Wilfred Reilly has been far ahead of the curve on race issues - or any other culture war topic you might want to choose - for quite some time. And he has a terrically offhand way of making our new puritan overlords sound stupid. His Twitter feed is mandatory reading. (Just like Tara's Substack!!)

Thanks Tara.

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What a refreshing person to listen to - wish we could get more common sense like this in the mainstream media

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A lot of people don’t believe in a lot of stuff. A lot more than what is said here but it’s a good start. Stuff like that police are bad, systemic anything, human rights even.

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Enjoyed the interview with Wilfred Reilly. Love his center-right perspective, but would have wanted less lengthy responses and more depth and info. Some of us are REALLY interested in the effects of Woke on the world around us - especially on our children and grand-children. Maybe more questions and less lengthy responses would keep the interest up. This is a heavy and necessary world to delve into. We need assistance here... Thanks.

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This is a good one. Thanks Tara.

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might not believe yet the go along with the insanity . Good podcast

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