Thanks for taking the risk, and taking the leap. We need more Tara Henleys.

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Her flak jacket is on back order, otherwise she'd be reporting direct from Ukraine.

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Keep up the great work, Tara! Long live independent media.

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Hi Andrew. Love you. Love your work.

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As a conservative/libertarian I don't always agree with you, Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, Taibbi or any of the writers I subscribe to here on Substack. However, I have no doubt that every piece I read is born from a true journalistic perspective that isn't filled with lies intended to support a biased predetermined conclusion.

It's nice to have access to journalism as it should be.

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I love that you are part of this platform. It’s wonderful not to always have to agree, isn’t it? It’s vital to our democracy that we stay open to hearing and respecting different views.

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Amen. As another conservative I feel the same way.

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Same shoes here. I watch and read Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald, Matt taibbi, Aaron mate, Michael Tracey etc and know they aren’t just spouting propaganda like the state corporate media does.

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I am all in with you Tara. With you, Bari and others, I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of the mainstream propaganda media as we know it as people turn it off, shut it down and get their information from the free alternatives. The only worry I have is that sites like Substack.com will be acquired and slowly corrupted into the same beast of misinformation.

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Corruption of pubic forums is the least of our worries. As one is acquired, others emerge in its place. I think you can call it a trend at this point. The real danger is the corruption of journalism itself, and you don't have to be corrupt to be a part of the problem, just unaware of how deeply the rot has spread.

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I am celebrating today at finally cancelling cable! Bring on Substack and other independent journalistic platforms!

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Congrats on your emancipation! The best stories live here on Substack, not in the MSM. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-live-the-dream?s=w

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Thanks for taking the chance on Substack. I would love to read an expose' on The Truth Project conspiracy and how it is systematically marginalizing independent thought.

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Thank you for your comment about "Leaving the confines of the mainstream media..." It does exist, and is dangerous in so many ways. Also, please leave everything unlocked. I subscribe because I strongly support what you and Bari are doing. I don't need special access to content. In fact, the more this wonderful open conversation is spread freely, the more likely it is to help make desperately needed changes in our culture. Keep up the outstanding work.

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One of the declines of journalism we all witness, seems to have accompanied the internet. In Canada we saw Conrad Black take over papers and sack the 'riff raff' he must have seen the employees as. The payment model for reporting held less weight than in earlier days. I think that Matt Taibbi explained this well when interviewed on the topic, he's worth discussing media in general with. Although it is very hard in our woke era to actually tell the Truth to those that don't want to hear it, he will stick his neck out some times when it is sorely needed. Taibbi explains that part of bad journalism is an audience that wants bad journalism, which speaks to our school system and society in general.

Thank you Andrew Lawton for your Trucker Convoy coverage, two thumbs up!

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Thank you so much for taking this leap, Tara! Your forum here has been a godsend to me - a place where I can express my views and feelings freely and confidently and feel a sense of connection to a community of free thinkers as well.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

Thank-you so much, Tara.

There is a spiritual need for free, independent media. We are singers and just today were joyfully making plans to attend church on Easter Sunday at a parish with some of the very best choral music in Canada. At last - churches are open! We can sing! All together! Live!

We took a look at their calendar of events, and were deeply shocked to see that we must "register" by Good Friday in order to be granted admittance to this house of God on Easter Sunday. Show our papers in other words. No vax (triple preferred to double), no need to apply. It took my breath away.

Evidently, this is a branch of the Church of the Cult of Woke, formerly Fairlawn Heights United. I guess they worship the old "science." It's attended by some CBC folks, as well as Kathleen Wynne, former Liberal premier of Ontario. I know because my family and I used to be welcome there.

Be still, my soul. All things considered - given, and taken away - I do prefer the wilderness to the Woke. Strongly.

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Dear Sentient, my heart aches that you are not “permitted” to celebrate life in singing with your fellow church goers. Old science indeed, no rational reason, of course - just the virtue signalling of conditioned robots. I, too, prefer the wilderness to the Woke - great line! We are free, we are strong together, and we sing as one!

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022

So beautifully said. Heart aches, heart breaks, then a clear message emerges from the grief: God has left the building.

In freedom, strength and unity the Wilderness Choir rises. Alleluia!

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Alleluia! With strength, unity, and joy - the Wilderness Choir rises!

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Nice echo chamber you've got here Tara. Very prescient career move, jumping on the anti-woke train just as it leaves the station. With your background, I'm sure you're highly qualified to earn a living telling people what they ought to be thinking. Meanwhile authentic journalists like Patrick Lancaster are risking their lives to bring us the truth that really matters. When you start taking real risks, like Lara Logan, perhaps I'll consider paying for the privilege of being told what I already know. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride. It's a comfortable train, even though it's getting a bit crowded at this point. Oh, and give my regards to Matt and Glen at your next soiree.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

Agree it is time to up the ante. Politely and collegially 'cause we're Canadians, eh, and Pierre's son can't be that bad. Oh yeah - he is that and a whole lot more. Double double toil and trouble with closet eugenicist Singh competing to be next monster in chief. Maybe have a chat with Christine Anderson, Tara. Holy - would I love to hear that.

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Thanks for the perspective, however sarcastic. You make a good point, but then, not everyone can be a Patrick Lancaster. I do appreciate your bringing him and Lara Logan to my awareness. I watched Patrick’s amazing video, from the link you give below, and thanks for that. Even if this Substack is not edgy enough for you, and me at times, Tara is making a significant contribution to independent journalism. I don’t see her as “telling people what they ought to be thinking,” but rather as presenting points of view that one does not find in mainstream media. Thank goodness for that!

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I'm not looking for edgy, just the truth, and sometimes you have to be blunt to get at it. Plenty of journalists are doing exactly what Tara is doing and with no financial reward other than voluntary contributions. It's far too early to be talking about subscriptions when she hasn't even found her feet yet.

Tara's still working through the righteous indignation phase of her dawning awareness of just how bad it really is. Some of us have been there for years, myself included. I don't blog about it and I don't collect tithes. I simply speak the truth as I see it wherever it seems necessary. If Tara really expects to have an effect, then she needs to face some sharp criticism, and I don't see much of that here. It may not look like it, but I actually think she's sincere, otherwise I wouldn't bother taking her to task.

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022

Some seem still partially caught in the mass formation Cult of Woke. What other explanation can there be for "independent" journalists not speaking the truth outright? A need to to still belong? To avoid being called names like "conspiracy theorists" by associates who are paid to lie, terrify children, and participate in the demoralization and controlled demolition of western society?

Do these "independent" journalists follow the work of deeply committed, caring, reputable writers, attorneys, doctors and scientists who have been vilified and banned from social media for speaking out? It's a simple formula: totalitarians lie and censor truth - so look to the censored for truth.

What is going on with "independent" journalists who seem to endlessly circle and never land? Do they not seek the truth or care about it? Or do they know the truth but deliberately choose not to speak it? It seems they either can't handle the truth, or won't. What are their motives? What is the toll on them, their sense of self, their relationships, their humanity, their hearts, their minds - their very souls?

The Reiner Fuellmich model Grand Jury has collated many hours of truth. This model is now being used in several jurisdictions as a format for Nuremberg 2 style trials. Any self respecting, truly independent journalist who has not yet binged on this Grand Jury has free will to do so now.

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You pose some very intriguing and perplexing questions. I would love to know the answers as I suppose there are many factors involved in this reticence to reach out to the censured voices in so many areas during the last two years. Dr. Sunneel Dhand’s videos on You Tube, for example. This man has been a refreshing, insightful, clear, calm, and rational voice in the past couple of years, questioning policy and presenting perspectives differing from the mainstream. I always appreciated his little videos (12-14 min.). Even though he spoke nothing but common sense and had tons of followers, he was given various warnings when he “crossed the line” and then recently banned from You Tube. I was sad to see his valuable and sensible voice silenced in this way. I urged him to find another forum on which to publish, and hope he does.

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I regard journalism as a calling, much like medicine, the law or the priesthood. You practice out of conviction, not from a desire to earn a living or gain notoriety. That said, most of what passes as independent journalism today is simply dross - just slightly more credible than Tik Tok influencers, and basically just a repetition of things already known dressed up in a slightly different package. This is especially true of YouTube where avoiding controversy is the name of the game, lest ye be cancelled.

Some of it is clearly disinformation - faux controversy designed to mislead and discredit authentic journalists. No need to say who that serves. Most of it is sincere, but lacks a basic understanding of the principles and obligations of the craft.

There's a kind of circularity to the genre in the sense that to identify authentic journalists you need a basic understanding of the craft, which requires a foundation in investigative methods and the ability to suspend judgment, even when the truth contradicts your own cherished beliefs. In short, you almost have to be one to know one. Tall order for most people who just accept whatever agrees with their preconceived notion of reality.

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I hear you and appreciate your saying how you see it and stepping out of the comfort zone.

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Thank you, Tara. I just subscribed, well, became a paid subscriber. This particular post gave me the perfect way to explain Substack to people who have never heard of it! :D

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Hi Tara , your topics are the best, this may sound funny to some, but I’m seriously wondering about fellow humans working in the main stream media ,recklessly reporting falls information concerning the events with our liberal government and the WEF that’s about to unfold under our blinded eyes and it will create Havoc even for those that actually write falls news about this global situation, there will be no exemptions for no one except the global elite. God forbid Fake and distorted news reporting may hold it’ Share of responsibility in playing a key role into this near future. On the bright side no one can predict the future. Thank you Tara

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Yes, Tara!!! KEEP GOING!

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I'm really enjoying being a part of your work!

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