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"You might be part of the problem."

lol. I suppose I might: let's take your questions in order and see!

"...is it wonderful to be a Pentecostal Christian? A Latter Day Saint? An evangelical?"

I have no idea, since I am none of those. But it is wonderful that such people exist.

"...is it fascinating to be a truck driver?"

I have driven a truck (but only for a summer). I don't know that I would call the driving fascinating, but I did find the job satisfying.

"How much respect do academics show to truck drivers, and which of them has more social and political power?"

I imagine the level of respect depends on the particular individuals, whether they are academics or truck drivers. I shudder to imagine a world where the measure of a person's worth is how much "social and political power they wield." Pretty sure there are many people (both truck drivers and academics) wielding little "social and political power" whose company I would prefer to many who have lots.

"And who are these "narrow minded monkeys" on the tree you describe?"

The ones who would "...fight to defend their opinion that their branch is the best, and all others (even/especially the ones they have never visited) are inherently inferior." Was I not clear enough the first time around?

"What color are they?

What religion are they?

What is their economic class?"

I don't typically reduce people to any of the above classes. Inevitably, some of all of them are "narrow minded monkeys", at least some of the time. Perhaps it is the monkey reference that troubles you? It was meant to be a nod to Darwin and the theory of evolution, but if you don't subscribe to that I won't take offense.

"Would you describe a Hindu, an academic, or a Native American as a "narrow minded monkey"? I hope not."

Only if I thought the description apt for that person. Why would you hope not? Is it really so hard to see that the descriptor "narrow minded monkey" is independent of religion, profession, or ethnic background? In fact, I'm pretty sure any personality attribute you care to name is shared by some, but not all, of any of the above groups.

"And the fact that you would describe anyone that way proves the point Tara was making with her essay."

a) You seem to be hung up on the "monkey" metaphor. Feel free to substitute "person" for "monkey" in my description if that triggers you less. (Although I wonder if you think human's are somehow, different from? superior to? the rest of the animals in this beautiful ecosystem?)

b) As far as I can tell, the point of Terra's essay was "guilt by association". I fail to see how describing some people as "narrow minded monkeys" in their own right, has anything to do with "guilt by association". Just knowing, liking, hanging out with, exchanging internet posts with, a narrow minded monkey doesn't make you one. (Which is what I thought the point of Tara's post was.)

Am I part of the problem? Do I assume you bear responsibility for the actions/opinions of the people you interact with?


Trick question! Look up the African concept of "ubuntu". The translation I favour is something like "I am who I am because of who we all are."

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