Thank you for this.

I am not sure if I should cry or celebrate as the discourse is becoming more & more unhinged. Anyone who dares to question the narrative is denounced as a crazy, which makes sane discourse impossible. Lies have become truths and there is no obligation to tell the truth about your enemies, which makes accountability impossible. Here in Alberta, it looks like the CBC & the NDP are simply making things up with respect to Daniel Smith. What they fail to understand, is that when criticism of Daniel Smith is made up, it is no longer possible to have legitimate discussion. It also means, that the CBC and the NDP are signaling that they are unwilling to discuss legitimate grievances that many citizens have with respect to how COVID was dealt with the last 2 years. The end result of this will be chaos and disfunction.

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I too do not know what to say, feel or do. I have spent the past year with a very heavy heart. Canada has now morphed into something almost unrecognizable. It's like being a permanent inhabitant of Alice In Wonderland's Mad Hatter's Tea Party. It seems to me we are witnessing a civilizational collapse and we need to find ways to live through it without losing our sense of reality. I will never give in to the social and cultural spin of woke. Not ever. Thank you for your reply John. Alberta seems to be the only province in Canada that has not totally gone down the rabbit hole. And yes Justin Trudeau may want to take note.

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"The lesson here is that material conditions matter. Food, shelter, safety, personal freedom, and healthy communities — politicians ignore these basic human needs at their peril."

I adore your candid and honest writing Tara. Thank you for being a fresh voice for Canadians. We have been left feeling unheard and attacked as Canadians, with a dictating authoritarian government in power. I am keeping a special bottle of Port, almost 100 years old(and was a cherished gift) for the celebration when Trudeau is dethroned and Freeland runs back to whatever hole she climbed out of. We are patiently waiting for a new guard. And you dear lady are a pivotal respected journalist, that brings enlightenment and hope. You have our gratitude.

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You certainly hit the nail on the head with this piece. If only the MSM could recognize the folly of their ways, and the certainty that their malfeasance is going to bite them in the ass eventually.

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We saw a sneak peak of this with Chrystia Freeland - when she got heckled in Alberta, it was of course blamed on sexism. It couldn't possibly be that she threw her home province under the bus for a shot at the big job in Ottawa.

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Or it could be that an unhinged bully and his partner wanted to show off on social media.

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"Justin Trudeau may want to take note."

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Spot on , Tara!

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There is a simple principle:

If you don’t follow the rules, there will be consequences. But if you follow stupid rules, there are consequences for that, too.

There were way too many stupid rules from the likes of Ardern. That is why she is out.

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My Kiwi friends that backed the COVID authoritarian hysteria went silent a while ago. They are ashamed of their positions given the outcomes and what we know. I wish I could say that they learned a lesson.... maybe... but I fear that they would do the same with the next pandemic. Fear and greed seem to rule many.

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Why do I assume that she is also big on pronouns? Another pious poser.

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That being said, there have been gains in NZ for working class:

-the minimum wage grow nearly six dollars to twenty-one dollars an hour.

-She doubled sick leave

-there are free doctor visits for children under fourteen

-Ardern also kept her early promise of making the first year of university free

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Well hold on there fancy pants Substacker, since when does our prime minister (I am absolutely *convinced* that that moniker is somehow "problematic.") listen to unsubsidized lah-dee-dah free thinkers like yourself? Especially when there are still white man worshipping dragons to slay. (The St. George and the dragons parable is quite apt here.)

Have a good weekend. Thanks for all them links above.

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Well, the ax grinding feminazis are going to miss their Queen.

Standing there like a possum eating a persimmon, pontificating on subjects she knew little about, but had an unsolisited opinion. Using all the force at her disposal to keep the people that keep the country running in line, and demonized.

Her only regret being she wasn't able to unload a truckload of their dead babies with a pitchfork. She won't be missed.

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The Collective West has to wake up to the fact the Neoliberal ideology is killing our civilization. Here in Canada we are blissfully unaware too many of our problems are a direct result of this ruinous ideology. All our parties and politicians are closet neoliberals

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Please spare a thought for us poor Brits. This is what the leader of the Labour Party had to say about the women. I wonder what achievements he has in mind? A 'global leader' - god help if she is. Worse of all, the claim of 'integrity'. For sure she had plenty of supercilious self-righteousness, but integrity and competence?

Keir Starmer

Jacinda Ardern has been a true global leader who I’ve always enjoyed talking with.

Her passion, integrity and achievements in office are an inspiration. Whatever comes next, I’ve no doubt she’ll continue to champion her values and New Zealand across the world.

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Turns out all these identitarians have are accusations of sexism, racism, homophobia, etc., because they sure can't muster an argument. When such accusations lose force, as I believe is beginning to happen, then this ideology is heading for a USSR-type collapse. What I wonder is whether we'll have Michelle Obama for president before that happens.

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Quite good political column-type writing, Tara.

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