
"Go along to get along" is a very powerful force. It is powerful for a number of reasons.

1. The first few times I encountered the Trans Issue I had no idea what was going on. To be blunt, I was stunned and could not even formulate what I was thinking or feeling because it made no sense.

2. These issues are very insidious. They are inserted in every grant proposal, and every contract from the Government, the United Way, & other NGO's. When writing these proposals I always tried to point out the obvious, which was the population I served was by definition the most vulnerable. This of course made no sense to the university educated person with an MA in Sociology because they knew that the most vulnerable were indigenous, female, & LGBTQ. (Fun fact, historically the homeless in Calgary were 60% white males between the ages 40 & 55)

3. Unfortunately, with in the academic and NGO sector if you do research that is not liked, they never say anything to you, you just don't get another research contract, or a promotion. So outliers are not rewarded, and it is made clear to them that they need to go somewhere else.

With in the Human Services Sector compliance is rewarded, not results. (As much as they make noise about Evidence Based Practice)

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In thinking about the rise of trans-gender issues, I have always wondered why there is so little attention paid to possible physical, environmental causes. Joanna tends to dismiss the notion that a person can be "born in the wrong body" but I wonder. We know about the prevalence of endocrine disrupting chemicals, estrogen mimics, etc. (notably bisphenol A and phthalates (now partially banned - it's complicated)) in our environment. So maybe it's not so much a matter of being born in the wrong body as having our hormonal systems screwed up by environmental pathogens.

I recognize that doing the research would be fraught with ethical issues, but surely that is no reason to turn a blind eye to the possible significance...

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While correlation is not causation, there certainly is a high level of correlation between abuse, and gender issues. I can speak of this due to observation, but have no way to prove the relationship.

This is for several reasons, not the least of which is the very abused individual is extremely resistant to cooperating in any research or even talking about it. (For instance, having being abused, and being in the sex trade do seem to be connected) To quote one lady of the night, "If you are going to have unwanted sex, you might as well get paid for it".

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Regarding women in prisons, is there any instance of a biological woman who is presenting as a man asking to be incarcerated in a man's prison?

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Trump is the lesser evil in my view, and is certainly doing more for womens and girls rights than any of our political leaders in Canada of any "brand". The only way to survive this tsunami that only rewards the compliant, and humiliates dissident voices is to seemingly stay silent.. Its like all we know to be true is deemed irrellevant.

As a woman, and mother of 2 daughters, I have been in distress that we have had to share womens sports/bathrooms/changerooms. I watched in horror as a gay man and teacher in my community was the champion awarded a voice by the teachers society to speak for my childs best interest on transgender issues in front of the elected school board on this overlapping issue. To think we as parents would be lectured on what is in our childrens best intetest by a fatherless man that thinks he knows best, and counsel children to keep secrets from us! Ludicras! The lie that teachers are more trusted than parents.

There are documented rapes reported in our own Canadian swim change rooms by predators. Our laws are twisted to the LBGT agenda, and now any male has access no questions asked.


These perpetrators are sneaky personalities that can walk in dressed like women(or not). Perfect chameleon cover for a predator. The issue being you are not really allowed to ask anyone to leave.

Excellent conversation here. These laws that glorify trans rights, are in direct conflict our instincts as conservative women. Instincts protect us, and these laws prevent smart women and mothers from using these once safe spaces comfortably. My daughter is no longer on swim team because of this issue.

I heard tear jerking stories from the parents of girls in Maple Ridge School that has them holding themselves because they don't feel safe or comfortable using the toilet at school. But ofcourse Toronto Star is championing it like its oh sooo wonderful.


It is unfair. It is unsafe. Women and girls are tired of this agenda and frankly we are tired of being "nice" and polite about it. Enough is enough. Get your own bathroom/sport/ space. The political/law tide is changing.

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