Decadence: Credentialed urbanites larping civil war. They are terrified that "new canadians 😉" will stop delivering industrial food to the front door of their papier-mache debt-pods. Running outside double-masked in their pajamas to coloured recycling bins is their Vietnam. Recycling bins, I might add, that are magically emptied every w…
Decadence: Credentialed urbanites larping civil war. They are terrified that "new canadians 😉" will stop delivering industrial food to the front door of their papier-mache debt-pods. Running outside double-masked in their pajamas to coloured recycling bins is their Vietnam. Recycling bins, I might add, that are magically emptied every week.
Decadence: Credentialed urbanites larping civil war. They are terrified that "new canadians 😉" will stop delivering industrial food to the front door of their papier-mache debt-pods. Running outside double-masked in their pajamas to coloured recycling bins is their Vietnam. Recycling bins, I might add, that are magically emptied every week.
"papier-mache debt-pods" - gold