Yikes, this guy talks about how our freedom is being corroded because Canadians are too reticent and deferential to authority, and then in the next breath talks about how vaccine mandates are necessary because “scientists, people who know far better than I” have decreed it? There’s the Canadian midwit mentality on full display from someone who has less of an excuse than most for lacking self-awareness.

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Yep. Came here to comment on this but you beat me to it. The only rationale for a vaccine mandate is stopping the spread of a disease, which these vaccines don’t do.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

Actually, the only purpose of a vx mandate is eradication.

There is no similarity between smallpox vaccines and this craziness.

SCV2, like all seasonal coronavirus, is simply not a candidate for eradication.

1-vast animal reservoir

2-high mutation rate

3-Short ig antibodies lifespan (other antibody fighters, like T cells, last longer)

4-high contagion with low IFR

Contrarians whom I normally like, like Bret Weinstein, STILL believes we should have been able to "eradicate" it, through masking and miracle cures.

Weinstein has now, f.in finally, let go of his stupid obsession with masking, but he's still pushing fear, because he's still pushing miracle cures.

There's no difference between an vx-mandater and a miracle pusher. They both operate from a position of terror of dying.

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If I catch your drift, you may agree with my view that the whole concept of the state trying to eradicate sickness/ cases/ viral load to zero is the fundamental assault against humanity. It is not up to them to decide how we humans interact with the world. Canada's railroad was doubtless built by some people who had the sniffles or a cough.

Looking forward, this whole Covid precedent just takes us further towards automation, where the robot worker is always allowed to work or enter the facility.

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And in this regard the "left" and the "right" are both just as guilty of wanting to distance humans from biology. People are obsessed with eternal life. I recently attended a conference where people were talking of living to age 150, and discussing how if we could live that long, our work lives would be longer too!!

When retirement was invented by the Brits, it was set to 65, with an average age of death of 67. 2 year average.

Today people expect retirement at 55, yet demand to live til 100. It's so unrealistic. People are deluded about longevity. The human body is not evolved to live past age of menopause, in the natural world, post-reproductive age doesn't exist.

You may enjoy the French tv series on Netlix called Ad Vitam. A series about how life extension becomes the norm, youth are ever more disenfranchised and their existence made worthless. If people live 3x as long as normal, then there's no point in "youth to replace old" which is the rule of nature.

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One TV series or book that corresponds to the unknown reproductive effects of the gene shots is of course Atwoods's Handmaid's Tale. Although she wanted to make it a Trump / right wing thing, the social engineers clearly want to depopulate, and they envisage a future where permission from the state to reproduce is the norm.

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sounds like the movie a boy and his dog

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May 18, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

I agree with all except the depopulate part. Vaccination increases the population. I was born half a century ago at 3.5 billion people, we're now 8 billion people, and as our lives are further medicalised, there will be ever more of us.

There are more humans than rats and mice combined. How many is too many, never??

The reason Big Pharma pushes vaccines is because it gets them MORE consumers, MORE profits, not less. ;)

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Right. He claims to shy away from "unprecedented pandemic". This is not even close to "severe pandemic". For youth it's less than average flu, for working aged adults it's barely worse than bad flu. This is an old age culling virus. As all of evolution has always functioned. Death in old age is normal. This virus warranted not one mandatory curtailing of civil rights. Not one.

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The WHO had to redefine the definition of pandemic from a dangerous and deadly outbreak to, something new traveling the globe. Microbes mutate constantly.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

The WHO also now is working on an international "Pandemic treaty" which is currently being pushed through in places like our neighbour to the south the United States, which will give over individual sovereignty of nations to the WHO. I'm sure Canada is tripping over itself to be the first to sign. Technically we already operate according to this treaty (digital QR code ID, etc.)

There's a petition going around I recommend people sign if they're against this. Bill Gates is one person behind the funding and implementing of this treaty. They're trying to get it passed in a mere months or less, it's quite disconcerting to me.

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Unfortunately Jon, your phrase 'tripping over itself' is a pretty accurate description of many people including our dear leader. As a society we have been socialized to respect specialist knowledge, not realizing all the many compromises involved in said professions. Specialists need to prove themselves to the public with common language, instead of hiding behind jargon.

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deletedMay 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022
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I've had exactly the same thoughts over the past year. I feel it very intensely indeed.

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I am curious to see what this “climatic point” will be. No one can really predict the trajectory here, but I subscribe to this optimistic viewpoint.

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ya, I don't think there's going to be any new caliphates. The New World Order has begun, and it appears unstoppable.

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Yup. We will become like a combo of the films wall-E and Equilibrium, fat, restricted, overmedicated, pacified, slaves.

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The W H O , good question who are they and who pulls their strings ? Dr Turdo who the hell is he and what cave did he emerge from ? North America is screwed

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Exactly. People now wield the word "pandemic" like it's an existential threat, not realising the word "pandemic" has become exactly meaningless, since viruses don't recognise paper borders, all viruses cross borders. It's all so ridiculous.

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in 5 to 10 years the truth will be known

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You took the words right out of my mouth. Mr. Slayton would do well to examine the inconsistencies in his own philosophy before castigating the truckers for lacking a philosophical foundation guiding their actions. If this is what Canada passes as a free speech fundamentalist, I’d hate to see what passes as a free speech moderate. Yikes, indeed.

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I doubt he has a clue about the 17,000+ scientists and doctors around the world who are speaking out and taking action against the whole Covid narrative. Of course, attempts have been made to systematically silence these dissenters, but the reality is that their professional views count and should be counted in the equation as much as anyone else’s. Sadly, he is spouting out mainstream nonsense (i.e., it makes no sense!)

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Unfortunately miracle cure pushers tainted the resistance, and made us look bad, all the while being JUST as fear mongering as the mandates pushers. This is true of both sides. We didn't need any mandates AND we didn't need miracle cures. This why doctors like Vinay Prasad (and the three GBT founders) are essential to the process, they criticise the mandates without going awol.

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Yes, it is unfortunate that in every reasoned, well articulated arguement against the standard Narrative (tm) there are a few "Gates is putting mind control bots in the vaccines 50 million dead by Tuesday!" types that make the anti-vaxx accusations seems cogent. I swear half of them are Pfizer execs posting under psuedonames.

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Have you spent any time learning about the new transhumanist technologies being developed by DARPA? You know the expression: What is the difference between conspiracy theories and truth? About six months.

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Yes Jennifer, I do often get the impression that the powers that be hire agents provocateurs to make the other side look nuts. I'm sure this happens in the electoral process too, specially with party policies that allow short memberships before voting, or allow multiple memberships.

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Agree. The problem is not the government communication on covid vaccines - it was the suppression of anyone questioning the government talking points by the mainstream media. They really acted like obsequious toadies of the government during the entire pandemic - and then eagerly attacked the convoy protesters at the behest of the government. He doesn't really address that point.

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my thoughts EXACTLY!!!!

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Covid has never been a major concern for the majority of people so cannot be termed a public health disaster. We should have always taken a stratified approach. The vaccines come with risk of harm (will we ever know how great a risk) and the younger you are the more the risk outweighs the benefit. I am deeply saddened by the drive to vaccinate children when we have no idea of any long-term risks. I have just had covid and at nearly 67 it was not even a bad cold. Luckily I have a doctor who prescribed Ivermectin and I never felt ill. To think that I could have been forced to take a vaccine to prevent that is unbelievable and, yes, I caught covid from a vaccinated spouse!!! If you believe like me that the vaccines were brought in for the passports the mandates are even more horrific!

I would say that the views expressed by this lawyer are naive at best!

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He has certainly not looked deeply enough into the pandemic narrative, and you’re right, he comes across as incredibly naive in this respect. He would be wise to take his own advice and take the responsibility to question the narrative more deeply instead of uttering the kind of drivel he does in this interview in relation to this issue.

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You describe with your spouse, Infection by Injection, and then viral shedding onto yourself. In short a bioweapon campaign designed to usher in a new Orwellian world order.

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2 people in my house had covid , i did not catch it ,, i don't eat junk real strict diet , a big problem is the diet of most north Americans. you are what you eat

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I’m curious, sincere question: what makes you certain that you had Covid?

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Well whatever covid is and whatever the PCR is testing for!! Let’s say I had a positive PCR test and I am now counted as covid recovered in the country in which I live. I must have had 30 negative tests since 2020 but along with the runny nose and as my husband had tested positive 4 days before, I believe that I also had ‘covid’.

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Tara, you seriously need to upgrade the quality of your guests. I’ve been following you from the beginning and more stuff like this is seeping through. It’s not that he’s got an opposing view to your readership - he’s just awful at justifying it and relies on his own credentials instead of robustness of claims.

I WANT to hear opposing views that the politically homeless don’t like to hear. Just please not someone as soft as this…

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

Plus he kind of demonstrates the contrary of his own criticisms. He complains about woke culture and deference to woke governments, completely overlooking that he is CHOOSING who he is "deferring to". He is most certainly deferring to that old white male (Fauci) when it suits him! :D

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He seems to be living in the dark ages in relation to the pandemic, so-called vaccine efficacy, mandates, etc. He clearly bought the lie on this one!

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Would you consider his dark-agedness on just the Magic Juice a little suspicious?

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Yes, I would. He made sense in other aspects, but around vaccinations and mandates, and the truckers’ protest, he was decidedly dark-aged. That tells me that he has no sense of what bodily autonomy means. It seems of no importance to him whatsoever.

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Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry is in court this week in BC Law Courts, 800 Smithe Street, Court Room 53, Vancouver, B.C. Next day is Friday May 20, 2022 9:45am to 3:00pm.

[The plaintiffs allege that Henry and the government have misrepresented the severity of COVID-19 and that individuals’ constitutional rights were infringed by public health orders which caused many harms and restricted their freedoms.]

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No. I meant Tara bringing on these dark-agers.

(Jane Jacobs' Dark Age Ahead might be worth your time.)

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deletedMay 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022
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Both I'm afraid. It never ceases to amaze me how many of these sociopolitical authors/academics/analysts, such as this man, have a schism in their understanding such that they don't seem to recognize or be able to tie in medical authoritarianism and corporatism in their analyses of power and income inequalities, etc. This guy seems to view this medical control and oppression in a benevolent light when it is anything but. The lack of awareness and ignorance in this respect is mind-boggling.

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It's the white coat phenomena, combined with not being aware of the 1921 Flexner report.

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What is the 1921 Flexner report? I can look it up, but if you can easily and briefly explain it, please do.

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You might want to watch a documentary on it, it had to do with the Rockefeller take over of medical education, the canceling of traditional of homeopathic medicine etc. Current medicine is rarely aimed at promoting health, which is rooted in the control and funding of medical education for a century.

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These people might be the most dangerous of all. "Don’t worry, the pendulum will eventually swing in the other direction." They have NO IDEA how far it swings first. No idea. They're happy just sitting there and watching it swing.

I have a good friend who is a science prof at a good, not great, university. He knows he is the only "conservative" (his word, I think those words have become hugely distorted) person in his dept's faculty and perhaps in the entire faculty. He is very sharp. He sees what is going on, more first-hand than I do. But then, his 2 responses are:

B) "Don’t worry, the pendulum will eventually swing in the other direction."

A) "It has to. The things they think and say are SO EASY to satirize. They have to wake up."

When he says it, I just shake my head at how sheeple so many people, incl him, are. He'll probably be out on his ass before the swing changes direction. ... "Don't worry, ..."

Note to my friend and everyone: The brain-washed do not understand your satire.

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It is true that the pendulum will swing in the other direction. I am not optimistic, at 55, that this will happen in my lifetime.

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deletedMay 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022
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I hope you're right! I really am trying to do all I can to speak up, speak out, call out insanity where I see it, and advocate for sanity. But I live in the U.S., which appears to be ground zero for a lot of the craziness (and worse, in California, which is ground zero of ground zero). It is hard to maintain optimism in the face of identity politics run amok. But I will keep trying .. because what else can we do? :-)

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I have very similar feelings about whether the pendulum will start swinging back any time within my lifetime (51 yo). One of my most frustrating things is that speaking out seems like screaming into the void. I would generalize a bit here, but I see two groups of people who I wish my words would reach: one are working class people, many were barely getting by before covid, struggling to last from one day to the next, working minimum wage jobs, two or three, with only enough mental energy to deal with putting food on the table and a roof over their heads. To wish they would spend time reading all the substack articles I read, listening to people like Bret and Heather, or Steve Kirsch, of the webinars of the FLCCC... I can hardly blame them for not being capable of that. The second group anger me more: very well-off people who Do have the time and energy and capacity, and just don't give a crap. Far more interested in going sailing, watching their kids in horseback riding competitions, going to football games, taking nice vacations. I can offer to send them links to all the info I get to better inform themselves -to be skeptical of the white coats and the politicians and all the authority figures and their narratives, but I cannot force them to open the links, to read or listen. So many people either are not able to be better informed or are not interested. Eventually after yelling into the void for months on end I give up, it drains me. and destroying my own mental health isn't going to help anyone. I am encouraged by Jewel's commentary, though, and am trying to be more optimistic and to have faith.

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The problem with depending on the pendulum reversing is that eventually it approaches the other extreme. Personally, I think that one should try to prevent pendulums [is the plural pendula? don't know] from swinging too widely. That means that your friend - and, by extension, those of us who see this absurdity - need to speak up and be ready to absorb the abuse and criticism of our "worsers" - they are definitely not our "betters." And, yes, those brain-washed folk definitely do not understand the concept of satire as it applies to them.

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“I did see things which suggested to me the opposite. But I think the opposite was, to some degree, justified by the circumstances.”

“I’m something of a freedom of speech absolutist, a freedom of expression absolutist.”

The former seems to negate the latter. I do agree that a global health emergency dictates some extra authority of administrators to do what is needed to keep people as safe from harm as possible. But it went WAY beyond that to the point where the dictates have caused more harm.

Today in the US those same forces are creating a new moral crisis out of whole cloth (systemic racism and white supremacism) to extend their drunk-with-power COVID authoritarianism. The twitches are the same regardless if an infectious virus or some other moral crisis. They will exploit it to ban, cancel, silence and destroy those that seem to be a risk to their power pursuits. It is the same twitch and you cannot support it for one moral crisis and be against it for another and claim you are an absolutists.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

This guest is completely blind to the fact that Big Pharma profits completely dictate public policy at this point. He is WRONG about the severity of the disease for 99% of the population.

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Absolutely right! I wonder how he feels about Pfizer raking in 38 billion in the last three months alone (I got that statistic from a Russell Brand video and he gets it from official documents). Might this have something to do with income inequality and political corruption, which he seems so dead set against?

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Freedom of expression was okay so long as it worked to erode traditional western customs and beliefs. Now that the long march through the institutions is complete it's time for the ogres to start issuing passports for apartheid travel, and licenses for journalists. They love jumping into the Orwellian world of Misinformation / Wrongthink.

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You have a very dark view of current society - but I cannot say that I blame you.

I don't know that I subscribe to your view but I cannot discount it entirely.

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The government of Canada subscribes to this view, it is their policies.

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As the saying goes, when you are right, you're right.

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deletedMay 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022
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As I said above, when you are right, you are right.

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I had planned to add my two-cents worth regarding his comments on the vaccine mandate but ya'll beat me to it. I haven't read all the comments so this may be repetitive but the one aspect of the mandate here in the States was the complete absence of the concept of Natural Immunity. I got the virus in July of 21. Went through the aches and pains and high temps for a couple weeks then recovered. I'm 71 and I have natural immunity, but I still can't go on a cruise because I'm not vaccinated. Given some of the, now recognized, limitations of the vaccine, how STUPID is that? It's all about control.

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I’m in the same boat. At age 74, I got the virus at a New Years’ gathering - first time in a year and a half I was indoors in a group - just as Omicron was starting. I know the man-made virus exists. Everyone in the group got it. I basically recovered in a few days. It stayed in my system mildly for a couple of weeks. I now have natural immunity (yes, folks, it does exist!). Does it mean I’ll never get another virus, no. Just like the flu, you can catch it again. But I consider my natural immunity better than any vaccine, the efficacy of which has been proven to wane drastically within a few months, no matter how many times one attempts to boost their immunity. In fact, evidence is now emerging that repeated vaccines actually lower one’s immune response. But can I get on a plane, train, or bus in my own country? No, I’m too great a threat. Outrageous!

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I know I’m getting repetitive in these posts, but this is so bloody WRONG and UNJUST.

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deletedMay 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022
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Of course it is. And it's creating a medically privileged class, who like all privileged classes, subscribe to the adage "Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise."

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

I truly chafe at the trope of “well, this topic is complicated so we need to treat it as undecided and with no sense of being able to arrive at objective truth”. It strikes me as pulling a Fermat - “I have proof, but I just can’t fit it into the margins of my notebook!”

The concept of freedom is not complicated; we have centuries of preeminent philosophers and writers (going back at least to Liber Paradisus in modern-ish times, if not earlier) defining what personal freedom is and how it looks. To claim that the onset of a severe cold suddenly tosses out all that scholarship is a ludicrous prevarication that shows someone really hasn’t understood this topic the entire time.

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“Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.”

The state, capitalism, patriarchy all work together to keep our freedom in check.

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Nonsense. He understands completely.

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"I wrote an op-ed piece in The Globe and Mail .. I don’t like walking through the park and not being able to sit on a park bench. And I don’t like walking around and seeing a sign that says you may be asked for your identity credentials at any time.” This rubbed me the wrong way."

Every Mayor wants Thug Cops to beat up anyone ... other than white people.... how else are the Mayors going to get the vote of the little old white ladies who want to walk their dog in the park at 10 PM?

Cheaper than having 2 person police patrols walking the streets and actually getting to know the citizens.


"But, on the other hand, there is no question that it was a very serious public health crisis, very unusual. It needed something unusual, and perhaps what in another context would be regarded as draconian, restrictions."

It was not a serious public health crisis. It was the government destroying the middle class; an experiment to determine what the public would and would not do; FYI CDC in America bought the tracking data of every american so they know where everyone was including their movements during this period.

FYI: 400,000 people die each year, in America, due to doctor and hospital malpractice. Do the math. Duh.

Those learned health care providers killed almost the same million people in the same time period. Yet no one seems to care.


"PS: No. But again, I would come back with you to first principles. I mean, nobody is in favor of inequality."...

....No one’s in favor of inequality. Everybody is in favor of equality....."

Are you nuts?

Everyone is in favor of inequality of all types be it income; race; religious; and every other type you could name.

If we all were not in favor of inequality then we would have eliminated: homelessness, systematic racism systematic religious discrimination; drugs; systematic destruction of the people who were here before the English ,the French and the Spanish took their land.

We have inequality because that is what we all want.

I was a lawyer. What scares me is what you taught your law students.


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"These are people who are well-educated, who were thoughtful, and in many cases have had quite a long career in the academy, have seen other times and other ways of doing things. And yet they seem to have embraced all of this wholeheartedly. I don’t understand why. Are they afraid? I just don’t understand."

They're behaving like, like Commoners😱

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Thank you, Tara, for stating clearly that "vaccine mandates" are nonsense and an infringement on civil liberties.

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May 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022

Sorry I had to end this once he began to talk about vaccines and their effectiveness.

I began to feel that way when he talked about the severity of the “public health crisis.”

This man is woefully uninformed! Sorry not sorry 😐

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Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry is in court this week in BC Law Courts, 800 Smithe Street, Court Room 53,Vancouver, B.C. Friday May 20, 2022 9:45am to 3:00pm.

[The plaintiffs allege that Henry and the government have misrepresented the severity of COVID-19 and that individuals’ constitutional rights were infringed by public health orders which caused many harms and restricted their freedoms.]

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"Everybody talks about other kinds of inequality, and injects theories about it in university courses and in op-eds and so on. But income inequality doesn’t seem to attract that level of attention. But it’s so fundamental to me.

TH: I agree with you completely. I do find it astonishing how little coverage and little discussion and debate it gets, considering the huge impact that it has."

"The super-rich will have to keep up the pretense that national politics might someday make a difference. Since economic decisions are their prerogative, they will encourage politicians of both the Left and the Right, to specialize in cultural issues. The aim will be to keep the minds of the proles elsewhere – to keep the bottom 75 percent of Americans and the bottom 95 percent of the world’s population busy with ethnic and religious hostilities, and with debates about sexual mores. If the proles can be distracted from their own despair by media-created pseudo-events…the super-rich will have little to fear."

exceprt from Richard Rorty, "Achieving Our Country" 1998

And I'll personally add that the problem isn't income inequality, it's wealth inequality. Income inequality itself is a bit of a distraction from wealth inequality.

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