You forgot to demonize the cisgender white male who keeps this whole thing running.

I'm sure you'll make up for it in a future broadcast. Half of today's modern feminists are incel crossdressers. How will this effect Title 9?

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Dont forget Womens Liberation and who wanted it. Women ! Women wanted the freedom provided by the contraceptive pill, and men just went along for the ride. I do think the pill has done bad things eugenically for women, with some bad long term side effects. I think women should be having babies when they are most healthy, like in their 20s,

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How to reform "Feminism" is to decide that it is no longer needed, no longer respected and is a danger to western civilization if allowed to exist. At some point we should consider feminist groups as domestic terrorist groups given an ideological agenda has overtaken any and all real interest in advancing woman's interests. This isn't your mother's and grandmothers feminist movement. Today this is something much different.

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as usual the radicals have taken over

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