In a mixed race partnership for 25 years, and the kids in the extended family also a mash-up of race/ethnicity. This is my family, which horrible ignorance and ideology is now coming for. No. Just no. The majority of our friend group in Canada in the late 90's/early oughts was 1st and 2nd gen Canadians, marrying each other and having families. That is how Canadians like it. Anyone who would argue with the bonds and true hard work of learning, relating, and loving across difference with partners, kids, family, friends and neighbours is acting from a place that is deeply regressive. That is not love, that is not social justice. There is perhaps another name for that, but I'll leave it here.

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I think the question should be deeper than that. The question is "Does the progressive movement actually have any principles or is it only a political movement of malcontents driven to protest grievance and achieve power through a sort of virtuous vulnerable narcissism construct?"

I think by now it is clear that the latter is more true. Because today just about every stated goal or interest of the liberal progressive movement has been discarded for the exact opposite. For example, the progressive movement claimed the civil rights agenda to equality where all people would be judged on character/behavior and nothing else. The progressive movement also demanded absolute free speech and rights to civil protest and even civil disobedience. Today the progressive movement rejects both of those goals claiming that the change supports social justice progress.

But clearly it is not progress. So this brings to the surface an unfortunate conclusion that the progressive movement is simply a political power play. And given that the political gloves can come off because the progressive movement lacks any virtue that it claims.

I love telling progressive feminists to pull up their big boy pants in the debate, because I support 100% gender equality... that hiding behind a fake misogynist claim defense isn't gonna work when they are attempting to kill their political opponents.

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My observation is that race is most important in status seeking cultures. (Usually where government, money, & power are situated)

My friend Gordon was always amused, because he (white guy) was the head of a very conservative Chinese clan in Vancouver. Because he was the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son, as his Great Grandfather had married a White woman when he came to Saskatchewan from China, then also had his Chinese wife, who's children he brought to Vancouver later. Point being, in "Redneck Western Canada" there always were interracial marriages, (Think Senator Lougheed, Peter Lougheed's grandfather who's wife was Cree). This goes back to Colonel MacLeod and his inclusion of his black housekeeper as a member of his family, and John Ware (escaped Slave) who was very influential in Alberta's history.

These days, I am amused by the tall white guy, who comes into the market weekly wearing the "Republic of Alberta" baseball cap with his very traditional Chinese wife and her parents. Like wow, talk about an inter-racial inter-cultural marriage. It seems to work well though, even if on the surface they both embody the stereotype's being pushed by simplistic media tropes.

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I love this guy’s relaxed, funny way of exploring this twisted cultural turn. Excellent interview.

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Tara Henley, I am glad to support your work. Another great interview. There’s hope for the future.

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Progressives only support positions that will advance their agenda.

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