This special episode was a lovely gift Tara. I’ve been following Jordan Peterson’s seminar study of Exodus on Daily Wire. The discussions are mind-bending, and so very relevant to our circumstances that I’m rethinking my views on religion. And community. Thank you for brightening my day.

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Thank You Tara for having Christopher White on your show. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.

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I was raised religious (small town protestant). My wife (a Catholic) laughingly calls my upbringing "Bible Thumper". I drifted away form church life as soon as I left home at 18, and now attend Catholic Church occasionally with my wife and family. For decades, I relegated formal religion to the realm of building and accumulating power, but now seriously doubt my dismissal. What is a community if there is no community? My life is structured almost exclusively in, and for my nuclear family. That's my job in life. Support, protect, and guide as required (the guiding is pretty much done as my daughters are 15 and 16 and fully formed and awesome little people). Any structure or bureaucracy can be used for good (help others or accomplish a task) or evil (build power to exercise it and gratify yourself). There is an inherent value in people voluntarily gathering together in aid to an idea greater than themselves. The community itself is a good, even if it doesn't accomplish anything else. Tradition (which I also dismissed for years...see a theme here?...) helps build a common experience and therefore a community. Community is good. What's not good, and I would term evil, is building power through an organization and then enforcing your will on others for your own gratification. Are you using your power for good or evil?

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Surprised and disappointed that you would give air time to religion...

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