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They are leading from behind the curtain. Every Intelligence agency, DOJ, Pentagon, Universities, public service unions, have been captured by the left. Although, now they are more concerned with staying in power than helping the little guy and the downtrodden.

They moved the goal post from class and labor to color and genitalia.

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You to need wake up some more... you have some information but, not enough. All the people and positions you mentioned are Deep State operatives.... not the Left. It doesn't matter whether they are elected or appointed, they are Deep State. The Left were responsible for electing Trump the first time because they wouldn't vote for the Deep State war mongering Hilary Clinton who along with the high level Dems stole the Candidacy (both times) from Bernie Sanders whom the Democratic grassroots unanimously supported. The fledgling, but increasing wakening up Republicans did not have high enough numbers in Trumps first election to win (an election Trump said himself he did not expect to win). In those 4 short years, enough people in the Dems and the Republicans had woken up to give him a 75-80% landslide vote... and you know the rest. You are doing well, but, you need to get off the Left this the Left that bandwagon which the Right have falsely created. Before Trump came on the scene, both the Dems and the Republicans were polluted with Deep State candidates, etc... and Trump's hardest job was not signing Executive orders for the Military to start rounding the criminals up (that was easy), but cleaning up the Republican Party's Deep State operatives which was very, very hard as many, many Republicans did not support Trump in the beginning and throug out most of his Presidency. I will leave it at that.

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The right left thing is no more. The division is between the university crowd and the people. Power versus the people...

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The right wing and left wing is still very much alive, but they have become very much united as both sides are now seeing how the real Politics works on this Planet... everywhere. Both sides have woken up in their own way, following their own path... but they are waking up and that is the real why they are together when it comes to supporting Trump, etc... As the late President Kennedy once stated, "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the Blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future". In closing, I need to address this as well. It is not a division between the university crowd vs. the people although it may appear that way. I will put it simply... Both groups do not like what is going on. A perfect example is what has been taking place in the schools. No educated or uneducated person on any School Board would agree with inviting Transvestites to prance around in front of elementary school children... for any reason. And neither could you find an educated or uneducated person who would agree to the same nonsense being the main event at the recent Olympics. Further, you would be hard pressed to find a transvestite who would seriously suggest such a thing let alone support any of it because of the risk of the enormous shock and back lash... which of course happened. Those School Boards and their elected members who have been fighting concerned parent groups are either compromised in some serious way (as are the many, many Congress and Senate officials) or they are being used and manipulated and they will be gone by the end of this year. The question to ask is who ordered such a guaranteed failure Agenda to even occur and why? The answer will take you far beyond "following the money" and it will wind its way back to Deep State operatives and no one else. Hope all is well in your life.

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