That's the very purpose of the institution of "marriage" to ensure that ALL humans are used for breeding purposes, to support the never ending wealth of the elites.
Before civilisation, Homo sapiens didn't go in twos. Homo sapiens used to sleep in groups, and the fittest (not sport fitness, but overall biological fitness) males and females were the reproducers, while the rest of the tribe had other jobs. Females only used to have 3-4 periods per year, and with breast-feeding until 2nd teeth came in, reproductive rates used to be very low, both societally and individually. What modern civilisation did was ensure maximum reproductive output, like a pig farm, and it's not for zero reason. The reason elites developped this system is because it's very efficient and providing expendable bodies for endless warfare. Endess reproduction is basically a military strategy, overwhelm the enemy with endless capacity. It is an efficient system, but recent centuries have declared death and sickness and ageing illegal (or not PC), at least before the extreme reproductive output was somewhat counterbalanced by death rates. But now that death is no longer acceptable, our we now reproduce like rabbit herbivores with no predators. And you know what happens in an ecosystem with herbivores have no predators, they destroy the ecosystem.
The restrictions imposed by governments (which were complying with the demands of fear-mongered populace simply perpetuate the system already in place.
For the elites to continue to accumulate wealth, they need endless masses of compliant minions, not wise citizens.
The endless "they want to depopulate us" is the reason the fear-mongerers are so effective, because the resistance sometimes has nonsense resistance. In order to defeat these elites, we are going to need to be more savvy.
That's the very purpose of the institution of "marriage" to ensure that ALL humans are used for breeding purposes, to support the never ending wealth of the elites.
Before civilisation, Homo sapiens didn't go in twos. Homo sapiens used to sleep in groups, and the fittest (not sport fitness, but overall biological fitness) males and females were the reproducers, while the rest of the tribe had other jobs. Females only used to have 3-4 periods per year, and with breast-feeding until 2nd teeth came in, reproductive rates used to be very low, both societally and individually. What modern civilisation did was ensure maximum reproductive output, like a pig farm, and it's not for zero reason. The reason elites developped this system is because it's very efficient and providing expendable bodies for endless warfare. Endess reproduction is basically a military strategy, overwhelm the enemy with endless capacity. It is an efficient system, but recent centuries have declared death and sickness and ageing illegal (or not PC), at least before the extreme reproductive output was somewhat counterbalanced by death rates. But now that death is no longer acceptable, our we now reproduce like rabbit herbivores with no predators. And you know what happens in an ecosystem with herbivores have no predators, they destroy the ecosystem.
The restrictions imposed by governments (which were complying with the demands of fear-mongered populace simply perpetuate the system already in place.
For the elites to continue to accumulate wealth, they need endless masses of compliant minions, not wise citizens.
The endless "they want to depopulate us" is the reason the fear-mongerers are so effective, because the resistance sometimes has nonsense resistance. In order to defeat these elites, we are going to need to be more savvy.