If you want to find something to bitch about, you will always find something. If you're counting points in a marriage, it's doomed to failure. This applies equally to men and women.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

I guess I am not a fan of popular culture. I have always viewed divorce as being a tragedy that has a long and devastating trail of hurt & harm. The lack of willingness of the individuals being divorced to take personal responsibility, or see the humanity of the other is often the primary characteristic.

Strangely, when I have seen divorces work out, it has been when the couple continued as friends, just did not live together. This caused the least harm for the children & the community. Sometimes, I have seen it where 20 years on they are best friends living apart, but supporting each other.

If life is viewed as a spiritual journey to maturity & wisdom, everyone & every experience are a call to become better people. As such, the soap dispenser is a call to compassion and viewing the other as having value by seeing and acknowledging what they do. A successful relationship is a merging of diversity, not sameness. Marrying yourself (someone with the exact same interests, skills, etc.) is a recipe for disaster.

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I cannot wait until these narcissistic dolts get older and/or sick and then explain how being alone and childless is so life-afirming.

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Great content as always Tara. Our current culture is a breakdown of family, especially that of stripping women of their femininity. Its hard to say more without getting attacked.

Having children and getting married is considered "uncool" for millennials and Gen X. Its a lie from the media(including movies, shows and main characters in any current films) who in my opinion are catering to the idea of discouraging "needing anyone". This movie, show, news and social media culture promotes narcissm and base selfishness, hiding behind token "I am good person I support Ukraine and LGBT++", promoting cancel culture 'policing', encouraging casual sex without repercussions to discover onself, and even creating less offspring for the "enviromental" movement and unrealistic zero net goals. Meanwhiile, specifically ethinic families are overpopulating, and we are experiencing mass immigration in North America and all common wealth and Europen Countries without laws that restrict immigration. The world will look quite different 50 years from now. Wish people would look up and see the future.

We are in a selfish age, where people believe they are better alone(where in reality you will most likely suffer financially and otherwise). In reality pairing with someone you love is a beautiful and difficult journey. And, yes I agree, technology of smart phones and social media is an empty waste of time, and false dopamine hits.

This pendulum must swing and we all have to watch it sadly. All the feminists with die without offspring and what good will it have done then??

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Ax grinding with cats.

Barren, alone and waiting for that dinner invitation that never comes. Please save enough money to pay people to carry your casket.

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