Well-said, Jewel, and an excellent point made about the coming together of people in the truckers’ protest against formidable odds. It reflected a dedication to and pulling together around a common cause that was (and is) truly remarkable.
I do get Lee’s point also, though, that there was absolutely no direction or inspiration coming fr…
Well-said, Jewel, and an excellent point made about the coming together of people in the truckers’ protest against formidable odds. It reflected a dedication to and pulling together around a common cause that was (and is) truly remarkable.
I do get Lee’s point also, though, that there was absolutely no direction or inspiration coming from the governments on how we could pull together as a society, just hollow, superficial words. In fact, as we know, just the opposite happened, which was a deliberate and strategic decision to divide society in order to serve political purposes. The damaging consequences of that decision, on an individual and collective level, will linger for decades.
Well-said, Jewel, and an excellent point made about the coming together of people in the truckers’ protest against formidable odds. It reflected a dedication to and pulling together around a common cause that was (and is) truly remarkable.
I do get Lee’s point also, though, that there was absolutely no direction or inspiration coming from the governments on how we could pull together as a society, just hollow, superficial words. In fact, as we know, just the opposite happened, which was a deliberate and strategic decision to divide society in order to serve political purposes. The damaging consequences of that decision, on an individual and collective level, will linger for decades.