I think there are some excellent points made in this conversation and that it's paramount for journalists (as is pointed out by Kirchick) to present as much as they "uncover" when reporting on a story. Today's journalists are hamstrung by parent companies to present a predetermined "side" of the 'facts' as damning or as glowing as they see fit. (Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed David Greenberg's segment on "Lean Out" as well as the Columbia Journalism panel discussion ... perhaps 'enjoyed is the wrong word, I think I was actually gobsmacked to hear the downgrading of 'objectivity' as the majority of the panel members believe themselves to be saviours . Kirchick obviously has a side (we all do) and he's presenting a side that *has* been covered up. Good work, Tara!
I think there are some excellent points made in this conversation and that it's paramount for journalists (as is pointed out by Kirchick) to present as much as they "uncover" when reporting on a story. Today's journalists are hamstrung by parent companies to present a predetermined "side" of the 'facts' as damning or as glowing as they see fit. (Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed David Greenberg's segment on "Lean Out" as well as the Columbia Journalism panel discussion ... perhaps 'enjoyed is the wrong word, I think I was actually gobsmacked to hear the downgrading of 'objectivity' as the majority of the panel members believe themselves to be saviours . Kirchick obviously has a side (we all do) and he's presenting a side that *has* been covered up. Good work, Tara!
Yeah. Tara has lost any credibility with this one; she's not even trying anymore. Gave her a couple of chances, but am out for good now.