I have been deeply offended by the “health” orders issued in March 2020 and beyond by provincial and federal doctors and politicians in response to COVID. As a former editor, I know my way around the Internet, and soon satisfied myself that my risk of getting COVID, much less dying from it, was less than one percent. The efforts made to bury the true effects and outcomes during this time, while astounding, have confirmed this assessment. I have come to regard the events of the past two years as theatre, reminiscent of the Matrix’s red pill blue pill scenario. More recently, it has become apparent that these events provided cover for more nefarious activities related to implementation of the Great Reset. Invocation of the Emergencies Act in response to the freedom convoy served to put a spotlight on these activities. The truckers and their followers brought me the only hope I have felt that my rights and freedoms might be restored. More importantly, those of future generations.

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I didn't start out a conspiracy theorist, I just though people were dumb. That changed,...

Excerpts from "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy.

page 26 –

In response to the mounting Tsunami that HCQ was safe and effective against COVID, Gates, Dr. Fauci and their Pharma allies deployed an army of industry-linked researchers to gin-up contrived evidence of its dangers.

By 2020, we shall see, Bill Gates exercised firm control over WHO and deployed the agency in his effort to discredit HCQ.

Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and WHO financed a cadre of research mercenaries to concoct a series of nearly 20 studies – all employing fraudulent protocols deliberately designed to discredit HCQ as unsafe. Instead of using standard treatment dose of 400 mg/day, the 17 WHO studies administered borderline lethal daily dose starting with 2400 mg on day 1 and 800 mg/day thereafter. In a cynical, sinister, and literally homicidal crusade against HCQ, a team of BMGF operatives played a key role in devising and pushing through the exceptionally high dosing. They made sure that UK government “Recovery” trials on 1000 elderly patients in over a dozen British, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish hospitals, and the UN “Solidarity” study of 3500 patients in 400 hospitals and in 35 countries, as well as additional sites in 13 countries (the “REMAP-COVID” trial) all used those unprecedented and dangerous doses. This was a brassy enterprise to “prove” chloroquine dangerous, and sure enough, it proved that elderly patients can die from deadly overdoses. “The purpose seemed, very clearly, to poison the patients and blame the deaths on HCQ,” says Dr. Meryl Nass, a physician, medical historian, and biowarfare expert.

Page 26

The minutes from that March 13, 2020 meeting suggest that BMGF knew the proper drug dosing and the need for early administration. Yet their same researchers then participated in deliberately providing a potentially lethal dose, failing to dose by weight, missing the early window during which treatment was known to be effective, and giving the drugs to subjects who were already critically ill with co-morbidities that made it likely they would not tolerate the high dose. The Solidarity trail design also departed from standard protocols by collecting no safety data only whether the patient died, or how many days they were hospitalized. Researchers collected no information on in-hospital complications. This strategy shielded the WHO from gathering information that could pin adverse reactions on the dose.

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I’m in the middle of the Fauci book now. It is amazing and horrible.

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If one doesn’t think that rich and powerful people conspire together to gain and retain more power and money, then they are the real conspiracy theorist.

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Well-said, indeed, Helen - from one editor to another. We know how to dig deeper when things matter, like this surely does! I recently read Julie Ponesse’s book “My Choice, The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates” (can’t do italics here!). An excellent synopsis, which should be recommended reading for everyone in these times. But hey, what does an ethics professor know about the issue anyway? Most people would rather continue to spout out this nonsensical and nauseating narrative like it actually makes any sense!

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Yes very well said. It is appalling how reality can be manipulated. There is no reality is there? I will purchase this book. Helen I appreciate your post very much. I am a working RN who was forced to get vaccinated or lose my job. And Bill Gates!!! Wow. Deluded by his own wealth I guess.

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Love her book as well! Agree it should be recommended reading for all.

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I totally agree. I am a RN over 40 years, graduate study in Epidemiology. The hypocrisy, brainwashing, laughable invocation of ‘science’ by our self-serving political elites, is disgusting. I also went to Ottawa to voice my outrage. The sooner we rid ourselves of that corrupt gang of liars, thieves, naifs, horse-traders and influence-peddlers calling itself the ‘democratic voice of the people’ the better!

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Thank you

Well said, you put my thoughts into words

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Val deserves our support and a full interview on your substack. You should also look into why human rights organizations like Amnesty International remained silent about the Emergencies Act as well as all of the other human rights violations with vaccine passports and lockdowns over the past 2 years. Freedom of speech, movement, and bodily autonomy have all been trampled in Canada.

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It would be an amazing post if Tara did an interview with Tamara Lich while she’s in prison being denied bail. Her voice needs to be heard.

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YESSS! And donate to her legal team. Her judge previously ran as a Liberal for Hawkesbury area. Needs to go to another judge.

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I cancelled my monthly donation to Amnesty International in the past few months and told them exactly why. They don’t stand up for my right of bodily autonomy, so that’s it. They’ll fight for everybody else’s rights but mine. I’m starting to see these organizations as part of the whole corrupt conglomerate!

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They sure are. And what amazes me is the Canadian truckers took a stand. And they were demonized by every corporate and governmental agency which was endorsed by the mainstream media. I just can't believe how far down the rabbit hole we are. Just sad and scary.

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Chrystia Freeland, has the nerve to say on the news "This is one of the times when freedom confronts Tyranny". What about the Tyrant she works for? Trudeau took away our civil rights and freedoms over 2 years ago and never returned any. We still can't travel to see family members in the United States, even when fully vaccinated, without paying blood money for a test we don't need, to get back into our own country. Another tax by Trudeau to control the movement of Canadians. Chrystia has supported Trudeau in all of these actions and should be ashamed of herself. She is a traitor to Canada. Trudeau invoked the emergency act because of truckers protesting mandates, arrested them and assaulted people because they were standing up against his lies. Then, he has the nerve to stand up in the commons and talk about freedoms being abused in Russia and complaining about demonstrators being arrested by police. That is the same thing he did to Canadian demonstrators. We need to worry about our lost freedoms and rights in Canada, under our own dictator. Forget Russia, how about standing up for your own people? If Chrystia can't protect the freedoms of her own citizens, she is not fit to be the deputy PM. As it stands now she is supporting tyranny in her your own country.

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I couldn’t agree more. The Ukraine situation has given them a convenient smokescreen to hide behind. What total and despicable hypocrites!

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Until some people start rubbing those hypocrites’ noses in the obvious similarity of their actions to Putin’s by logical extension…

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She is a piece of work isn't she? Bad news.

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I believe she is more dangerous than Trudeau. She’s certainly smarter. We all know Gerry Butts is Trudy’s brain. She does the work. He takes vacations.

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She’s on the Board of the World Economic Forum - one, if not the most, evil organizations on the planet. Trudeau is also a dedicated member. Read this link below. It is shocking - even more so when you see names of very high profile members!!


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Mar 1, 2022Edited
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The point these comfortable naifs like to ignore is that the trampling of our Charter rights here by Trudeau et al is only different from Putrid’s literal trampling of Ukrainians by degree.

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The Canadian truckers represent those people that built the country that the Trudeau people now benefit looting from.

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I absolutely love your content and look forward to it. It never disappoints.

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Thank you for opening the door and posting those first current letters to the editor. I have so much frustration at how Covid has been covered, and now how the Russia/Ukraine situation is being spun. To see you, a journalist, giving space to people who are cautiously putting their thoughts out helps heal my heart just a bit.

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Thank you. There is a gaping wound in Canadian society that needs to be healed. That can't even begin until the 'comfortable' listen to the 'afflicted' - really listen, without judgement and with compassion. Then they can say sorry for the suffering that they ignored and contributed to.

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In Canada, there is a simple maxim:-

This is Socialism, your betters know best, shut up and do as you are told. A ‘strong’ Polarizing Vortex has swept in from the poles and threatens our political climate. But Climate includes all countries and peoples of the world. We need to remember that our Planet is a Sphere, it has no sides, only Poles that are frozen wastelands without life.

We need to DePolarize….. Come in from the Cold…. Warm your Hearts.

And don’t worry about Climate Change; There is no Global Warming in Canada.

The ‘leaders’ have frozen everything, from your Freedom to your Funds.

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Love this.

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Thank you Nancy, add your own thoughts and pass it on. We get what we let, and we can no longer 'let' love freeze in solitude. Love is where the wellbeing of another is essential to your own.

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Nicholas Scarborough.

I second that comment.

I'm a 66 year young boomer whose parents lived in TYRANNY 80 years ago.

They came to Canada only to have two generations of the GLOBALIST EVIL ARROGANT Trudeau CARTEL ruin the country they came to.

Only one question.

When and how do we ARREST little potato 🥔 as the Chinese call him ,for crimes against humanity??

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This last week the world has been polarized in a way that reminds me of Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia in Orwell's blueprint book, 1984. The hysterical hate campaigns lack rationality and humanity. They foster fear and violence and do not help. Truckers feel it, too.

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I think they purposefully invert the truth to make us all think we’re the crazy ones.

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Thank you for sharing these peoples thoughts. The mandates are truly evil.

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The Liberal Party of Canada stands with those who wave Nazi flags

(or in this case, banners) Yeah, that's her. Deputy Prime Minister Freeland.


Banner reads "Glory to Ukraine"

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As always things are taken to extremes. Hey folks - you want a REAL look at oppression? Check out what's going on in the Ukraine. THAT is oppression. This other stuff in Canada sounds like a bunch of spoiled brats.

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Please enlighten us on the oppression in Yemen. Now THAT is a spicy meatball.

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Shawn, the concept is that everyone is equal under the law. (members of government are included in everyone) Let's not have this conversation until the judicial review of the implementation of the emergencies act and the lawsuit for charter of rights violations are complete. That will determine whether or not the government actions were lawful. Then if the actions were not lawful, let's observe whether there are consequences for those unlawful actions.

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I hope we can trust the courts on this one, Dean. They haven’t exactly been stellar in upholding constitutional rights in the past two years. But maybe the tide is turning. Julie Ponesse reports on one case recently that shows some hope in that regard.


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thanks for that piece of hope, I will share it with other weary truth seekers

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Mar 1, 2022
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Hey Jewel. Educate yourself by having a read of the book Hate Inc. Pretty much talks to the stuff you are espousing. Sadly no one deals with reality much any more. It's all this "we are so oppressed bull shit" The mere fact they were allowed to set up shop in Ottawa in the first place pretty much belies the so-called lack of freedom.

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Please reccomend a book about Yemen or Belgrade.

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Or Libya, or Syria, or Afghanistan, or Iraq, and how about the Donbass? Neo-Nazis murdering innocent civilians for 8 straight years. Ethnic cleansing I think they call that. Their crime? Not wanting to live under Nazi rule. Hear about that much on the CBC or CTV?

But O'Canada supports the poor suffering people of Ukraine - well, except for the Russian minority that is. Somehow they don't count.

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‘Allowed’?? No-one needs anyone’s ‘permission’ to exercise our lawful rights under the Charter. They ‘set up shop ‘ because they have the right to. Helped by the fact that the police and Ottawa city council underestimated them, laughed at them. After all: how could truck drivers be expected to have brains, be disciplined, able to organize and communicate? They’re all uneducated knuckle-draggers, right? How indeed. I do believe the comfortable elite in Ottawa just got owned.

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So I guess employing that logic means I would have the right to sit out in front of your home and blast my car horn 24/7 or set up a portable toilet or a bouncy castle on the road in front of your home. I could come up with a legit cause for my anguish. My buddies and I would mill around all day and night yelling insults and generally being a pain in the ass. Because, after that is my "right", right?

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Where are my book recommendations?

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I think it is very sad that a public health initiative has been politicalized. Many vaccines are already mandatory because they save lives and because they keep vulnerable people safer. Sometimes the idea of civic duty is usurped by a demand for individual rights. There needs to be a balance. In regard to the Emergency Act imposed by the Federal government, I look forward to understanding the whole story. I don't think we have all the facts as of yet.

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I don’t believe it’s part of one’s civic duty to take an experimental vaccine that only protects the taker, and minimally at that. Stay home if sick! Let me have early treatments that work! Codependency is never healthy.

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I don't think any human should ever be forced to take something they really don't want or have concerns about. I believe more information will be coming that will at least justify some of the concerns of the vaccine hesitant. (i.e. Pfizer has been court ordered to begin releasing data from their clinical trials beginning this month, which they tried to avoid). Also the CDC has some explaining to do regarding withholding information from the public. I personally have lost trust in everyone: the government, banks, legacy media, pharmaceuticals, education system, police, public health, science etc. China is the only economy that flourished during the pandemic. In Canada, we also saw the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the elites. We saw how the rules only applied to us and not the governments or upper class. As far as protests go, Ottawa had to have been one of the most peaceful. For example, BLM had more violence and damage to property by millions of dollars. And the only thing we ever heard from the PM was accusations of racism, misogynists, etc. They hadn't even arrived in Ottawa when that started. This is a very complex issue. The pandemic management seemed like building an airplane while in mid flight. The modelling used by public health was not accurate. Thousands of people will die because they were denied access to healthcare (testing, treatment etc.) because if you didn't have covid you weren't important. I am rambling now. But my belief is more will be revealed and I predict it will not be pretty. Our economy is ruined, our morale and mental health is suffering and we are a country divided thanks to the liberals. I have almost always been liberal but not anymore.

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You are absolutely right! "This is a very complex issue." What is disconcerting is how it has turned into a political ideological movement from the start when Trump called it a Democratic hoax and brought tremendous division to the world. This virus was expected. Obama had an office set up for when the next global pandemic that would appear. Trump disbanded it. From there on all I have seen are bizarre conspiracy stories and consistent misinformation. Dr. David Sinclair a Harvard geneticist naively wrote in his book "Life Span - why we age and why we don't have to"that not" if" but "when" the next pandemic comes all the counties will shut down travel. HA HA. Countries like New Zealand with 0 Covid cases opened up recently and now its in the multiple thousands. Commerce is leading the way to this tragedy. The spread is also fueled by social media misinformation, especially political and plain greed in not caring about the reality of being a spreader.

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Hi Victoria, here's a personal fact, I am fully vaccinated, got covid, my wife is fully vaccinated and boosted, got covid from me,.... we are keeping our elderly Mom safe at this time by avoiding seeing her because our vaccination did not protect each of us or stop the spread. If you don't know a hundred of these stories firsthand where are you living? This is not a public health initiative, it is a political initiative, full of wild inconsistencies. The USA for example has states that have had no mandates from day 1, for example Florida and S. Dakota. They have lower cumulative covid deaths rates over the two years than 1/3 of all US states, including states with the most extensive mandates. I don't need a mask study or a vaccine study to draw a conclusion from that. BTW Florida also has laws prohibiting businesses to require masks or vaccination. Also, US mainstream media runs critical and inaccurate stories about Florida. Don't rely on MSM to build your understanding if you want your understanding to be based on truth. Here are two sources of very reliable information. YouTube channels of Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Vinay Prasad.

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The absolutely astonishing thing to me is that the Covid uneducated and uninformed public totally seem to miss that the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection or transmission. The virus spreads equally among the vaccinated and unvaccinated (maybe even more so among the vaccinated, as I read in a recent study). So the mandates and passports are completely unwarranted and unjustified. Is that so difficult to comprehend?

The two YouTube channels you mention are excellent sources for people to get educated. Dr. Campbell, a highly credible and trustworthy person, did one recently showing overwhelming evidence of the superiority of natural immunity over vaccination, a subject that has been ignored in the mainstream baloney coverage.

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Both those channels are my mainstays too! Plus Russel Brand’s for reporting un/underreported news and getting us to THINK about it.

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Yes, I love Russel Brand’s videos. Check out the one on Freeland talking about their “tools” in the “toolbox” that they intend to make permanent. It’s a riot (sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of it all). Brand is a brilliant, informative, and entertaining commentator on the crucial issues of today.

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Oh yes I LOVE that one! He cracks me up during this maddening insanity.

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Thank you thank you thank you for your message. You hit the nail directly on its head. We cannot let up on this as it is definitely a political initiative perpetuated and fuelled by the MSM. Excellent message Dean.

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I watch both of these individuals. They provide rational unbiased information. The covid response has definitely been a political approach and the modelling used was totally inaccurate. It's done more long term harm than good.

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We don’t force anyone to take any other vaccines. We demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids, but they can refuse, without losing their jobs or having their bank accounts frozen. We don’t deny Jehovah’s Witnesses’ rights to work or travel for refusing blood; we might roll our eyes and say snarky things amongst ourselves in the nurses’ station, but we don’t refuse them access to their sick relatives in hospital or freeze their finances causing them to lose their businesses and homes..

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How about that case forcing the child of Jeovah's witness to receive blood, instead of dying? Should we or shouldn,t we go above parents' rights to kill their children?

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At last, a sane approach. We have eradicated so many diseases through vaccination. We are already making vaccination compulsory for children for a few diseases. This place is a nest of conspirationists. I don't think I will maintain my subscription...

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Paul, you are right, diseases such as polio have nearly been eradicated by vaccines, but those are viruses that don't mutate, and those vaccines are tested for an absolute minimum of 4 years and subject to great transparency. You should keep your subscription, it's ok to have people around who have a different opinion. It's just best to back up your opinions with verified facts versus gravitate to people who agree with you. The latter is called tribalism and it's not making the world better.

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All the buzz on conspiracies, tyranny, truckers support, etc gets tiresome...Vaccines were pushed through very fast and beyond experimental testing, but this was war...I can understand the disagreements, but once a democratic government makes a decision, letLs stick to it. Rarely would there be a decision so widely supported.

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Does ‘conspirationist’ even appear in a dictionary or did you just make it up?

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Sounds appropriate!!!

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Meh. It says more about your level of literacy and uninformed bias

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Agree!!!! Balanced sane view.

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Keep up the good work Tara. Substack is the only place I trust for valid and common sense discourse that doesn't ridicule or insult different ideas or beliefs.

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Thanks for sharing these letters. I think I identify with an element of each. I think everyday Canadians (not loony racists, misogynists etc) know something is seriously wrong with so many of our institutions and are either are fearful to express those concerns or can’t exactly articulate them but can’t escape the gnawing reality around them.

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