Thank you Tara

There's a lot in this interview that should be explored, and you could easily do several podcasts & a few books from this.

I am going to highlight "dignity & independence". There is an assumption among left leaning educated classes that working class want Unions. No, they take pride in their work, and don't like being told what they can and cannot do by the shop steward who says that only the laborer can do certain work, and not the journeyman. They want to go home at the end of a good day, drink a beer, and grill a steak. They want to retire owning their own home, and pass on a good life to their children. They do not want their children sacrificed in stupid wars for the rich, but are very patriotic. They are absolutely not racist or homophobic, as they respect hard work & skill from anyone, and do not respect anyone who expects to be given things. (A black gay immigrant guy who works hard and is competent will get their respect, while a white lazy person who expects to get ahead with out earning it, will not)

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And by the way, I did buy Batya's book

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agree on unions, worked 20- years at union jobs not many I worked with wanted the union . I remember I was driving a truck and had to wait for a bunch of slobs to unload the truck , i did not feel like waiting 1/2 an hour for them so I unloaded the truck , got back to the shop and the shop steward gave me shit . All unions do is protect the lazy . no one I worked with wanted them , except the dog fuckers

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An excellent interview. It’s worth listening to the final summary section a few times as the author provides such an insightful analysis of what’s wrong. Look forward to reading the book.

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Brilliant. Tara, you and Batya nailed it. Helped to give voice and expression and description to the many of us working class who have been forgotten and/or ridiculed. Keep up the amazing work.

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We need to start listening to the right. Not just the 'not left'. Canadian conservatives are not saying much that's just 'not left.' This piece is a good start.

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