This is a highly informative and passionate discussion.

Unfortunately there's a bigger problem. Arguing about laws or making new laws is futile. In 2020 all governments proved definitively that they DON'T USE LAWS. All governments broke alll constitutional limitations, and nothing slowed them down. No written laws will slow them down the next time.

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When political leaders aligned with the globalist establishment illegally abuse government power never face any personal consequences for that illegal abuse, illegal abuse will continue despite the court’s ruling.

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The lack of a personal price is at the core of our problems. This is across the board. We start unwinable wars in which other people die, and the people who created the situation go on to be promoted, and be even more powerful. Media have been since the 1990's beating the drums for war, and when that war goes bad, they simply move on.

This is true in business as well. Having had the experience of catching people in out right lies in the board room, calling them on it, and when they don't even blink everyone in the room smiles, nods, and moves on like nothing happened, because they were scared of the person lying.

In city politics, there seems to be a gentleman's agreement that you don't expose your predecessors corruption because it is bad form (and you don't want your corruption exposed)

Until there is a high and personal price paid for destructive, immoral behavior it will continue.

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But yet they use lawfare and the media to destroy their political opponents.

It seems to me that everything wrong comes down to the left and corporate acquisition of the national news media. In the past the news media was a controlling branch of democratic government... calling out the rats for their ratty behavior. Today the media is infested with the same rats.

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I so appreciate the work you are doing, Tara! You invite interesting guests and you have thoughtful and insightful conversations with them. Kudos!

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Another fantastic interview!

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Thankful for your dedication and journalistic integrity. To assert that the trucker's strike/demonstration was a threat to Canadians, it seems to me, can only be argued in terms of economic disruption. But that should require some kind of objective defining criteria as to what constitutes a threat to economic security. Without such a measurable standard, any strike could justify some similar policy enactment. The very nature of a strike is to create some degree of economic disruption.

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Without a doubt the injustice done to the nation of Canada has left a deep wound that still festers the toxic poison of the liberal government. All jt would have needed to do was meet openly with the convoy organization. Still today his arrogance smothers our nation. Great interview.

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Thank you for this informative and necessary discussion!! Love listening to your podcasts!!

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That was inspiring. People like Ryan Alford give me hope the country may not be totally eff’d.

It’s a good question he poses about the reckoning that’s required for jumping on the chance to exploit the issue. Short term political point-scoring was more important to the PMO than effective governance. There might be no consequence for it at the ballot, illiberal progressives have a blind spot when it comes to their own missteps. Mystification of laws for the purposes of advancing political agendas can’t lead anywhere useful.

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Important interview - thank you. We must never forget history and the twisted paths that led to tyranny. In the words of C. J. Hopkins: “Not every form of totalitarianism is the same, but they share common hallmarks. Forcing people to display symbols of conformity to official ideology is a hallmark of totalitarian systems. Declaring a "state of emergency" and revoking constitutional rights for no justifiable reason is a hallmark of totalitarian systems. Banning protests against government decrees is a hallmark of totalitarian systems. Inundating the public with lies and propaganda designed to terrify people into mindless obedience is a hallmark of totalitarian systems." etc. Here is how events in Canada, especially around the convoy protests, reflected those hallmarks: https://voicesforinclusion.substack.com/p/freedom-of-thought-on-trial

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How ironic that they would try to link it to January 6 when the official narrative for that event is equally contrived. It's remarkable how much damage is done by stupid people in authority.

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