Thank you for your very sensible, logical comment om my post, its nice to meet like minded people with whom you can share an opinion and not be mocked for it. I share your sentiment Patryce very much as what you say is very is straight up. I suggest that you look up Maurice Strong as he is the o0ne who essentially got the ball in motion…
Thank you for your very sensible, logical comment om my post, its nice to meet like minded people with whom you can share an opinion and not be mocked for it. I share your sentiment Patryce very much as what you say is very is straight up. I suggest that you look up Maurice Strong as he is the o0ne who essentially got the ball in motion over climate change and when you read about it you will see that he went to the UN and it became a total money grab. Just how can one " tax nature."??? Again nice to share with you, stay safe and well...speak soon
Thank you for your very sensible, logical comment om my post, its nice to meet like minded people with whom you can share an opinion and not be mocked for it. I share your sentiment Patryce very much as what you say is very is straight up. I suggest that you look up Maurice Strong as he is the o0ne who essentially got the ball in motion over climate change and when you read about it you will see that he went to the UN and it became a total money grab. Just how can one " tax nature."??? Again nice to share with you, stay safe and well...speak soon
Thanks for your kind reply, James. Good to connect!
You are very welcome Patryce, nice to share good info with you....stay safe and well and we shall speak soon..............toodles