Your right. Lately there have been people I know called asking whats in the shot and they were told they were not allowed to tell them. Which is against informed consent and nullifies any signed liability immediately. Liability is based upon providing all information the good, the bad the ugly and the in between. The shot after this constitutes bodily assault with fraudulent practice.
Your right. Lately there have been people I know called asking whats in the shot and they were told they were not allowed to tell them. Which is against informed consent and nullifies any signed liability immediately. Liability is based upon providing all information the good, the bad the ugly and the in between. The shot after this constitutes bodily assault with fraudulent practice.
Your right. Lately there have been people I know called asking whats in the shot and they were told they were not allowed to tell them. Which is against informed consent and nullifies any signed liability immediately. Liability is based upon providing all information the good, the bad the ugly and the in between. The shot after this constitutes bodily assault with fraudulent practice.
And so people must do their own due diligence re: informed consent. Those who want you dead are not likely to give a shit about it -or you.