I hear you, Tom. The institutions we used to trust have themselves lost their way, and so have lost our trust. Perhaps soon they will also lose our funding, we shall see.
If I understand you, those were the very institutions meant to ‘knit us together.’ The containers of trust, the shapers of action. They are failing at both of these jobs…
I hear you, Tom. The institutions we used to trust have themselves lost their way, and so have lost our trust. Perhaps soon they will also lose our funding, we shall see.
If I understand you, those were the very institutions meant to ‘knit us together.’ The containers of trust, the shapers of action. They are failing at both of these jobs, and we are left without either the place to gather or the mobilizing mechanisms we are used to.
I feel compelled towards forming new trust bonds, albeit imperfectly at first, through new institutions. Likewise, new modes for action, again imperfect at the outset, to replace the ones I believe we have lost.
Tara is providing an example, the Truckers another, and there are more. Ways we can gather outside the old containers, and take actions without them.
The more of us that shift outside the standard modes of assembly and action, the quicker the change. At least, that’s what my gut tells me.
I hear you, Tom. The institutions we used to trust have themselves lost their way, and so have lost our trust. Perhaps soon they will also lose our funding, we shall see.
If I understand you, those were the very institutions meant to ‘knit us together.’ The containers of trust, the shapers of action. They are failing at both of these jobs, and we are left without either the place to gather or the mobilizing mechanisms we are used to.
I feel compelled towards forming new trust bonds, albeit imperfectly at first, through new institutions. Likewise, new modes for action, again imperfect at the outset, to replace the ones I believe we have lost.
Tara is providing an example, the Truckers another, and there are more. Ways we can gather outside the old containers, and take actions without them.
The more of us that shift outside the standard modes of assembly and action, the quicker the change. At least, that’s what my gut tells me.