

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The jabs drop the risk of hospitalization significantly; which is a big deal when there are only so many hospital beds to go around, and car crashes, cancer, pregancies, etc. will still keep happening.

They don't prevent infection or transmission, but that doesn't make them duds.

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I disagree. The first 20 DEATHS alone should have halted the roll-out. There has to be an end-point number...there isn't. What is the present figure of deaths? Serious side effects, including myocarditis, sterility? This is no ordinary jab for a very ordinary corona virus....

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You may want to reassess your sources for scientific reliability.

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Check the data coming out of israel. They rolled out about 6 months ahead. Very telling

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An ordinary coronavirus doesn't kill 5 million people in 2 years of lockdowns, masking, jabs, etc. If we hadn't taken pandemic management steps, the covid death toll would be closer to 100 million.

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Check all-cause deaths and report back. I think you'll see only AFTER the vax roll-out was there a corresponding increase in ACD. Thanks.

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Note that they have to resort to us/them pejoratives.

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Vax rollouts is also when lockdowns started easing up. Nobody wants to go back to 2020 when we were all basically under house arrest, even though it worked to keep ACD down. Antivaxxers seem to have short memories.

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All in the plan...vax free and memory getting better and better...

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They weren't "pandemic management steps." They were population reduction steps - just like the "vaccination." Jig's up man. Face it.

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Gullibility is not a virtue. Unless you aspire to be part of mass formation.

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Ask the 400 European pro athletes who have dropped after the vax if the jabs are "duds."

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By the way, has anyone ever looked into or questioned the number of hospital beds that are taken up with people who have severe reactions to the vaccines?

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I haven't seen anything, but with the amount of gov't & media incompetence we've seen over the past 2 years, if jab reactions were straining hospital capacity, there's no way they could keep that under wraps. Way too many doctors and nurses would be running their mouths, and outlets like the Sun would be all over it.

In this case, the lack of smoke is a good indicator of lack of fire.

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There are actually some doctors and nurses speaking up. Guess what? They get fired, doxxed, smeared, cancelled, have their licenses taken away. There absolutely are many many who know the truth but do not dare to speak out. Are you aware that here in Canada the colleges of physicians and surgeons have threatened doctors with removing their licenses, and have done so, if they give medical exemptions or speak against the vaccines? My husband had an adverse event from the first covid shot and he cannot get a doctor to write him an exemption letter. Check out this Senate hearing from just today in the States with many doctors and nurses giving testimony, long but well worth watching: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html.

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Not when you’re brainwashed and terrified.

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Covid hasn't scared me since I caught it in March 2020. Couldn't breathe right for a few days, and then it cleared up.

To the extent anything scares me about the pandemic, it's the prospect of getting T-Boned in an intersection and not being able to access medical treatment, because Covid cases have swamped the ICU.

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Since that seems to be the remaining boogeyman in the room, why do people not seem to be cognizant of the fact that there are have been early treatments from the get-go aimed at preventing serious illness, hospitalizations, and death, such as Ivermectin? These have been proven successful in other countries (e.g, India and Japan), yet they have been suppressed by the North American medical establishment. Of course, now that Pfizer, the pharmaceutical monopoly, has come out with its pill aimed at treating the virus, that’s a different story!

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Lol. Good one! Work for CBC? Join Tara and cross the floor. Otherwise, just a sad repeater, repeater, repeater...

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The point that vaccine reduces serious illness is true. And though the serious side effects are worse than ever in the history of vaccines, they're still less than the consequences of c19.

However, in order for me to CHOSE a medical procedure, I want more than a few percentage points of absolute risk reduction.

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Actually, we have no way of knowing what the extent of the serious health consequences of vaccines are because there appears to be no way of really gauging this. The numbers of adverse affects that Tara stated are only those officially reported. They are the tip of the iceberg, in my opinion, and you don’t have to be some kind of a conspiracy theorist to see this. Can you imagine how many serious adverse affects are not actually reported because the link between the vaccine and a certain condition is unclear. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

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The reality is no matter WHAT the adverse effects, they will always be smaller in total number than the c19.

The effects few people are talking about is lateral effects, how pushing immunity in one particular direction, and the consequences on immunity to other viruses and strains.

These are not individual side effects, but population level effects, that will show up in decades to come.


The point is it's my risk to assess.

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Agree totally. A recent study (sorry I don’t have the link readily available but you’ve probably seen it) showing that continued boosters actually reduce immunity.

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I would like to add that when Bonnie Henry stated several months ago that the “only side effects of these vaccines are hope and optimism,” she lost me. I saw then that there would be no honest and objective reporting of this issue. To do so would have interfered with the vaccination campaign, which could not be questioned AT ALL. No alternative views or opposing information allowed in that one-sided messaging.

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A lot of delusional public health folks are getting paid a lot these days. And it's our taxes that keep them on their thrones...

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Yeah, I personally draw the line at booster mandates. I'm 30 years old and generally healthy, so at a certain point, the hospitalization risk is already so miniscule that I don't need the added myocarditis risk that comes with getting boosted. I had Covid in March 2020, so even the 2 jabs I got were arguably overkill.

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Wise choice. Except you will be unvaxed unless you keep up with the boosters ad infinitum - or at least that was part of the plan to enslave you.

We're working hard on putting an end to that. You're welcome.

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The line should have been drawn at week two. Two weeks to allow healthcare system to:

-END the part-time senior home to senior home worker abuse

-Bring up healthcare students to buttress the system

-Create contagion wings in the hospitals, separate from the rest

-NOT stop regular planned surgeries in most cases, there was no reason to prioritise c19 over most other surgeries

-NO mandates, had the youth of the world all caught the earlier versions of this virus, herd immunity would have been mush faster, and less collateral damage.

To claim ANY shot (specially not an experimental one, holy shit) should be "mandatory" is to completely deny the reality spelled out in all pre-March-2020 Pandemic Planning.

These actions were not evidence-based, they went AGAINST all past-evidence and AGAINST all past official resolutions to NEVER AGAIN.

Homo sapiens is but a monkey, expecting new results from ever proven bad policy.

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2 weeks to fast-track a new generation of health care grads AND create new contagion wings, which presumably wouldn't just cannibalize existing wards?

Why not build Rome in a day while we're at it, and terraform & colonize Mars by the end of the week?

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read some more efficacy wains after 2 or 3 months you will need booster till the day they put you in the ground as the vaccines are useless against the "new" variants

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They're not "deadly duds", but they are certainly not preventing transmission as no coronavirus will be, due to:

1-high mutation rate

2-short Ig antibody shelf-life

3-vast animal reservoir

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Yes, there's more deaths than all previous vax combined.

No, the deaths are still much much less than c19.

The porn-fear is on BOTH sides of this discussion.

However, as pertains strictly to the mandates issue, no mandate is ever ethical.

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Not true. Death certificates were faked by the thousands - financial incentives to hospitals, along with threats to withdraw funding, made sure of this. Go to brandnewtube.com And also the corona committee website where they are preparing for Nuremberg 2.

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ya ya ya, all partially true, but still WAY less deaths than c19.

Trouble is the exaggerations by BOTH sides.

Medical mandates are always non ethical.

You don't need all the other stuff to hold the principle of bodily autonomy.

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To people like sentient, you and I are both paid shills for Big Pharma because we don't think the vaccines contain brain control microchips funded as a joint venture between the lizard people and the Illuminati.

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Yeah, you do need at least some of "the other stuff" so that the criminal enterprises - Pfizer is perhaps the ultimate example - can be held accountable. Then they will be responsible for damages.

I make a point of not exaggerating by the way.

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You are very confused, Mike604. As Prof. Pohler said, the questions and policies at issue are 'nuanced' (possessed of multiple layers of detail, pattern, or meaning). The interview is not the vehicle for 'critically examining the basic physical, underlying scientific details of how this is more than a pandemic'.

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Right after the vaccines were rolled out I got emails from friends and family asking if I'd been vaccinated yet. My reply then was the same as it is now: Welcome to the test group, and good luck, but I prefer to remain in the control group.

Conversations with people I've spoken too since then all put forth the argument that there's some sort of moral obligation involved, and that I should do the right thing to protect the vulnerable and ease the burden on the health care system.

Sorry, no dice. The entire point of vaccination is to protect you from me, not the other way around. If you're vaccinated, then by definition you are protected. Otherwise, it's not a vaccine. At the beginning we had Fauci saying "the vaccines are virtually 100% efficacious." So, how did that work out? Still feel protected?

Now you say the vaccines reduce symptoms compared to not being vaccinated. Well sorry, that argument is premised on the lack of early treatment, evidence for which existed before the vaccines arrived, and which was suppressed on the flimsiest of arguments: that we lacked long term safety data and large scale clinical trials. In short, the same lack of evidence as accompanied the so-called vaccines.

Meanwhile, solid evidence from around the world proves that early treatment is at least as effective as the vaccine, with none of the attendant risks. You had to dig to find this out, because a full court press by MSM ensued to discredit early treatment, accompanied by so-called "fact checkers" with zero qualifications banning any discussion of the issue on social media. This reached the height of absurdity when they rolled out Rachel Maddow, every Karen's favourite virologist, to tell you that you're not a horse, a sentiment echoed by the FDA, even though the drug in question (IVM) has been in human use for decades and has a stellar safety record - better than Tylenol in fact. So basically, they were lying. Right to your face.

The medical ethic of dealing with a new pathogen is crystal clear, and every doctor knows this. You reach into your tool box of possible treatments, and weigh the likelihood of success against the possibility of harm. In the case of IVM and HCQ, the record speaks for itself. Both widely used for decades, and safer than almost any drug we know of. So why were they denied across most of the western world? Why are doctors being harassed and threatened with loss of their licence for prescribing it?

If you haven't figured out by now that you're being lied to on a massive, systemic scale, then by all means, go get your booster shot. They're up to 4 in Israel now, and talking about a 5th and 6th as we speak. Just so you know though, the Canadian govt. has about 8 million doses sitting in inventory, all targeting the original virus which has long since disappeared. That's what you'll get when you go for your booster, so all you're really doing is helping the government avoid the embarrassment of having spent 1/4 BILLION dollars on a vaccine that no longer works, and that never could work for reasons any epidemiologist could have told you since day 1: You cannot defeat a respiratory virus with a vaccine.

Lastly, if you haven't looked into this question other than to take proven liars at their word, then you have no business debating me or anyone else who's researched this topic in depth. If you don't know the difference between a sterilizing and non-sterilizing vaccine, if you haven't looked at the scientific papers drawing attention to the dangers of vaccinating with a product that hasn't been properly tested, if you haven't asked yourself why the only treatment on offer is not a traditional "killed" virus vaccine but an entirely novel gene modifying approach, if you don't know what OAS or ADE are, or the danger of non-aspirated injection, then fine, go ahead and join the test group, but if you try to drag me into it because irrational fear and ignorance got the better of you, then you can expect a fight.

Final point, and this one's for all you low information pro-vaxxers with your hollow arguments and cowardly behaviour. If you go hungry because people like me refuse to be coerced into taking a untested drug against sound medical advice and long standing international conventions, then it's on you. Me, I'm just parking my truck and staying home and frankly, I don't care if you go hungry. You, with your ignorance, your arrogance and blind trust in Authority did this to us, so turn about is fair play.

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Brilliant comment - thanks so much for articulating it so clearly!

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Japan basically has the pandemic under control. On August 13 a nobel prize awarded scientist / doctor spoke to the nation and said that there is overwhelming evidence that Ivermectin works.

Listen here;


Since that time Japan has been on a positive trend. If you search on this you will get a long list of articles saying Japan is not using Ivermectin. So the reason this is so subverted is that if there is an effective treatment available and experimental treatment cannot be approved. Hence the corruption. BTW Pfizer is working on a treatment that has the same medical effect as Ivermectin, hmmm...?

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My wife is Japanese and we follow their news closely. IVM is approved for treatment in Japan and it's available by prescription. That said, most people went the vaccine route, and being a very orderly society, have complied with restrictions such as masks and social distancing. Their constitution forbids the closing of private businesses by government edict, so it's a matter of the owner's choice whether they stay open. Most have stayed open.

For information on the situation in Japan and other nations: https://ourworldindata.org/

For information on global IVM adoption, currently at 37%:


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Japan also states on the government website that vaccination is a personal choice and no one should be discriminated against because of that choice

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If I’m correct, Pfizer already has this pill, which has been approved by Health Canada. But Ivermectin, hell no, there’s no money in that!

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Hard to find information on that, looks like their deaths are still super low though

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More than 31 times lower than Canada.

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There was no pandemic. It was an unprecedented global propaganda campaign to reduce the human population and strip them of their assets including the paychecks, benefits and pensions of rightfully non-compliant federal government workers.


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Well said ebear. The naked truth is gonna hurt those that dove into the experiment, managed by incompetent politicians and so called medical experts, with both feet because it was easier and required no thought. Why, they left the thinking to the politicians. Power is to the people that can think for themselves and that can make informed decisions based on facts and the laws of nature.

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Jan 25, 2022Edited
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Good point!

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A question about your comment that ''...the only treatment on offer is not a traditional "killed" virus vaccine but an entirely novel gene modifying approach''. My understanding is that the Johnson & Johnson is in fact a traditional ''killed'' virus vaccine, has been approved in Canada, and is available in at least some cities. Is that not the case?

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"The Johnson & Johnson vaccine delivers the virus' DNA to your cells to make the spike protein. An adenovirus acts as a delivery vehicle used to carry the coronavirus genetic material (DNA). The adenovirus delivers the little piece of DNA to the cell that will then make the spike protein. After your cells produce the spike protein, your immune system creates antibodies toward the spike protein, protecting you from infection."

So no, it's not a killed or fragmented virus vaccine, it produces the spike protein as well, it just uses a different delivery method. Sputnik V works the same way. Besides the Chinese vaccine, there are several traditional vaccines available now, but not in Canada or the USA.

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Calling Ivermectin horse dewormer is stupid, but it's covid efficacy is nonetheless mostly tied to parasitic infections as a comorbidity.


I support targeted mandates based on hospitalization risk (since the only real large scale danger Covid poses is ICU overload). 1 dose mandate for 18-34, 2-dose mandates for those over 35, and mayyyyyybe booster mandates for those over 65 (nothing for under 18). I also think truly essential workers like truckers and nurses should be exempt.

All of which makes me completely politically homeless; I'm not pro-vaxx enough for the Pfizer groupies, and not anti-vaxx enough for the tinfoil hat brigade.

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If "hospitalization risk" is the metric, then how about other targeted mandates, based on hospitalization risk for:

1. Smokers

2. The obese

3. Fatty food consumers

4. Those engaged in high-risk activities

5. The list is long

Let's subvert *everyone's* privacy and individual freedom simply based upon their cumulative hospitalization risk taking into account EVERYTHING they do in their lives. Fast drivers, sexually promiscuous, heavy drinkers, sedentary office workers, etc. Because the unvaxxed are hardly the only people with a "hospitalization risk", and they're well down the list, to boot.

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The economics of freedom. We can smoke but are taxed heavily to offset the probable extra cost in healthcare. Likewise with alcohol, sugar, and high risk lifestyle indirectly through insurance. Exception may be home brew/wine and Cannabis where Canadians can ‘grow yer own’ but I’m watching to see if that will last. Whatever our choice re to vax or not to vax, there’s a cost. In the words of Bob Dylan: “your gonna have to serve somebody, it may be the devil or it may be the lord but your gonna have to serve somebody” the thing is, in this debate some think the devil is the lord while others think the lord is the devil. I agree that it seems to come down to a choice between ICU and civil liberties. I’m choosing to be fully vaxed cuz any risks can’t be as bad as smoking, breathing CO2 emissions, drinking, drugging, STIs, skiing, air travel, walking down the street…. Choosing not to be vaxed sounds like no risk (to me), no fun.

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Because we don't really have to worry about obese smokers all having strokes within a week of each other. Their hospitalizations will be spread out enough over time that the health care system can cycle them through.

What makes COVID scary is how many people it can put in the ICU all at the same time.

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Calling Ivermectin horse dewormer is stupid, but it's covid efficacy is nonetheless mostly tied to parasitic infections as a comorbidity.

Sorry, but IVM has several active mechanisms independent of its anti-parasitic effects. First, it's a zinc ionophore, which transports zinc ions into your cells where they interfere with viral replication. This is why it should always be taken with zinc supplements because most people are zinc deficient. Second, it blocks both the viral RBD (receptor binding domain) and the ACE2 receptors on epithelial cells, the major point of viral entry. There are other modes of action as yet unconfirmed, so I won't mention them here.

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I'm more focused on the ability to outperform a placebo; where ivermectin consistently does that is in regions with high rates of parasitic infections. Elsewhere, not so much, though that might be because it was understudied/underutilized in more developed countries.

I'd love to see data from Japan on ivermectin vs. placebos, if that exists.

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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Thank you for this article. I don't think you can discuss mandates without also discussing the passports. Essentially, both mandates and passports were foisted on us in order to prevent the spread of Covid: you get the shot, it prevents you from getting sick and you can't spread the disease. As you pointed out and what should be obvious to all by now, the shots do not prevent disease (I know MANY double vaxxed who got sick over the Christmas break). Therefore the logic of mandating them to "keep people safe" is nonsensical. Further, a "passport" proving your vaccination status will likewise do nothing to protect anyone as the bearer of that passport is capable of both contracting Covid and spreading it.

Meanwhile, we have a Prime Minister spewing hate speech about "those people" who are endangering everyone else's lives because they won't comply with his mandates. Excuse me, but if the shots don't stop the illness, can't EVERYONE spread the illness? And where is the discussion of natural immunity? I am a health care worker who has been working throughout the pandemic. I am not in a high risk environment and I likely had a very mild case of Covid in March 2020 (I was unable to get tested as I didn't fit all the criteria at the time). As we now also see from the hundreds of references regarding the efficacy of natural immunity over the injections (why this is a surprise I can't understand... injections can only ever mimic our natural response to illness...) there is no logical reason for a Covid recovered person to risk taking an injection for something they are already immune to.

And as it turns out there are many severe adverse effects to the injections, including disability and death. Unfortunately, Canadian statistics are abysmal regarding adverse reactions and deaths due to the injections so I don't think we get a clear picture as to the real frequency.

Looking to VAERS in the US we see astounding numbers of injuries, and according to Dr. Jessica Rose (https://downloads.regulations.gov/CDC-2021-0089-0024/attachment_1.pdf) adverse events are greatly under-reported. As it stands, there are so far more deaths listed due to the Covid injections in the past year than in ALL OTHER VACCINATIONS COMBINED FOR 30 YEARS. These injections are not as safe nor effective as we were initially told. So, if there is a risk of death or injury from the injections, it is morally and ethically wrong to mandate them or coerce through threats of job loss or denial of normal social engagement. Where there is risk there must be choice. And as the President of Croatia has recently stated, when death is a potential risk, mandates are in fact murder.

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"Essentially, both mandates and passports were foisted on us in order to prevent the spread of Covid:"

That's what we've been told, but it looks more like they're using it as cover to roll out a social credit score along the lines of what's been done in China. I can't eat in a restaurant, even though I haul the food that ultimately ends up on those tables. I can't fly anywhere now, including out of the country forever (which I'm seriously considering), and if they extend the trucker mandate to all of us, not just the ones who run south, then I'm out of a job. How is that not already a social credit score?

Wait until you have to show your vaccine passport to make a bank withdrawal, like they just tried in Kazakhstan, then tell us it's about public health. (and no, it wasn't just about gas prices)

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I agree completely with you. Of course this whole issue is about control: control of your body, control of your mind, your movement. I'm lucky... so far there's been no mandate for private health care workers to get the shot and I work with like minded practitioners (there are actually a lot of us out there!). The issue of running is difficult, my husband and discuss it all the time... what will be the breaking point where we feel we have to flee to a Red state in the US? If it gives you any comfort there are a lot of grassroots groups organizing "parallel" communities, organizations. Rallies have been a great opportunity to be with like minded people (no, we're not misogynists nor racists), to network. You have to find people who will support you. It may be easier than you think.

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Thanks. We have an out which is Japan - my wife's birthplace. It's far more rational there and we have family. Russia is also an option, and again, also more sane, although they hitched their wagon to Sputnik V which was a mistake IMO. Still, plenty of ways to get around the BS in Russia. Russians are far more skeptical than Canadians.

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I'm not sure moving to Putinland will improve your civil liberties outlook. At least Justin Trudeau doesn't use radioactive tea to poison people who make fun of his various Mr. Dressup costumes.

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There's not much I can tell you about Russia if you bought into that polonium tea nonsense. I suppose you also think Putin stole the election from Hillary, hacked the DNC server, invaded Ukraine and poisoned the Skripals. Have I left anything out?

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In no particular order, Putin mostly just fucked around with fake social media accounts to troll voters before the election, but he sure as hell rigs his own, which is why he always manages to win reelection with 117% of the popular vote.

Yes he invaded Crimea, and Georgia before that, and yes poisoned the Skripals and Nalvany.

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In no particular order, Putin mostly just fucked around with fake social media accounts to troll voters before the election, but he sure as hell rigs his own, which is why he always manages to win reelection with 117% of the popular vote.

Yes he invaded Crimea, and Georgia before that, and yes poisoned the Skripals and Nalvany.

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Justin Trudeau - husband (where the fk are you, Sophie?), father (pray for those kids), faux PM (pray for all Canadians) - is a monster. Sad what happened to him in childhood, but a monster nevertheless, deluded into thinking he is, as precious spawn of Pierre, destined - along with Jerry B and the rest of the cult - to save the planet by culling Canadians. Think you will be spared? Think again. What will poor Justin do when mentor Klaus is arrested and has to face the world court for crimes against humanity? Claim to be "just following orders"?

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Excellent synopsis - thank you!

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Excellent, clear summary - thanks.

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Comrade: you don't need a long article to state that the answer to your question is F*** NO.

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Anyone interested in the scientific evidence around natural immunity should have a look at this latest video by Dr. John Campbell of the UK. This is based on a January 19, 2022 article on the CDC statistics in the U.S.


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John Campbell is a shill, isn't he?

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Hi sentient, I don't see him that way. Although he comes from a largely mainstream view, he seems to try to provide a somewhat balanced view, which is definitely statistics based. In other words, he tries to make sense of scientific and statistical reports in a fair-minded manner. He also has had guests on his videos who have been vaccine-injured and given them a forum to tell their stories. I consider him a "bridge builder," like Tara Henley. God knows, we need people who can help bring us together by not aligning rigidly with either "side," but rather attempting to report as honestly and fair-mindedly as possible in a complex, highly nuanced situation.

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Maybe. Let's find out who pays him...

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Thank you, Tara and Dionne, for your willingness to engage in this debate in a sociopolitical climate of suppression of views that go against the mainstream messaging, which seems to be accepted unquestionably.

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This *entire* conversation is fatally flawed from the get-go. It's based on a patently false premise, namely, that the Chinese virus experimental gene therapies are "vaccines".


We know this, because they don't do what vaccines are supposed to do, they don't behave the way vaccines behave.

And we know THIS, because the corrupt, dishonest US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had to change the definition of "vaccine" in order to call these "vaccines" precisely BECAUSE they don't do what vaccines do.

So whether vaccine mandates are reasonable is a moot point in this case. The question is,

Are experimental gene therapy mandates reasonable? And THAT discussion would take about five seconds to conclude. (I timed it.)

"Are experimental gene therapy mandates reasonable?"


"Thank you for coming. Folks, join me next week when we investigate whether calling a horse's tail a "leg" would mean you now have a five-legged horse."

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Relax and enjoy the show here over the coming months. You will witness the Useless class do mental somersaults as they try to come to terms with their parasitic natures.

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Jan 25, 2022
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Stocked up on the ghee corn...

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I am fully vaccinated. My comment is an appeal for truth, transparency, and reliance on science versus politics, emotion, and media dramatization. I like science and utilized it often in my risk management career.

Here is a report from the CDC


This report clearly confirms that if you have been diagnosed with covid your immunity is actually better than double vaccination. Not surprising given that vaccines efficacy comes from attempting to mimic having the disease.

The head of the CDC also recently stated that vaccines do not stop transmission.

Here is the data on vaccine "injury" from the Canada health website


The data shows that the vaccine isn't 100% safe for everyone, 269 deaths and 7,738 serious injuries in Canada as a result of vaccination.

Data from the Alberta Health shows the following about Alberta covid deaths

about 75% of all deaths had 3 or more existing conditions

about 17% had 2 conditions

About 5% had 1 condition

about 3% had no previously diagnosed conditions

The most common comorbidities in Alberta were; hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular disease, renal disease (kidney disease), diabetes, respiratory disease, and dementia

So covid is primarily a risk for people who have known underlying conditions (97% of all deaths). How many people 30 (even 40) or younger have the conditions listed above, pretty rare I would think. That might explain that the average age of a covid death is in the 80s across the world. In the UK the average lifespan for men has dropped by 7 weeks since covid. For women the average lifespan has increase by 1/2 a week in the same period.

Risk = Consequence x Probability - thats the science. Government and media focus on consequence. If consequence only was the focus on, for example, traffic accidents we could justify shutting down traffic (did you know that globally about 1.5M people a year die from traffic incidents (a disproportional # of young people) - covid is what, 30% more than the traffic fatality number and a disproportional number of people over 40). I have not crunched the data (because I have not found it) but my hypothesis is that young people without underlying conditions likely have about the same risk of dying from the flu and more risk of dying in a traffic accident as dying of covid. Thats what the science will likely say if we use it. If true, a young person would have a higher overall survival rate if they took a traffic awareness class versus a jab of a vaccine.

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Listening to you now on Megyn kelly! Good choice Tara. You are knocking it out of the park. I may have to support you financially!!

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I just finished also. It was great! Did you catch Tara's interview with Glenn Greenwald? He has it on his Rumble channel.

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Wow! I am laughing because Matt Gurney and Jen Gerson were speculating that Tara may end up in far-right land and fade into obscurity. I am thinking they may be a bit envious now

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Yeah, and Matt and Jen are pro vax - guess they missed out on a few sources.

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Oh, I want to watch this. Is it on YouTube?

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Saw it - way to go, Tara!

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Awesome article. Like most crises, AIDS/HIV, SARS, MERS , WMD or 9-11. We tend to overreact. Governments & media seize the opportunity to gain power or improve ratings. In every situation, they pick a villain, organize a mob, shun & suppress opinions or facts that goes against their collective narrative.

Years go by, more facts emerge and the truth eventually comes out. Usually the mob finds a scapegoat, accepts no responsibility for their part, then deflects to move on to the next “crisis”

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In this case, the scapegoats are the unvaccinated, people who just want to have the choice of what they put in their body. I believe that the “authorities” are using this group of people in this way as a kind of “cover” for the public acceptance of their messaging (which is constantly changing because the virus itself and information about vaccine efficacy is always changing). If they can convince people that whatever is happening is the fault of the unvaccinated, it makes their difficult job much easier.

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Exactly. Our health care system is among the most expensive in the western world but yet it's always operated at max capacity. It didn't take long for covid to show how stretched thin it was. Rather than tackle that, the politicians choose to blame the unvaxxed. Although, Kenney is starting to talk about it. Maybe things will start to change.

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The problem with "tackling" capacity is that it would make the healthcare system even MORE expensive than it already is. Med school isn't cheap, and neither are ventilators and MRIs.

We're constantly trying to balance capacity with affordability. Vaccine mandates are, in that sense, cheaper than doubling everybody's tax rates.

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Agreed that "tackling" capacity is not realistic either. Didn't mean to give that impression. But we have lots of inefficiencies in our system that need to be addressed. Israel has an interesting system in which they've combined a somewhat private model with a one user payer (gov't).

I also strongly disagree with the 'vax' tax. If you go down that road, then what is to stop the goalpost from moving and seeing people who are obese/smokers/ alcoholics/other addicts....from paying an extra tax. Or maybe they'll tax those who engage in risky activities like skiing or mountain climbing.

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It is called a pigouvian tax, and it compensates society for the costly conduct of others. Pigouvian taxes are hardly taxes at all.

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That was interesting, thanks. I do find that measures like restricting where people are able to smoke (which highly benefits us non smokers) to be more effective than the pigouvian 'tax' applied to cigarettes.

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Booze and smokes are already taxed when you buy them. That's why a pack of smokes costs $15.

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I doubt that cost has healthcare factored into it. The cost is set to avoid too many people from trying to bootleg. And you can get pretty cheap wine for $8.

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The healthcare system was made for man, not man for the healthcare system.

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I'd rather not have my taxes double so we can carry more health care capacity indefinitely.

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Personally, I'd rather they used the taxes we do pay better. We pay pretty high taxes already and one justification is the health system. What are they doing with that money?

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Hope so. However, Kenney may be playing "good cop." We'll see.

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Agreed. He was quite against Quebec's vax tax so I'm trying to remain hopeful.

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To be clear, Kenny SAID he was against Quebec's vax tax. Remember when he said he was against vaccine passports? Doug Ford said the same thing about both. They gaslight. They mislead. They toy with us. They lie.

Jason Kenny is a die hard globalist. Most of them have secret affiliations which take precedence over those who elected them. They are told what to say and when. They are despicable.

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Being an actual Albertan, I can tell you that Kenney didn't want to implement vax mandates. It was only when we were hitting serious ICU overload that he bit the bullet, knowing it would piss off his base.

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Right....I had forgotten about that...

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And every single time we've said: NEVER AGAIN!

And then go and do it again. Humans are a ridiculous species. We do not learn, we just mimic. Repeating the same stupidities over and over and over again.

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“There’s this idea that people don’t know what’s good for them.” I have been thinking that for most of the pandemic! There is this very dangerous idea that only the enlightened social media elites and the government know what is good for us and that it is right to strong arm, shame, and bully anyone who isn’t on board with their plans for ‘the collective good.’

The professor put it perfectly: “As soon as we start assuming that people cannot make the best decisions for their own health, we go down a dangerous path.”

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“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

― C. S. Lewis

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