Nice to hear from, what seems to me, a nice, thoughtful subscriber. I think Yohanna is typical of many of us: incredibly frustrated at the state of affairs in this country, and resentful of a political class that is absolutely tone deaf to our fears.
Brilliant Idea Tara..... I loved hearing from other Canadians, especially from other provinces. The country is in such a terrible place right now. What the Liberal government is doing now is simply criminal. Who gave them the right to prorogue Parliament for any amount of time.....and in what world does it take 7 weeks to elect a Leader of a political party? Further to that....if Mark Carney gets elected, he becomes the defacto PM, never holding a seat in our Parliament or receiving a single vote from any Canadian at any point. An election should be called immediately!!! It feels like the world is at a turning point and Canada is just twisting in the wind with no leadership or direction out of the economic and social turmoil we are experiencing now. are not alone. Stay strong....better days ahead.
It is the absolute lack of accountability that burns the most. That people get it wrong, I am ok with. But not being willing to admit that you get it wrong..
Even worse, is the gaslighting, and smearing. If I have a legitimate disagreement with someone, I don't need to call them names, I don't need to cancel them. What I should be doing is articulating why I think they are wrong, so that we can have a debate. We also need a media that is skeptical. So when they hear "40 beheaded babies" they think why 40? What are their names? How was it possible to get that many babies in one place to behead them? What happened to their mothers? This lack of critical questioning is lacking in our media.
Magnificent idea, and magnificent testimony. Yohanna spoke for everyone in both countries, and said everything that needs to be said.
The idea is a major solution for the first failure of media. They aren't LISTENING to their customers. Every business needs to listen, and a communicative business should be listening and conveying. AFAIK nobody else in the media, mainstream or "independent", has started listening. They all pretend to want it, but actually listen only to the billionaire donors.
What a wonderful idea Tara! I also am a longtime reader, and many times during the pandemic you saved my sanity, particularly during the time leading up to and after the trucker convoy. I live in Ottawa, and my son and I (both unvaxxed) went to Parliament Hill on that very first day to support them. I can’t even describe how exhilarating it felt to be surrounded by like minded people - young, old, families with children. We had, intentionally, been made to feel so isolated ashamed. One fellow grandmother held a sign that said “I can’t tell my grandchildren I did nothing”. It filled me with pride to be standing up for my grandchildrens’ freedoms — health and otherwise. I hadn’t felt that way in a very long time. You have, since that time, covered many topics and views that align with mine. Big fan! Thank you!
That was a breath of fresh air listening to Yohanna. Truly our country is in a mess with the egotistical government. Election now would be best but government reform is required.
Is Yohanna my spirit animal here in Ontario because she hit the nail on the head on so many fronts! Excellent testimony. I would love a coffee with her!
"I want to know the different perspectives, the different reasons why something happened, or may have happened. And then I want to be able to look at that and decide for myself." Great perspective, Yohanna.
Tara - this is an excellent extension of your platform. Letting the common person think and speak. Strange how that isn't tolerated by our elite.
What a wonderful column; I will be sharing this one widely. Thank you, Tara, for listening to your readers, and creating a forum where regular voices can be shared, and discussed. It means a lot.
I agree with the others here - wonderful idea Tara and thank you Yohanna for getting us started.
It will be interesting to see if legacy media ever figures out why it is floundering.
I am grateful for people like Tara who left legacy media and took the chance to get back to real journalism. It is a risk to leave 'the institution' however Tara, and others, 'read the room' correctly.
I smiled when I realized I've seen Yohanna in the comments, and then here she is, in a feature piece! Thank you Tara & Yohanna. And then tears came to my eyes--and are still coming--at the thought of elderly Canadians who desperately need good nutrition for good health, being unable to afford supermarket meat, which isn't always the best in the first place. That was a potent image. Thank you for the new Meet a Subscriber feature, it resonates.
Thank you Yohanna and thank you Tara. I live in PEI and I felt connected to Yohanna, Canadian to Canadian. We desperately need political reform. What is happening now is criminal. Before the convoy I was really unaware of the deep problems in our political system. Between Justin Trudeau and the legacy media one would have thought we were being invaded by terrorists. When a couple of friends went to Ottawa and reported there was nothing dangerous or terrible happening, I was shocked and angry. I sent a donation through Go Fund Me and then Give Send Go. My bank account was locked for several days. Since then I have stopped listening to CBC, CTV etc. I subscribe to Substack, Tara and The Free Press, and I sometimes listen to the Toronto Sun which used to be considered a "rag". The Liberals and the Legacy Media seem to function on the principle of "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up". My fear is that the younger generation will lose something very precious which is their freedom. And for the first time in my life I have thought, "maybe we should become the 51st state".
So interesting that you are thinking about the idea of a 51st state. Whenever I travel through the US, or my sister tells me about her travels, we see people singing the national anthem at high school basketball games (wow, amazing!), and we meet such wonderfully open and kind people, everywhere. So maybe being the 51st state would not be such a bad thing. But the US legacy media has not covered itself in glory of the last decade, so in that sense, is the US really any better?
Hi Susan. I know what you mean. I haven’t spent a lot of extended time in the US either. I don’t like their health care system with insurance companies etc. But, Canada’s’ health system is terrible. Buying food, heat, fuel etc is not sustainable for many. The US dollar goes a lot further than the Canadian dollar. The liberals gave so much money (our taxes), to foreign interests. I think after deep reflection it all goes back to the rich vs the non rich. The immigration disaster is a good example. Businesses that hire immigrants get 50% of their wages subsidized. The universities get massive amounts of money from foreign students (many who never show up for class) and often Canadians (in PEI where I live), can’t get in to their own university. Also the housing…and on and on it goes. Hard to know. I hope we get a chance to have a different party in the next election although I think we need serious political reform. Lots to think about. Thanks for your message.
An excellent piece. A thoughtful patriotic Canadian who is looking for answers and finding our institutions lacking. A view I share and am relieved that there are others across the country like me.
Thanks for your contribution Yohanna. Now that we see how the commonsense revolution seems to be underway in the US, I hope that the woke powers that have taken over our country can also be overcome by common sense. Are we fed up enough yet?
I had such hope for Canada and actual pride in our country during the Truckers Convoy for the first time in a long time. My disappointment in the reactions from the government and its media has left me discouraged and I despair that the seemingly majority of Canadians seem to be hopelessly lost in the approved narrative.
Nice to hear from, what seems to me, a nice, thoughtful subscriber. I think Yohanna is typical of many of us: incredibly frustrated at the state of affairs in this country, and resentful of a political class that is absolutely tone deaf to our fears.
Brilliant Idea Tara..... I loved hearing from other Canadians, especially from other provinces. The country is in such a terrible place right now. What the Liberal government is doing now is simply criminal. Who gave them the right to prorogue Parliament for any amount of time.....and in what world does it take 7 weeks to elect a Leader of a political party? Further to that....if Mark Carney gets elected, he becomes the defacto PM, never holding a seat in our Parliament or receiving a single vote from any Canadian at any point. An election should be called immediately!!! It feels like the world is at a turning point and Canada is just twisting in the wind with no leadership or direction out of the economic and social turmoil we are experiencing now. are not alone. Stay strong....better days ahead.
It is the absolute lack of accountability that burns the most. That people get it wrong, I am ok with. But not being willing to admit that you get it wrong..
Even worse, is the gaslighting, and smearing. If I have a legitimate disagreement with someone, I don't need to call them names, I don't need to cancel them. What I should be doing is articulating why I think they are wrong, so that we can have a debate. We also need a media that is skeptical. So when they hear "40 beheaded babies" they think why 40? What are their names? How was it possible to get that many babies in one place to behead them? What happened to their mothers? This lack of critical questioning is lacking in our media.
Magnificent idea, and magnificent testimony. Yohanna spoke for everyone in both countries, and said everything that needs to be said.
The idea is a major solution for the first failure of media. They aren't LISTENING to their customers. Every business needs to listen, and a communicative business should be listening and conveying. AFAIK nobody else in the media, mainstream or "independent", has started listening. They all pretend to want it, but actually listen only to the billionaire donors.
This was great. Very timely as i need to decide whether to renew my subscription. Easy decision today, done!
What a wonderful idea Tara! I also am a longtime reader, and many times during the pandemic you saved my sanity, particularly during the time leading up to and after the trucker convoy. I live in Ottawa, and my son and I (both unvaxxed) went to Parliament Hill on that very first day to support them. I can’t even describe how exhilarating it felt to be surrounded by like minded people - young, old, families with children. We had, intentionally, been made to feel so isolated ashamed. One fellow grandmother held a sign that said “I can’t tell my grandchildren I did nothing”. It filled me with pride to be standing up for my grandchildrens’ freedoms — health and otherwise. I hadn’t felt that way in a very long time. You have, since that time, covered many topics and views that align with mine. Big fan! Thank you!
That was a breath of fresh air listening to Yohanna. Truly our country is in a mess with the egotistical government. Election now would be best but government reform is required.
Is Yohanna my spirit animal here in Ontario because she hit the nail on the head on so many fronts! Excellent testimony. I would love a coffee with her!
"I want to know the different perspectives, the different reasons why something happened, or may have happened. And then I want to be able to look at that and decide for myself." Great perspective, Yohanna.
Tara - this is an excellent extension of your platform. Letting the common person think and speak. Strange how that isn't tolerated by our elite.
Great addition to your substack. Thanks so much for sharing.
What a wonderful column; I will be sharing this one widely. Thank you, Tara, for listening to your readers, and creating a forum where regular voices can be shared, and discussed. It means a lot.
I agree with the others here - wonderful idea Tara and thank you Yohanna for getting us started.
It will be interesting to see if legacy media ever figures out why it is floundering.
I am grateful for people like Tara who left legacy media and took the chance to get back to real journalism. It is a risk to leave 'the institution' however Tara, and others, 'read the room' correctly.
I smiled when I realized I've seen Yohanna in the comments, and then here she is, in a feature piece! Thank you Tara & Yohanna. And then tears came to my eyes--and are still coming--at the thought of elderly Canadians who desperately need good nutrition for good health, being unable to afford supermarket meat, which isn't always the best in the first place. That was a potent image. Thank you for the new Meet a Subscriber feature, it resonates.
Thank you Yohanna and thank you Tara. I live in PEI and I felt connected to Yohanna, Canadian to Canadian. We desperately need political reform. What is happening now is criminal. Before the convoy I was really unaware of the deep problems in our political system. Between Justin Trudeau and the legacy media one would have thought we were being invaded by terrorists. When a couple of friends went to Ottawa and reported there was nothing dangerous or terrible happening, I was shocked and angry. I sent a donation through Go Fund Me and then Give Send Go. My bank account was locked for several days. Since then I have stopped listening to CBC, CTV etc. I subscribe to Substack, Tara and The Free Press, and I sometimes listen to the Toronto Sun which used to be considered a "rag". The Liberals and the Legacy Media seem to function on the principle of "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up". My fear is that the younger generation will lose something very precious which is their freedom. And for the first time in my life I have thought, "maybe we should become the 51st state".
So interesting that you are thinking about the idea of a 51st state. Whenever I travel through the US, or my sister tells me about her travels, we see people singing the national anthem at high school basketball games (wow, amazing!), and we meet such wonderfully open and kind people, everywhere. So maybe being the 51st state would not be such a bad thing. But the US legacy media has not covered itself in glory of the last decade, so in that sense, is the US really any better?
Hi Susan. I know what you mean. I haven’t spent a lot of extended time in the US either. I don’t like their health care system with insurance companies etc. But, Canada’s’ health system is terrible. Buying food, heat, fuel etc is not sustainable for many. The US dollar goes a lot further than the Canadian dollar. The liberals gave so much money (our taxes), to foreign interests. I think after deep reflection it all goes back to the rich vs the non rich. The immigration disaster is a good example. Businesses that hire immigrants get 50% of their wages subsidized. The universities get massive amounts of money from foreign students (many who never show up for class) and often Canadians (in PEI where I live), can’t get in to their own university. Also the housing…and on and on it goes. Hard to know. I hope we get a chance to have a different party in the next election although I think we need serious political reform. Lots to think about. Thanks for your message.
An excellent piece. A thoughtful patriotic Canadian who is looking for answers and finding our institutions lacking. A view I share and am relieved that there are others across the country like me.
Thanks for your contribution Yohanna. Now that we see how the commonsense revolution seems to be underway in the US, I hope that the woke powers that have taken over our country can also be overcome by common sense. Are we fed up enough yet?
I had such hope for Canada and actual pride in our country during the Truckers Convoy for the first time in a long time. My disappointment in the reactions from the government and its media has left me discouraged and I despair that the seemingly majority of Canadians seem to be hopelessly lost in the approved narrative.
Thank yoi Tara and Yohanna. What a wonderful interview and thank you Yohanna for summarizing the views of so many Canadians! Me included! BRAVO!