Thank you for this. Just a note to clarify that healthcare workers are still fired. In BC we have lost our most experienced solid organ transplant nurse who was the educator and preceptor, the loss of senior nurses of emergency psychiatry at the largest Vancouver hospital, the loss of countless specialty nurses including in oncology.... basically the system has been broken. No movement on rehiring and in fact, the situation in some units has resulted in unit closures and dangerous overcrowding. Grievance meetings are being held with extreme disrespect towards the fired nurses. The message is that Dr Henry would rather crash the system then stop forcing experimental gene therapy. Many nurses have given up their licenses in BC and have left the province and Canada. I just wanted to make sure people understand that there has been no change to the unvx status for work in healthcare. Thank you!

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Isn’t there also another civil liberties abomination implicit with the “new” policy? Namely, returning Canadians must still state their personal, private medical information—their vaccine status. It’s none of the effin government’s business!

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Same is true in Nova Scotia. People are dying for lack of basic healthcare but unvaccinated doctors and nurses are still verboten. Some have already left the province or retired early. Public Health bureaucrats and government officials don't actually seem to care about people dying, as long as they can keep up appearances (presumably for the neurotically fearful) of being tough on COVID. This has nothing to do with science and is unethical beyond belief. These people have blood on their hands. I wrote an editorial letter for the Halifax paper about this last week. https://pairodocs.substack.com/p/the-ongoing-insanity-of-vaccine-mandates?s=w

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Subscribed. Since you're doing the work journalists should be doing, perhaps you'd be so kind to speculate as to why there's no Nuremberg for journalists.

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This is awesome, thank you for speaking out. I am going to share this widely!!!!!!

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Disgusting what they’ve done to healthcare workers in BC. I’m here too. Home of the lipid nanoparticles.

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Thank you for pointing out this continued injustice. It is a travesty what has happened to the BC medical system caused by these unjustified measures against unvaccinated health care workers. I greatly admire these professionals who have held fast and refused to be coerced and bullied into violating their own health instincts and choices.

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But the govt loves us. Ask Tara.

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Hahahhaa yes of course. "Safe and effective." 😊

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It stands to reason that the most capable clinicians would also be the most likely to perceive the threat of the vaccines, and also the most able to relocate to a more rational jurisdiction.

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Great point except that most places have hiring requirements of CVD vaccines now for healthcare workers. The US has the CMS mandate as well, which is federal. So we have capable clinicians, yes, who believe in medical ethics and body autonomy now not able to find any work in Canada and the US in healthcare. Places like Alberta have kept many unvd employed, but they will not accept new hires without the V.

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funny how most of the sick in hospital are vaccinated workers . why rely on GOV to male sense , they are there to make money not to help Canadians . good thing i will not live long enough to care . let them rot in the cesspool they created

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I have heard from a reliable source that Adrian Dix is the tyrant that wants to crash the system because he wants complete control.

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Absolutely would not be surprised at all if this was true.

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Absolutely. This cannot be emphasized or reported enough to make oblivious Cdns aware of the loss and suffering millions have endured due to irrational Covidiotic politics. And, which will result in more loss and suffering as we experience health care shortages. So much fraudulent conflict of interest needs to be exposed to the public - which has been hidden by the complicit Govt Press. (Currently working to push eliminate even more freedom of speech/press.) Deeply frustrating to see this divide and conquer strategy - again.

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Hi Clairity,

I am trying to find people like those you refer to here for a news piece I'm working on about the Canadian heathcare crisis. The pandemic fatigue answer isn't cutting it and I would like to interview Canadians who've left healthcare or left the country to continue working in healthcare due to the vaccine mandates. You can email me directly at dawn@dawnpier.com with any information you care to share. Please share my email address with anyone you care to and ask them to include HEALTHCARE NEWS PIECE in the subject line or something similar. Thank you!!

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Jun 16, 2022
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Agree. But humanity has been here before. Human sacrifice is what dying civilizations do.


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It's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to be cruel. Trudeau openly admires the CCP and human rights NGOs like Amnesty took his side against the truckers: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire?s=w

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The courts have been completely compliant on this as well. The SCC should have fast tracked some of the challenges - and they wonder why people have to resort to blockades.

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Pat King, one of the leaders/heroes of the convoy, remains in jail 113 days after being arrested for his role in the protest

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I’m a lifelong New Democrat who is thinking of voting Conservative

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I have been a lifelong supporter of the NDP as well, and am so disgusted with their lack of leadership and cowardliness around the restriction of people’s freedoms that I am supporting Poilievre for Conservative leader. It’s actually stunning to see the Conservatives standing up for citizens’ and workers’ rights while the NDP has remained silent. They have done their party and the Canadian public a great disservice that will not be forgotten.

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I'm shocked at myself that I am now a card carrying Conservative. I'm 49 and have always voted NDP, Liberal or Green - until now.

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I'm somewhere to the left of the NDP and i vote PPC last go round.. who would have ever thought!!

I disagree with most of the rights policies, and watching the conservative debate i realized they are all warmongers... but the matter at hand is more important.. and the libs and NDP are also warmongers too now probably

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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I totally get the skepticism. Believe me, I am not politically naive. I just want Trudeau out and don’t see how Roman Baber (who is the real deal) or the PPC will be able to garner the power to make that happen. If the Conservatives don’t elect a leader with a chance to defeat the Liberals, the Trudeau dynasty will continue.

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I like Roman Baber a lot, but with no national profile he doesn't have a chance. Don't trust Poilievre as far as I could throw him - can anyone confirm that last time he spoke in Vancouver you needed a vaccine passport to go listen to him?

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As I recall, and I can find the events online, he had huge rallies in the Vancouver area that were attended by people who surely did not need a vaccine passport as he was speaking out against them.

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It’s the venues which required it, not him. He addressed this.

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It’s the venues who required it, not him. I believe he addressed this.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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I wrote Tara a while back suggesting she do a piece on the WEF’s influence, as so many people, like you, adamantly insist that the WEF is running the show. I don’t dispute this, but I need to hear more about how the WEF operates, what its priorities and objectives are, etc. I haven’t yet read Schwab’s book “The Great Reset”, which it seems has fuelled this belief. It may or may not be the insidious threat to democracy that is being widely proclaimed. I simply want more constructive debate around this. There must be people out there who can offer incisive and timely perspectives in such a debate.

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Patryce, here's a good primer on the concept of Technocracy, of which WEF is the current iteration.


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It is ripe ground for conspiracy theorizing all right. They give the bad guys super human powers in my estimation. It is not at all hopeless.. but the people have to wake up.. maybe food shortages or nuclear war might do that.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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Tweedledum, tweedledee, as Tommy Douglas was fond of saying. The black cat and the white cat. But can we leave some room for the possible “grey” area? The reason the seemingly irrelevant choice between political parties in Canada has remained this way is because the Canadian public is so apathetic in challenging them. We need more of a participatory democracy in which ordinary citizens hold the politicians accountable. What makes you think that the PPC, if they ever came into power, would not abuse it also? It is up to the people to uphold and maintain democracy, not any one political party.

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it is all an illusion , even this substack

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Wasting your breath. It's a cult the same as Tara's.

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The NDP is under the control of the WEF, which is why Trudeau will be in power until 2025. The betrayal made me sick to my stomach. I'll be voting Conservative.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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I would back the PPC, except they have no foothold where I live. I'm also not convinced that Pierre Poilievre is a WEF puppet. His bio was up on the WEF site for a while, but I haven't actually come across any evidence that he's actually involved with the group in any significant way.


If you know more, please share. From what I can see, Poilievre is our best bet and I will back him unless you show me compelling evidence he's as bad as Trudeau and Singh.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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Do you have any actual proof that Poilievre has actual ties with the WEF? Other than the fact that his generic bio was briefly up on the WEF site. Because without any indication of any indication of deeper involvement, I don't find that significant.


In stark contrast, Trudeau is an actual graduate of the WEF Young Global Leaders program. Listening to Klaus Schwab brag about his influence on our government made me break out in goosebumps, I was so horrified:


There's a big difference between a politician saying or doing something I don't agree with, and later changing his tune, versus a politician who is a confirmed and irredeemable WEF puppet. With the former, I have some hope that he might be better than Trudeau and Singh.

The relentless COVID fearmongering brought out the crazy in most people, resulting in many otherwise rational people supporting fascist measures. This is also why most Canadians allowed themselves to be injected at least twice with experimental vaccines yet to complete clinical trials. People are still getting boosters even though it's now clear that C19 is nothing but a bad flu, and that the injections are neither safe or effective. Mass formation psychosis is real, and it's tough for people to break free, politicians included.

I know a lot of people who initially supported vaccine passports and mandates but changed their minds, as evidence mounted that the vaccines didn't prevent the spread. I'm not going to hold it against them, because they were literally scared senseless.

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Jun 16, 2022
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I used to be a card carrying Green Party member. I just joined the CPC.

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Jun 16, 2022
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And remember that Maxine Bernier was a Conservative who ran to be leader. As I see it, he should be encouraged to play an important role in the what may well be a new Conservative Party. His influence has already been recognized, as the PPC got something like 6% of the popular vote last election.

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I know what you’re saying, Jewel. The PPC was the only party that defended our freedoms from the beginning. But we’re faced with a real dilemma now in Canada, which is how do we vote the Liberals out of office. The Conservatives, as much as I don’t trust them, have at least taken up the mantle and fought for these rights in the last few months. They are the only party with a chance (at this point) of defeating the Liberals.

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Unfortunately looking at the magnitude and speed of the problems posed by this govt. I don't think voting is going to fix anything. Aside from the Hegelian dialectic fake pro wrestling considerations 2025 is too far away. There must be a vote of non-confidence somehow, and if there isn't a route to that one needs to be created imo.

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I somehow think that is going to happen as Trudeau appears to be sinking fast. Surely the NDP will pull out before 2025 if they know what's good for them. But the problem is they don't want an election as they don't have the money. So they are holding off for now.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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Oh I agree w/ you on nearly everything, except one; that we are under the rule of law in this country. That was proven when they stole donations from non-profit sites to the tune of millions of dollars, froze bank acounts in co-ordination with the banks, among many other things, not the least of which the violation of nearly every section of our charter. We are currently not under the rule of law, that is the problem.

The good news to me is that people have (far) more power than they know, and that, in my estimation, is what people would do well to awaken to. Truth always comes out in the wash, one way or another, sooner or later. Word is born.

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And w/ all that said, I still think the 2025 carrot is dangled too distantly. That's acting under the assumption that the voting will be above board, the result is the desired one, and that the desired result will do as expected, free from corruption and foreign influence which is putting a whole lot of faith in things that historically deserve very little.

And in the meantime, esp. at this rate, 3 years is a long time. Politicians are not the ones to the trust to change the system, no matter how well intended and spoken they are. I'd hope people would realize that by now. Not all are bad, some are quite good in many ways. But Canadians need to take some personal responsibility. Carl Jung once remarked; "If the *individual* does nothing, then *no one* does anything. And I'm seeing more of that lately, which is encouraging.

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Some Conservatives did---Roman Baber and Leslyn Lewis come to mind. Both are running for the Conservative leadership and will play roles in a Con government after the next election.

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As an unvaccinated Canadian, let me say thanks, Tara, for keeping on top of this issue. Keep up the good work!

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Please, read this article...it sums it up perfectly......"Canada's Faucists Pick And Choose Who They Want To Inoculate

How To Decide Who Is And Is Not Among The "Unvaccinated" Untermenschen?

"When government makes arbitrary and capricious choices about who must be inoculated and boosted, when government changes what it means to be “fully” inoculated on a whim, government is declaring it has no respect for fundamental freedoms or basic civil liberties. Such government is tyranny by definition."


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Right on, Tara., thank you. The way this government has bandied about the term “science” to justify its draconian Covid policies is unconscionable, as is the cavalier and demeaning way it has dismissed and denied the rights of Canadian citizens for the past two years. By the way, the national vaccine tracker statistics actually show that approximately 18% of the population over 18 is unvaccinated. That accounts to closer to 7 million people over 18, a significant segment of the population. This statistic has not changed much in the past year or so, despite the restrictions and pressure.

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Our entire approach to Covid was never about human health.

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Trudeau is a raving lunatic and the most dangerous domestic terrorist in operation in Canada today. He is a WOKE idiot and condones whatever the BLM does, no matter how violent. Trudeau is making hate speeches about normal law-abiding Canadians who disagree with his politics and tossing them in jail, just like his heroes in the Chinese government do with people who disagree with their government. He has stolen our civil rights and made law-abiding gun owners and shooters out to be criminals. He has made statements that a white person should be treated more seriously than a colored person who commits the same crime. He is trying to ram through a bill that would make any Canadian who speaks out against him a criminal and punish anyone that posts any idea that he is against. Hitler was nothing compared to this evil despot that has ruined Canada and divided our country.

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Divide and conquer! So History can repeat itself.

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If the choice is get vaccinated and maybe mild symptoms vs. no vax and run the risk of more severe symptoms, surely that should be an individual’s choice.

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Jun 16, 2022Edited
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This was just a sample of things to come.

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I am a red socialist. I have never voted Conservative in my life - except once, for Doug Ford's party in Ontario this month, because he stood up as best he could to the Trudeau regime's efforts to dismantle our Charter Rights. Perhaps this is cutting off my nose, despite my face. I don't care - the Liberals (who wiped out in Ontario with only 7 of 124 seats in Legislature), need to receive a clear message, as do the "third way", neo-liberal New Democrats who are no better. Canadians won't stand for their corruption of our institutions and their contempt for the rights of Citizens. Our politics have become so anti-democratic, and so counter intuitive, that it feels like we are living in the Twilight Zone.

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I am not disagreeing with you as I think Ford was the least worst option in the election as ndp and liberals were bat shit crazy. However, Ford is who banned me from services for 6 months and even when he removed vax passports, he met businesses keep it if they liked. Dude is a spineless cuck.

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Thanks for this article Tara. I’m hoping more and more Canadians start seeing that many things haven’t made sense regarding mandates etc from the beginning.

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I lost all respect and trust. This government's behaviour is a disgrace, farce and scandal.

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It's taking waaaay too long. He should have fallen a long time ago.

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Yes, I agree. Let us count the ways - the ethics inquiry on trip, the SNC Lavalin Case, the We Scandal, the invocation of the Emergencies Act, the insistence on Experimental Vaccines, Travel Mandates well past the point when all other countries have dropped them, the inability to understand effective fiscal management, Bill C-11 .... And yet, his MP's still support him.

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The sexual misconduct allegations found guilty in four ethics violations, Blackface, the spending....

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Thanks for the reminder ! It's tough to keep up.

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I’m not sure what they have updated to say that 3 doses means “fully vaccinated”, but for skipping the quarantine on reentering the country it is still 2 does. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/covid-vaccinated-travellers-entering-canada#determine-fully

There is no way I’m taking a third dose of that garbage and I’m sure that’s true of most people who haven’t gotten one already.

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"…current mandatory vaccine policies are scientifically questionable and are likely to cause more societal harm than good." - THEY WANT THAT

"Restricting people’s access to work, education, public transport and social life" - THEY WANT THAT

"COVID-19 vaccination status impinges on human rights, promotes stigma and social polarisation, and adversely affects health and well-being" - THEY WANT THAT

"Current policies may lead to a widening of health and economic inequalities, detrimental long-term impacts on trust in government and scientific institutions, and reduce the uptake of future public health measures" - THEY WANT THAT

It is the globalist Great Reset plan. It is based on centuries of political assessment where a revolution to replace a free democratic system with a socialist collectivist system requires the population be sufficiently miserable that they vote for rulers who can feed them crumbs. After a generation or two the people cannot remember what it was like to be free and self-sufficient.

We are in the middle of a new world war and Trudeau and Biden are two Manchurian candidates working for the CCP-connected Klaus Schwab enemy. Unfortunately we still have a great number of Canadian and American liberals supporting the enemy... either because they want some of the spoils of the war, or they are idiots. Most of them are the latter.

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Socialist agenda.. CCP.. blah blah blah.. it's fascism dude.. look it up.. corporatism when corporations and gov't collude... and the right has been leading that charge since forever!!!

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That has switched around in recent years. How many leftists have criticized big pharma recently? Or tried to reign in the power of big tech? The left are the fascists now. They despise the working class and they love big corporations. The right (esp Republicans in the US) has become the voice of the blue-collar worker and the small business person.

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Here's an example of left and right coming together... https://youtu.be/Jln2_mc1kMY

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What you call the left are not. They are as you say fascists.. Fascism is traditionally a right wing agenda. The Dems in the US are neo-liberal and neoconservative.. none of that is left. It is true the left is almost gone and forgotten but not quite. Things have moved so far to the right that what is called left is actually right of center. Or would have been forty years ago.

It is true that in the States the Dems all voted to send 40 B to fund a proxy war against Russia. And something like 50 Repubs voted against it. Libertarians mostly. But make no mistake the Republican Party is full of neocons who are bloodthirsty.

In Canada the Liberals are like the Dems and the NDP are like the progressive caucus. They are virtue signalling shitlibs that do nothing for the working class except divide them. So you're right about that. But there is the authentic left that is barely alive in Canada and much more vibrant in the States. That's why i watch progressives like Jimmy Dore and Kim Iversen, and in Canada i watch conservatives like Rebel News and True North.. Oh Canada!!

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I find myself in the really odd position of not even being able to vote for the least worst. Usually, I hold my nose and vote liberal (I also would rather tear up my ballot than vote for Michael Cooper but that is another story) but I just can't bring myself to do it again and it isn't just about Covid. It is about the stripping of women's rights by our "Feminist PM", the ridiculous lack of empathy for people who are not what he thinks people should be and so much more. I could potentially vote liberal again but if he stays on as the leader of the party... I will not vote at all.

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Ain't no one gonna be voting for another three years.. so what's plan B???

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You have to organize with like minded people at the local level.

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🤣🤣"Public policy should make sense."🤣🤣

Tara is the gift that keeps on giving.


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