We need to stop spouting this false narrative of "deadliest pandemic in a 100 years". It is not. Most of the deaths recorded as covid deaths in Western countries are not deaths by covid.
Our ALL-causes death statistics have not significantly wavered from historical averages/trends, and there are MORE deaths from lockdowns than from the virus.
Let's stop feeding the fear-mongering monster.
We need to stop spouting this false narrative of "deadliest pandemic in a 100 years". It is not. Most of the deaths recorded as covid deaths in Western countries are not deaths by covid.
Our ALL-causes death statistics have not significantly wavered from historical averages/trends, and there are MORE deaths from lockdowns than from the virus.
We need to stop spouting this false narrative of "deadliest pandemic in a 100 years". It is not. Most of the deaths recorded as covid deaths in Western countries are not deaths by covid.
Our ALL-causes death statistics have not significantly wavered from historical averages/trends, and there are MORE deaths from lockdowns than from the virus.
Let's stop feeding the fear-mongering monster.
A pandemic so serious health authorities don't work weekends or holidays, and real estate sales reach record highs.
And the billionaires have doubled their net worth.
Indeed. After the All-Star break, the Magic Bug won't bother NHL players anymore. Nature is amazing !!!ЁЯдп
IтАЩm in bed before 10PM so I am safe and see no needs for poison darts from Pfizer.
I thought all cause mortality was up since the implementation of the c-19 injectables