I agree with what he said. I think it all comes down to an equivocal use of the words or terms like "social justice" The woke activists have a completely different meaning for it than most decent people in society. And that leads to all kinds of confusion and misunderstanding.

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Such a considered, measured perspective. Really enjoyed this interview and in fact all of your interviews and interviewees Tara

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There are so many people — pundits, politicians, podcasters, &c., — here in America who could learn from Tara. She never interrupts her guests but actually listens to what they have to say (and, in doing so, allows her audience to listen and learn). It may just be a Canadian thing, but I think she's one of a kind.

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Thank you, Tara, for this interview. I wish I could be brave and share your interview with my children (who are in their mid-30's) but I confess that I'm afraid of being "canceled" by them. I have shared with them some of your past articles (what I considered to be more gentle topics), but they refused to read them. I keep waiting for a softening in their way of perceiving the world to occur, so that I can begin having rational discussions with them again. Maybe I'm being too timid, but I'm trying to maintain a "heart connection" to my children (talking only about those "pleasant" topics I think they will be able to handle). Thank you, though, for not being timid. I really, really appreciate you, Tara. I hope one day my children will as well.

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I’ve just been listening to this great book

I bought in on Audible

Thanks for talking to the author, I really love your podcast- please keep up the great work Tara!

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All these woke folks claims are based on entitlement, and the expectation that everyone is obliged to agree with them. If someone calls you a Nazi for no good reason, you can just punch them out, and can they really complain ? The need for pacifism has turned into compliance, and a new generation of zealots has grown up thinking other people are obliged to agree with them. It is ideology based on absolutes, that dont respond to reason, so sometimes force may be necessary, to make people understand. I would say they suffer from a total sense of victimhood.

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Agree 100%. Very well spoken, articulate and makes a difficult and calls out the woke word games. Thank you Tara for this interview!

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You guys voted for this, and now you're getting it good and hard. Quit complaining.

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