Great episode and extremely timely. I would disagree with Tony in terms of not addressing the “social cohesion” question with regards to immigration. We all remember Kellie Leitch getting summarily roasted at the CPC Leadership debates. But we are also seeing chaos in our streets and anti-semitism on the rise on campuses, malls and overpasses. We have to get real. Some cultures do not appear compatible with ours (ie Western values). This does not make someone racist; it makes them a realist, however, Politicians are too concerned with their voting diasporas to rock the boat. We have to decide who we are as Canadians and who we want here as future Canadians. I support any measures that get this is check as long as they don’t create more problems in the long term; economic and social.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I can be forgiven for thinking that destabilization is the short term goal. More and more we seem to be living a weird version of Atlas Shrugged, as if that wasn't weird enough.

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Who is John Galt???

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Klaus Schwab.

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LOL 😂 not even close. I’m thinking Javier Mileli

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