Working on a yard landscape change removing grass and concrete to install attractive raised-bed gardening structures. My wife was against it (loves the aesthetics of a more traditional yard) until I turned her on to some reading, including Dr. Joel D. Wallach, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie", and "The Truth About Nutrition". Dr. Wallach's basic theme is that commercial grown food is starved of needed minerals and that is why we are more sick these days. My wife is now all-in for growing more of our own fruit and veggies... and getting our meat from local small producer ranchers. Adding a freezer to our garage.

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It's an interesting piece of strategy that the so-called political 'left' weaponizes the term 'right wing' against those thinking critically about Big Food, when government colluding with big industry is literally the definition of fascism, which used to be considered 'far right.' Down is up, and up is down. Well done to the people taking back their food supply chain, which often means taking back their health, calming their stress levels, and bringing back more wholesome relationship to the community of humans and all other living organisms. As a society we should be looking to this movement for cues and templates, not belittling or considering them 'fringe.' One would almost wonder if for some reason governments and big companies want to keep the population sick, if there is some vested interest in that. ahem.

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Having a son who has pursued much of this lifestyle with his wife and kids for a decade or so, I must admit it has some attractive aspects to it. He has, in the last few years, created a hybrid of sorts. He is no longer off-grid but has purchased an isolated home with the luxuries of electricity and indoor plumbing. We can visit by Zoom now and that has make a difference in our Grandparenting connections for which we are thankful.

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Interesting conversation. I wish it was longer! I would have enjoyed hearing more about her specific conversations with specific people and hearing more about their stories and to listen to the both of you discussing how this fits into the big cultural shift that happened during covid and now it connects to mental illness etc etc etc

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Here in Virginia, I know of many young farming families (some of whom I support as a customer or a volunteer) who didn't grow up on a farm, and they didn't have enough money, starting out, to purchase their own farmland. Instead, they rented parcels of land in the country (land that had previously been used for running cattle). I sometimes worry about how they're doing, financially, but, all in all, they seem to be very successful at supporting themselves and their young children (and they're doing a wonderful job raising free-range pork, chickens, and turkeys, and also completely grass-fed beef, which tastes AMAZING). I am so very, very proud of these young folks. Wish I had their energy. As it is, all my husband and I can handle, here on our own land, is caring for a vegetable garden and keeping a small flock of chickens for eggs.

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Years ago my friend tried to grow corn in his front yard.

Next thing you know, the cops show up with the code enforcement lady.

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