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I'm an atheist and philosophically liberal (nothing to do with Canada's moronic Liberal Party), and a hard one at that, nonetheless I agree with the error you see.

Something happened simultaneously on the "left" and in atheism, and in feminism. Until the 70s, people were fighting for better status of living for everyone, and people got to work in their little pockets of friends, but it was all for a "greater good". But activism is no longer for the "greater good". Activism has become a form of punishment.

I was raised in a strict Roman Catholic schooling system, the nuns were horrifyingly evil to us, and several students were broken by them. Those were the years were the guest rightly points out that the "left" where the shakers, and the "right" (conservative/religious) were the authoritarians, his analogy to the movie Footloose was a good example.

But something happened to the Left along the way, it became authoritarian on "progressive values". On this too the guest is partially correct. Take people like Steven Pinker. His religion is progressivism. He sees nothing about how the world has gotten worse, Steven Pinker sees ALL "progress" as a "positive". But by "progress", people like Steven Pinker are actually mostly focused on tech, and less child labour, which is a ridiculous way to assess societal happiness.

Among atheists, the SAME thing happened. Atheists USED to be simply religion-free people, but around the 90s-00s, the doctrine of "Humanism" came along and took over the atheist movements. Humanism is the exact same system of faith as Christianity, with basically all the same rules, and all the same assumptions, and all the same authoritarianism, EXCEPT, Humanism is a godless faith. In Humanism, all that the greatness once attributed to god, was now attributed to amazing and genius human beings. ( I really despise Humanism and Steven Pinker).

So, you may not "get" why I'm totally agreeing with your take on this ridiculous interview, because I'm coming from the opposite side of the spectrum.

The guest was right about half the time, and wrong about half the time, not because he's some sort of centrist, but because he sees there are consequences to a problem, but has no idea what the true problems are, nor does he have any inkling of what needs changing.

The last two decades have forced me to reassess by views about conservatives. But now I'm not even on the political spectrum any more.

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There was a point in my earlier days when I identified with your “philosophically liberal” perspective. While we were not the in-your-face types we see today I think our feelings were similar to those of the left today. However, as I grew older and considered the results of my efforts, and of those I supported, I started to realize there was a massive shell game going on. After that reality finally sank in I thought that maybe the right was the place to be, but as time went by I realized that party is nothing more than the opposite side of the same coin. I am now the founder of “The Christian Conservative Contrarian Party” (CCCP); a party of 2. 😉

I have never aligned myself as an atheist but for most of my life I had a weak head knowledge of Christ, what’s the point in that? Might as well be an atheist.

It would be fun having a conversation with you about this, it’s an amazing subject, but this isn’t the place. I will say I have concluded, since I am a supporter of small, limited government, that in religion, denominations are nothing more than religious government. Jesus didn’t, to the frustration of many Jews, come to overthrow Rome, he came to overthrow religious structure. Denominations are extremely corrupt.

Yesterday, curious timing???, I came across a message that is a good, succinct explanation of the world we see today and what the future holds, so in case you are interested here’s a link, it’s around 40 minutes in length:


I hope you will listen to it, and if you do remember the thief on the cross with Jesus went from ridiculing Him to believing on Him is just a few hours. He never jumped through one man-made, denominational hoop. Faith in Christ is actually quite simple, and much cooler than I ever imagined.

One more thing and I’ll shut up. Each day I try to listen to an approx. 20 minute program of “Thru The Bible”, a program recorded by the late J Vernon McGee. McGee isn’t perfect, I argue with him from time to time, but he knows the simple basics and communicates them well. But at the end of the day only the individual is responsible for their soul, no man-made laws or coercion have any effect, except maybe making one resist. Thanks! Thru the Bible link https://ttb.org/

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Mar 17, 2022Edited
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That's interesting. Related to your questions "... who am I? Why are we here? What else is there?" I am not intelligent or "spiritual" enough to answer them by using my own resources. Of course I didn't realize that for much of my life, there were many a day when I thought I had it all figured out; now I know I didn't.

Earlier I said faith in Christ is much cooler than I ever imagined; it is what drives me every day. We take so much for granted in our daily lives, and that's where we shortchange ourselves. It's the things that I know to be true, yet can't understand that truly fascinate me. Looking at God's creation is awe-inspiring, and He put us here to enjoy it, not to destroy it. But since humans turn their backs to God, He addresses it in His way; a way we can't comprehend. Consider this, if our Sun were the size of the period I will put at the end of this sentence, the galaxy were are in, the Milkey Way, would be the size of the continental US. And the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies. Wrap your head around that.

My final example, I subscribe to the Christian premillennialist school of thought. I believe as this age we live in, the age of Grace, winds down God removes, via the "Rapture", the Church, aka the body of true believers, before the final seven years, aka the Apocalypse. As far as I can tell most American Christians who also subscribe to this belief assume the US will still be humming along when that happens. Personally I don't think that.

While I am in no-way dogmatic about it I expect the US will have been dealt a very serious blow before the Rapture. The US in not in end-times prophesy; Russia, China, Iran, Egypt and Israel are. Time will tell.

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The Liberal Party has moved along the spectrum from moronic to demonic. They are a sub cult of the WEF death cult. Depopulation by any means necessary, with as much cruelty and suffering as possible, is the game they play. They believe they are, by birthright, planet saviors, demi gods to be spared. Yes, their thinking is that skewed because they are thoroughly programmed by psychopaths. That's how cults work and "succeed" - if we let them. The inculcated are blinded to the fact that their days are numbered. Unspeakably sad for their children, who hopefully will be spared by divine love.

The cult masters are after our children and our pets, by the way. The more innocent, the more easily consumed. Time not for the Great Reset, but the Great Cleansing. Thus will the Liberal Cult of Canada be washed away. Forever.

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I don't understand this obsession with "depopulation". Since neoliberals have ruled the Earth the population has DOUBLED. Since this stupid virus, the world population has continued to increase.

There are so few large mammals left on this planet, and soon Humans, cows, pigs, will be the only large mammals left on Earth.

Why are people so obsessed with growth at all costs?

Why has growth become a religion?

Growth is the talisman of neoliberalism.

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