I live in an 80% liberal community and they are still defending the school closures as justified to prevent death from COVID.

In other words, liberals seem to own a level of selfish immorality that is connected to their fear of death where they justify harm to others if only to convince them that it would improve their odds of living.

But decisions made based on a selfish emotional basis rooted in the fear of death are generally going to be fraught with mistakes and harm to the whole. Because this is a fundamental psychological tendency of some people, it is useless to think we can win a rational debate to prevent future harm. This should be noted as a dangerous tendency with too much liberal control of government. To fix what is broken we have to take away that decision power from the people so afflicted.

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An excellent interview - thanks. In the UK the teacher's trade union forced school closures and the cancellation of exams. Sadly, much of this was done for political reasons. The union is a supporter of the Labour Party and the government is Conservative. Not only were the schools closed but many of them, especially in poor areas, provided little online education. The drop in education standards, due to Covid, has been as bad as that caused by WWII.

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Good interview, critically important topic. Living in British Columbia, I would point out that the Provincial Health Officer of this province, Dr. Bonnie Henry, apart from some brief school closures, did following the science, which included the understanding of how important it was to kids, and parents, to keep schools open. Schools in B.C. remained open, albeit with eventual masking, cohorts, contact tracing, and various special measures, almost throughout the pandemic. There was huge pressure from the B.C. Teacher's Union, and to concerned (dare I say, frantic and panicked to the point of hysterical) parents to close them down, but Dr. Henry, backed up by the government (much to their credit) stayed resolute and refused to buckle. Dr. Henry repeatedly emphasized what so many others are only now coming to grips with - school closures and full-on remote learning would be net harmful to kids and, indeed, all of society. I felt so sorry for all kids during the pandemic, but most especially those where hysteria ruled over common sense, and fear triumphed over science and logic. As to whether the "progressives" will ever admit to grievous error on this matter, I suggest most certainly not. Puritanical progressives are possessed of quasi-religious zeal and religion is impervious to evidence and reason. Even worse for a progressive, to concede error on this issue would be to concede "victory" to the other side - and where that happens it will be the exception, not the rule.

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