Well that was a waste of time. Thank you for completely unoriginal and insightless jabber from another young fence-sitter, pointing out the obvious while displaying a complete inability to delve into the real questions. One mention of American Government as being dysfunctional, yet no curiosity as to why/wherefore that system has come to…
Well that was a waste of time. Thank you for completely unoriginal and insightless jabber from another young fence-sitter, pointing out the obvious while displaying a complete inability to delve into the real questions. One mention of American Government as being dysfunctional, yet no curiosity as to why/wherefore that system has come to be the way it is. Not to mention your own preoccupation with America, Tara! Is Canada’s governmental dysfunction not exciting enough for you? Is a discussion of American government AS IT RELATES to Canadian interests too hard of a leap? Hell, I’d even take some original thought about US politics at this point, but this conversation has none of it. I’d enjoy a few more contributions to the comment section to make it somewhat worthwhile, but there’s not even that. Nobody seems to care about what this 30-something MSM wannabe has to say, I guess since most of it was about himself. Fail.
Well that was a waste of time. Thank you for completely unoriginal and insightless jabber from another young fence-sitter, pointing out the obvious while displaying a complete inability to delve into the real questions. One mention of American Government as being dysfunctional, yet no curiosity as to why/wherefore that system has come to be the way it is. Not to mention your own preoccupation with America, Tara! Is Canada’s governmental dysfunction not exciting enough for you? Is a discussion of American government AS IT RELATES to Canadian interests too hard of a leap? Hell, I’d even take some original thought about US politics at this point, but this conversation has none of it. I’d enjoy a few more contributions to the comment section to make it somewhat worthwhile, but there’s not even that. Nobody seems to care about what this 30-something MSM wannabe has to say, I guess since most of it was about himself. Fail.