A Titanic of measures? We should have had not one single mandate, no face-diapers, no closures, no travel restrictions, let alone medical restrictions, NONE of these work.


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We knew masks don't work in 1981.

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We knew masks didn't work since Medieval Times! ooh those bird beak doctors!

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I wondered why they wore those things so I checked it out. Apparently, the beak portion of the mask was filled with aromatic herbs to mask (pardon the pun) the smell of the dead, who were everywhere in abundance. Similar to today, official policy contributed to the spread by confining individuals within households where a case was observed. Of course no one knew it was the rats and fleas common to every household that were the problem. If they'd simply moved outdoors and then gone on a mass rat killing campaign things might have been a lot different.

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I don't understand how bird beaks weren't the running gag since the outset... but nope, all the times I posted such images were just lost on people.

It seems too many people have no sense of history.

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The plague is also transmitted via sneezes and coughs, their masks served exactly no purposed other than theatre. Humans are frikin obsessed with "theatre" and celebrities and narratives. So few people are truly interested in f.in REALITY.

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As for *when* we found out this vaccine was not sterilising, we didn't "find out later", Israel had immediate high rates of vaccination months before anyone else, we knew almost immediately that this vaccine was non sterilising, and not very effective at all. Looking at ratios of cases/hospitalisation/deaths to vaccination percentages, we find the vaccinated are about 45% favoured against hospitalisation and death, and there is no advantage regarding "cases" which means the vaccine has a little bit of benefit for those at risk, and no benefit for those not at risk.

We knew this in January 2021.

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I don't disagree at all that the COVID vaccines should not be mandatory ... but I'm not sure it's really true that we "knew" (or know) that the vaccine is "not very effective at all," and especially not in January 2021. Israel's vaccination campaign, begun in December 2020, sharply curtailed the outbreak there, and resurgence did not happen until mid-June of 2021 (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2114228). That suggests an efficacy period (where "efficacy" means "reducing total COVID infections") of approximately 6 months.

The same could be seen in the U.S., where throughout 2021, the ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths was quite pronounced (25:1).

Here's data from the week ending December 2021: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-02-10/covid-hospitalizations-higher-among-unvaccinated. And here's a more recent chart showing the hospitalization differences in the States from Nov 2021 through Feb 2022: https://www.factcheck.org/2022/04/scicheck-covid-19-data-comparing-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-continues-to-be-available-contrary-to-viral-posts/

What was less clear, but has certainly become obvious since, is the fact that vaccination -- and now booster -- efficacy wanes FAR more quickly than authorities clearly hoped, and certainly than public health authorities and vaccine manufacturers led policy makers to expect. That was especially (and much more "immediately") clear from the Israeli studies on the second booster, which rather quickly showed significant efficacy drop-off after only 4 to 6 weeks.

And regardless of the length of efficacy for the vaccinated or boosted person, it is certainly true that the vaccine does not prevent transmission -- or at least, that to the extent it does so, it is only by reducing, and not by eliminating, overall viral load in vaccinated people who experience breakthrough infections. Which makes the entire concept of mandating vaccination for people who do not want it rather egregiously unjustified.

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That's historical revisionism. In early January, there were already tons of evidence that it was non sterilising. Overall, a reduction of maybe 45% in hospitalisations and deaths is NOT very effective. You can use all kinds of linguistic euphemisms like "sharp" and what not, but the simply reality is WE KNEW ALMOST IMMEDIATELY THAT THEY WERE NON STERILISING.

And that should not have come as surprise to any scientifically literate person.

Because we knew since MERS and SARS1 (and previous ILI seasons) that coronaviruses are NOT efficient vaccine candidates because:

-Coronavirus Ig antibodies are short-lived

-Coronaviruses have high mutation rates

-Coronaviruses have huge animal reservoir.

None of this should be "news" or "new" to a scientifically literate person.

Unfortunately, people turned off their scientific brains in order to participate in group-think.

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I don't think I suggested that the vaccine was non-sterilizing, or made any comment about whether the fact that they aren't was known in January 2021 or not. Most of the media articles I can find from that period (up to at least April 2021) note that the vaccine clinical trials prior to emergency authorization hadn't included testing for their efficacy in preventing spread. (This, of course, did not stop public health propaganda from positioning getting the vaccine as good for both the vaccinated person and the public at large. This was the same media propaganda machine that clamped down on any reporting of vaccine side effects or injuries and that suggested all the available vaccines were completely interchangeable. As is usually the case, such one-sided, clearly agenda-driven propaganda did way more lasting and long-term damage to public trust, including in the cohort of people actually willing to get vaccinated, than it did to change anyone's mind about getting vaccinated.)

My comment to your reply here was specifically about whether or not the vaccines were/are "effective," and about whether THAT was well-known in January 2021. Here's the CDC study of hospitalizations from February 2021 to April 2021, which indicates that out of 7,280 COVID patients aged 65-74 hospitalized in that period (99 U.S. counties across 14 states), 5451 (75%) were unvaccinated, 867 (12%) were partially vaccinated, and 394 (5%) were fully vaccinated. The breakdowns indicate 96% real-world effectiveness in this first vaccinated group in preventing hospitalization for Pfizer, 96% for Moderna, and 85% for Janssen:


Now, of course, this high rate of real-world "effectiveness" would not hold up over time, as younger people got added into the vaccination pool and as efficacy of the vaccine turned out to wane significantly 6 months after vaccination. But as far as I've been able to find, this is what was "known" about the vaccine's effectiveness in January 2021. If you have access to studies that show effectiveness was known to be "45% overall" in early January 2021, I would like to see them.

(Note: I do understand that this CDC report from Feb - April 2021 covers elderly people in the highest risk group [age 65-74] for hospitalization and death by COVID. I assume it was limited to that cohort because, apart from health care workers, that was the group permitted to seek vaccination at that time.)

As far as I can see now, a year and a half later, the discrepancy in hospitalizations/deaths between vaccinated and unvaccinated people persists (though the gap is unsurprisingly narrowing, as both vaccines and boosters are wearing off -- from what I've read, initial vaccination seems to be effective for 6 months, first booster for about 4 months, second booster for about 6 weeks, etc.). But this isn't the same as the vaccines not being "effective" for any period. If the vaccines aren't effective, how do you explain the significantly higher historical rate of COVID hospitalization and death in unvaccinated vs. vaccinated people?

I'm genuinely not trying to be argumentative for the sake of being argumentative (or political) here. I really do want to understand this. I see this "the vaccines aren't effective" argument all the time, and I don't understand the reasoning, given that during the timeframes I've described above, unvaccinated people have been far more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID. If there is some other credible scientific explanation for the discrepancy, please share it, as I'd very much like to understand it. (I, too, am trying to build as complete a picture for myself, since like most, I don't trust government or political parties/ideologies on any side to be honest with me.)

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CLINICAL TRIALS = were the first crime against humanity in this situation, first massive con, first sound of Big Pharma and Congress members financial gains. They were not properly conducted scientifically, long enough, results fidged and misleading. The Trump years...

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Pfizer knew everything before they even rolled it out. Check out the analysis coming out of their data dump. https://rumble.com/v159j1z-naomi-wolf-reveals-accumulated-data-dump-findings-showing-fraud-and-other-h.html They knew it wouldn't sterilize, that it wouldn't stay in the arm, that it would go to organs, and that it would maim and kill many people, and even likely cause sterilization and miscarriages. It's all in their own data that, by the way, they shared with our health officials and government early in the rollout, so Trudeau knew. Tam knew. And that data you quote, you can't trust the media to be straight. For a better analysis, go to the CCCA website "Dispelling the Myth of a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" and learn how this data has been manipulated. https://rumble.com/embed/vr73cs/?pub=qdzr7 Finally, of course anything this risky should never be mandated. We never needed vaccines in the first place, because it was treatable. Yet here, as in many states the US, early treatment drugs were banned. It is criminal. No one seems to want to talk about that elephant in the room.

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Thank you for your ongoing vigilance. This is exactly the conversation that has been happening in our household for almost two years. I personally know more than twice as many people with vaccine injuries than people who have died, or even been hospitalized, with Covid. I've been called a liar, an asshole, and a Trump supporter(?) for saying so. I have been sidelined in my profession for asking questions that, a few years ago, would simply have led to a conversation.

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It is about time. Thank you!

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It's so much too late. We knew all of this before March 2020 but Canadians turned into freaking monsters.

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They always were monsters. This was just an excuse to flaunt it.

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Ya that's a pretty sad statement.

I think of all the Nazis that took refuge in Canada after the 2nd World War, and I see how their thinking has been able to climb to prominance in Canadian politics.

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The guest said there have long been vaccine mandates for kids school. These are not "mandates", they are soft. No child in Canada is banned from school because of being not vaccinated!

It's a lie to present those as "mandates"

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In the US, Washington state convened a health panel to decide whether to mandate the Covid vaccine for schools in the upcoming academic year. The panel voted it down for now, due to lack of information on effectiveness of the vaccine in kids and teens.

Plus, the WA politicians began to waffle on it due to low statewide vaccination rates for that age group (under 50%). The governor was concerned that many parents would withdraw from the public education system, which would create a financial crisis, as school budgets are tied to federal dollars per student enrolled.

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My comment wasn't about SCV2 vx mandates, but relates to the guest talking about there having long been vaccine "mandates" in schools.

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Most American public school systems have required vaccines--even I had them many years ago. You cannot enter kindergarten without quite a long list of vaccinations. There are religious and medical exemptions, but they are onerous to achieive. I know next to nothing about Canadian school policies--perhaps this is a difference between the countries?

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This is a discussion about Canada. No child in Canada is refused schooling over this. Onerous, sure, but NO ONE is refused.

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I think that's great that no one is refused. I believe it varies in the US.

The topic of this podcast was a paper covering many countries---Canada and the US included. The guest is Canadian and also works in the United States. I follow Tara for her coverage on broad topics in both countries. Canada had a better approach to opening schools than the US did, so thank you for sharing that Canadian schools have a different approach to vaccines too. Trust me, I'm not an American saying we did it better--far from it.

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Kids here were "masked" until last month... "better" is a relative word.

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Umm, not true if by "kids" you include university students. And for old fogey's like me, university students definitely count as "kids".

My niece and nephew had their high school prom and graduation cancelled, and spent their first two years of undergraduate either totally remote (from home) or mostly remote (isolated in their dorm rooms). The damage to their social development (in transitioning to adult independence) is impossible to quantify, but very, very real, and (I suspect) frightfully long lasting.

As healthy young adults, their risk from actual covid? Pretty damn near zero. Universal lockdowns were a travesty and a (inter)national disgrace. A clear headed reckoning cannot come soon enough, but I fear it will not come at all.

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It seems that it is already happening, if the Citizen’s Forum (link in another post here somewhere) is any indication. It is the people who will make this happen, creating spaces for the stories to be told and the healing to begin to happen. Much scarring has taken place.

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I spent 10 years in university, back when, in Canada adulthood starts at 18, so all my university years I was a "working age adult". ;)

Discussing "school vaccine mandates" in a Canadian setting relates to elementary school kids. There were no "mandates" up to 2021 for high school and universities.

But yep, totally agree with you. ALL lives were damaged, not just kid lives.

I can understand that my entourage "hate Trump" like there's no tomorrow, and therefore when he said "the cure is worse than disease", all those "nice people" turned into hateful reality denying bigots.

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Jun 22, 2022
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Yes, coercion without mandates is something this speaker didn't address and should have.

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Thanks for this Tara. I volunteer with the vaccine injured/ families of those whose loved ones died from "suspected" vax injuries ( because doctors are quite literally discouraged from questioning and admitting) which is a subject widely and intentionally swept under the rug in Canada and elsewhere. We just had a US pathologist agree to examine post mortem tissue samples from a young man who died post vax in Canada. The Canadian pathologist's COD was ruled 'unascertained' . According to the US pathologist, it turns out that the tissue samples were never stained to look for vaccine induced damage which requires a special stain. As the US pathologist said, " Well, you won't find what you're not looking for".)

Safety is the REAL elephant in the room and needs to be blown wide open. Governments have known about the unprecedented numbers of adverse reactions since early 2021 (see Bonnie Henry's now infamous emails, recently released via FOIA) and really should have known from the get go, because Moderna and Bio N Tech's CEOs knew and warned back in 2016 about the "toxicities" and "dangerous side effects" of the lipid nanoparticle that delivers the mRNA into our cells- "especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years". https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/ Here is Acuitas's own biodistribution study on its LNP: "distribution mainly into liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries over 48 hours" . https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M4_4223_185350.pdf

How many people would have injected themselves had they known what Bonnie Henry, Acquitas , Moderna and Bio Tech knew? That this information wasn't made available as part of informed consent is criminal in my view and the sooner the public is made aware, the better for everyone. The real crime is covering these facts up and telling people the vaccines are 'safe' (not according to modern and Bio N Tech) and effective ( nope- Even BC's CDC admits the boosted account for 75% of Covid deaths now: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/bccdc/viz/BCCDCCOVID19SurveillanceDashboard/Introduction

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Great resources here, thank you.

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You got that right! They can’t let that one of the bag as it is way too incriminating. As is, it’s a dirty secret or a dirty lie. But NO, THE VACCINES WERE (ARE) NOT SAFE! Huge cover-up happening on on this issue.

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Jun 22, 2022Edited
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It was never about the vaccine; it was about the digital passport.

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It used to be, apparently, that vaccines were pulled when damage was recognized. But now it is as though the powers that be, and consequently the citizenry, have gone deaf and blind, even senseless, in the face of enormous negative consequences from the vaccine. It is indeed a crime against humanity, one that is condoned (so far) by the majority.

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The question is: Is such a policy backed by science?

If anyone thinks that is the most important question to ask, then we are doomed to servitude to our darker instincts . Permit me to rephrase that and try and get everyone back on the right path:

Is there really such a thing as a universal notion of the public good? If so, who gets to decide? Justin Trudeau, our modern day philosopher king? How about the propagandized mob, do they get to decide? If you’re struggling with these questions, let me give you a hint. There is no such thing as the collective mind, or the collective good. We are all individuals with our own interests, some in common, some not. History is fool of lunatics and charlatans who convinced themselves and their eager followers that they have discovered the collective good; death, destruction, and misery always follow.

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…and yes, “fool” is a pun.

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"In Trudeau’s ideological world, the adults in Canada who are unvaccinated are far-right extremists who probably have racist views."

Count me as an individual Trudeau has slandered. Only racists like me would donate tens of thousands of dollars and spend weeks traveling and working in extremely difficult circumstances overseas to build schools for black Africans.

The insanity of Trudeau's comments and actions - that continue today (I still have to quarantine 14 days upon arriving back in Canada after international travel, despite likely having better immunity than the vaccinated due to prior infection??) - are beyond the pale.

In 2005 Robert Mugabe, the now-dead leader of Zimbabwe, launched "Operation Murambatsvina. The effort was supposedly to clean up slum areas of the country. In fact, it was a political operation that only targeted communities who voted for the opposition. The government literally bulldozed the houses and shops of 700,000 people (a UN report found this...real numbers were far higher).

Honestly, how can you not lump Trudeau in with Mugabe? He is now specifically targeting constituencies he knows will never vote for him ever again. This targeting is beyond punitive. It is destroying livelihoods, which means ripping apart of the bonds that hold families and communities together.

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Trudeau is what he is. My disgust is directed towards Jagmeet Singh, who not only betrayed the working class he purports to represent, but the moral principles he swore to uphold when he joined the Khalsa. He had a challenge presented to him which was textbook Khalsa - defend the weak and the innocent - and he failed miserably. Those outward symbols, the 5 K's, mean nothing if you don't uphold the values they represent. Frankly, Justin Trudeau isn't the only MP who deserves to be called Mr. Dress Up.

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I am equally disgusted with Singh, as I’ve expressed in this forum many times. He has betrayed the values his party supposedly stood behind. He has shown himself to be the epitome of wokeness and his hypocrisy is becoming more and more evident every day. And God help if anyone disagrees with the stances he has taken on Covid measures. He just pulls out his racist card, just like Trudeau - accusing people without any attempt to understand where they are coming from, any compassion, and any fairness.

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Jun 22, 2022Edited
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I like the “treasonous bums”!

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Dr. Julie Ponesse is the Ethics Professor who was fired for refusing to take the jabs. Her website is gold and very relevant. Dr. Julie Ponesse speaks with Professor Mattias Desmet about meaning making, mass formation, totalitarianism, collectivism and the critical role speaking out has against the masses. https://www.thedemocracyfund.ca/a_crisis_of_meaning_making_and_the_importance_of_maintaining_the_principles_of_humanity_in_a_dehumanizing_world?utm_campaign=mattias_eblast&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thedemocracyfund

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Dr. Julie Ponesse is amazing, someone who stood tall and proud in her right to decide what to put into her body, and she paid the price of being fired as Ethics professor because of her choice. So brutally unfair! Still, she’s been an inspiration to many. I have her book My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates and it helped a lot to read this in the midst of the darkest days, when I was spinning in the parallel universe.

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Actually one of the strong lines of this discussion was when the guest mentioned Left-wing populism.

There has long been a view, among leftists, that populism is by definition a "right-wing" thing, and that it's a horrible social phenomenon based on the propagation of "false fears", "against immigrants", or "against socialism" or "against taxes" etc.

I have long thought that we needed a form of left-populism, to shake the house up a bit.

But I must say, I am not impressed with this "left-wing populism".

Honestly, NO policy based on fear is worthy.

This means that both on the left and the right, we must be able to get off our high horses and actually debate like adults, and discuss data in its proper contexts, rather than data out of context and anecdotes.

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Yes, we made the choice to follow the Chinese/European style of emergency response, which was to lockdown and mandate. However, we already had our own emergency plan for pandemics which was/is still excellent that we chose to ignore with grave consequences. It can be seen here under Exit Strategy at the CCCA. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/exit-strategy/ I recommend everyone take the time to learn about it and reach out to MPs and senators to ask why we instead insisted on following the WHO and their zero-covid loving leader who admires Australia and China's brutal measures. Didn't we also just agree to proposed international changes that would have given the WHO full overriding power to lord these same extreme measures over us for even lesser emergencies? Our government is going full ahead with this plan. Thankfully enough global protest thwarted it, for now but it's not over and we'll need to stay diligent.

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Always interesting to hear you discuss these much more honestly than pretty much everywhere else. But I've come to view these things in the CoVid era as a lot like the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the beginning, everyone was on board with those wars. Now it's extremely difficult to find anyone who's going to defend them. Similarly, lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates will be seen like the wars.

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I hope you’re right, Andrew. I kind of feel you are, and I look forward to that time. I perceive the narrative changing quite a lot these days, as all kinds of material is coming forth on the negative side of the whole Covid response and management. Plus there are more and more items on the vaccines’ waning efficacy, etc. and juicy little pieces such as Pfizer being sued for libel. I guess with the $38 billion they made in three months, they can afford to pay their legal fees!

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Correction: Pfizer is being sued for patent infringement, not libel.

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Yeah, a lot of places are talking about a “post-pandemic world” or how the pandemic is ending. It’s changing the way people are looking back on the things they did. I have also noticed a distinct drop off in people wanting to discuss or debate the validity of the public health measures. While people don’t talk about the lockdowns anymore they’re very much aware of the problems with it.

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I think, in most cases where the powerful continue to push policies where there is clear observable evidence of either ineffectiveness or harm being causes, there is a hidden agenda driving the policies.

Did you know:

"In May 2018, the WEF [World Economic Forum] collaborated with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to conduct “CLADE X,” a simulation of a national pandemic response. Specifically, the exercise simulated the outbreak of a novel strain of a human parainfluenza virus, with genetic elements of the Nipah virus, called CLADE X. The simulation ended with a news report stating that in the face of CLADE X, without effective vaccines, “experts tell us that we could eventually see 30 to 40 million deaths in the U.S. and more than 900 million around the world—twelve percent of the global population.” Clearly, preparation for a global pandemic was in order.

In October 2019, the WEF collaborated with Johns Hopkins and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on another pandemic exercise, “Event 201,” which simulated an international response to the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. This was two months before the COVID outbreak in China became news and five months before the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, and it closely resembled the future COVID scenario, including incorporating the idea of asymptomatic spread.

The CLADE X and Event 201 simulations anticipated almost every eventuality of the actual COVID crisis, most notably the responses by governments, health agencies, the media, tech companies, and elements of the public. The responses and their effects included worldwide lockdowns, the collapse of businesses and industries, the adoption of biometric surveillance technologies, an emphasis on social media censorship to combat “misinformation,” the flooding of social and legacy media with “authoritative sources,” widespread riots, and mass unemployment. "

Trudeau and his minions are WEF participants in the Great Reset project. COVID-19 was purposely launched by the globalist cabal. The WHO, Fauci and others in top healthcare administration are complicit. Bill Gates is likely public enemy number one. The policy reaction was planned.

It is not that they deny the harm caused by the policy reaction; it was/is intended.

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Agreed. Interesting to note is that the same players launched a simulation on Monkeypox exactly one year ago practically to the exact day that it 'emerged' in May this year. Makes one think for sure. Now we have Bill C-11 being rammed through on the eve of all this fraud being taken to the courts in the US and hitting the airwaves. Doesn't leave much confidence.

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Same people that were running the bio-warfare labs in Ukraine, but try and get people to understand that.

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Frank, I would be interested to read more about this. Can you provide some reputable links, if it’s not too much trouble? Thanks!

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Thanks Frank, for this very good and informative article.

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Jun 24, 2022
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No problem, Jewel, I always value your comments!

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Jun 24, 2022Edited
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I trust my intuition completely, Jewel. I don’t form my views simply by believing what others tell me, including about the Great Reset. Instead, I stay open to my instincts and intuitions in drawing the information (much of it energetic) I need in order to come to my own conclusions. There is a lot out there on the Great Reset and asking for and receiving articles, etc. about this development can be quite helpful.

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Jun 24, 2022
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Yes, I sensed that the word "reputable" was what triggered your response/reaction..I completely understand and thanks for your awareness and honesty.

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The science illiteracy is prevalent all over the place. In March 2020 I was discussing the history of coronaviruses with one of my union people, explaining to her that coronavirus vaccination had never been a good approach because the very nature of coronaviruses is to provide short-term immunity, because:

-Coronavirus Ig antibodies are short lived

-Coronaviruses have a high mutation rate

-Coronaviruses have large animal reservoirs

We knew all this from studying the MERS and SARS1, but also from the fact we never could develop vaccines against "colds".

There will NEVER be a "good" coronavirus vaccine.

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Last week, the JCCF (The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) announced that a Canadian federal court has set a trial date of September 19 for the legal challenge regrading travel mandates.

The Case is headed up by former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford and PCC Leader Maxime Bernier - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-peoples-party-leader-says-hes-thankful-he-didnt-cave-in-to-pressure-to-get-covid-shots/

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Really good interview. I'd just like to comment on two points. One is when asked what could have been done, the most obvious answer is we could have untied physicians' hands and allowed them to use whatever medications necessary to treat covid patients in the early stages, as has been highly successful elsewhere. https://rumble.com/vyohw4-04-covid-under-question.html However, we now know that people had to be told COVID couldn't be treated, to go home if sick until you can't breath, and only then go back to the hospital (perhaps for a killer dose of Remdesivir, breathing tubes, and other toxic cocktails) - because the experimental vaccines would not have been approved for EUA use if effective treatment already existed. It would have thwarted billions of dollars in profits from the already incredibly rich and powerful, but it also would have stopped the pandemic in its early tracks. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions worldwide) died in the US and here unnecessarily waiting for the vaccines, including many of our seniors, and many are still dying from this lack of treatment today (some predict nearly 90% of all deaths could have been avoided).

Two is that the emergency measures used in Australia and New Zealand weren't effective. They were brutal. The zero-covid policies there were some of the harshest in the world. Maybe the guest here didn't see the same media as me. The testimonies at a recent Australian senator's COVID inquiry is eye-opening. https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/covid-under-question-a-cross-party-inquiry/#comments The one from the nurse and the teacher is particularly heartbreaking (interview with Dan McDonald). But in particular, I'll never be able to erase in my mind the images of young women being beaten in the streets for not wearing a mask outdoors or guards knocking on people's front doors to drag some off to quarantine camps for as little as having worked on the same floor as someone who sneezed. One particular documentary is quite poignant on the lockdowns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzfJGC1_yPo Sadly, the WHO particularly admires Australia and New Zealand and would gladly bring their misery here if we let them (like what Trudeau has planned for us with the WHO treaty).

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Excellent points that were not mentioned in the interview - thank you. I think it’s a myth that the severe lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand were effective. They are islands and were able to remain isolated , stop international flights, etc. But once they opened up their borders again, the virus spread just like everywhere else. I saw them as extremely rigid and oppressive societies around Covid measures, as is Canada. Something about Commonwealth countries? Yet Britain took a saner, more balanced approach in some respects, it seemed to me, as did the Scandinavian countries.

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As welcome as these exposés are, I doubt they'll make much difference. I offer as proof another official narrative that's been broadly accepted and is a much easier fraud to expose: the war in Ukraine. Try telling people what's really going on there, which is much easier to find out than it is to get reliable information on the pandemic or vaccines, and see what happens.

Never before in history has a war been so widely reported, its causes and its progress so well documented, and yet people still fly their silly flags and refuse to accept the irrefutable evidence of our complicity in supporting a NATO backed Nazi regime, the sole purpose of which was to weaken Russia so our banker overlords could carve the place up, like they tried and failed to do from 1991 until 2000, when V. V. Putin finally put an end to it and reestablished Russian sovereignty.

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