to add to the comment [....Of course liberalism isn't normal; you know what's normal in human affairs? Israel and Hamas; North Korea, Venezuelan corruption, Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ....] I agree - sadly. According to Wm Manchert's bio, W. Churchill came to veiw war as the norm for humans and periods of peace anomolies. I once read …
to add to the comment [....Of course liberalism isn't normal; you know what's normal in human affairs? Israel and Hamas; North Korea, Venezuelan corruption, Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ....] I agree - sadly. According to Wm Manchert's bio, W. Churchill came to veiw war as the norm for humans and periods of peace anomolies. I once read much of a Columbia University compendium of world history (ca 1978?). The authors addressing the eastern Mediterranean region in the time of Christ noted the archaelogical records found countless wars of annnihalation making it difficult to discuss the period. While the authors may have been side stepping the obvious challenges to briefly cover the subject, my big take-away was the incessant "wars of annnihalaton" for millenia. Sadly, it seems the current chaos in Gaza & mideast is merely a continuance of a timeless practice. Certalinly it seems many cultures of the area continue the mindset of annihalting their enemies whenever they get a chance.
to add to the comment [....Of course liberalism isn't normal; you know what's normal in human affairs? Israel and Hamas; North Korea, Venezuelan corruption, Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ....] I agree - sadly. According to Wm Manchert's bio, W. Churchill came to veiw war as the norm for humans and periods of peace anomolies. I once read much of a Columbia University compendium of world history (ca 1978?). The authors addressing the eastern Mediterranean region in the time of Christ noted the archaelogical records found countless wars of annnihalation making it difficult to discuss the period. While the authors may have been side stepping the obvious challenges to briefly cover the subject, my big take-away was the incessant "wars of annnihalaton" for millenia. Sadly, it seems the current chaos in Gaza & mideast is merely a continuance of a timeless practice. Certalinly it seems many cultures of the area continue the mindset of annihalting their enemies whenever they get a chance.