Sep 11·edited Sep 11

It is good to hear a Liberal that is actually acknowledging that there are issues. His working class background does allow him to see that things are actually not working.

I would like to make some observations:

1. I personally believe that the Liberal Party is beyond saving. The Left needs to start over working from first principles.

2. Focus on "Truth". This endless focusing on "Narratives" and "Overton Windows" is destroying the Left. If something is true it must be said, no matter who it angers, and what friends you might loose. If these people cannot handle the truth, they are not worth having as friends.

3. Stop being "Tribal" but look for good people to work with where ever they might be found.

4. Stop with the labels. No more "Orange Man Bad" & "Putin Puppets". Stop labeling people "Fascists" because you don't like what they say. Similarly people on the right need to stop calling people communists, socialists, or whatever, and engage with what they are saying.

5. End Lawfare. Using the Law to punish your enemies ultimately destroys the Legitimacy of our Legal System. Admit, that under the Liberals, Canada now has Political Prisoners, which puts us to the level of the Soviet Union. When you start down the road of using the law to punish people who say things you don't like, we all end up in a very nasty place.

6. Free Speech and Open Debate is required to move forward. Truth needs to be discovered, and no one has a monopoly. It is a journey, not a destination that you can ever arrive at.

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So on point but also hopeful. I think your guest says it very simply in that the current cohort of politicians is in it for their own personal power gains rather than being in service to the people. Or they are in it for their particular region, rather than at least pretending we are a country.

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The “progressivism” of the Liberal Party has made Canada a shipwreck. I would suggest that any government that pursues ideological ends instead of pragmatic ones are unfit to rule. There are too many pitfalls into which they fall.

The reason for that is one of the things mentioned by the guest, with which I disagree. His claim that human nature is basically good can be refuted by everyday living. I know it is a common notion but …what if it is untrue? What if Goodness cannot come from politics or benevolent governments? Lord Acton’s statement that “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” becomes the description of the end of power for us all. The Liberal Party has pushed a questioned ideology with shaky origins and departures from rational thought for 9 years! The descriptions of the shipwreck in the early part of this interview show the fruits of their corrupted folly.

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Inspiring, positive, outlook that's fun to hear!

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Excellent interview! Straightforward accurate description of the problems, plausible solutions.

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You voted for it, and now you have buyers remorse.

And now you're getting it good and hard.

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