Tom, it's precisely when the authoritarians try to scare you that we must not only double down but go full tilt. The main lesson from the book, "Gulag Archipelago" seems to have been that when the state thugs came one by one to take away dissidents in the night, the proper response from those not getting taken away was to en masse fully…
Tom, it's precisely when the authoritarians try to scare you that we must not only double down but go full tilt. The main lesson from the book, "Gulag Archipelago" seems to have been that when the state thugs came one by one to take away dissidents in the night, the proper response from those not getting taken away was to en masse fully resist the tyrants when they started their tyranny.
Dare the tyrant to freeze your assets for funding a political cause. This is the time, it won't be later. They only back down when they are forced to. While we have exposure of the problem, there is power in shining the light on the problem. If we cower, they move several steps forward.
Tom, it's precisely when the authoritarians try to scare you that we must not only double down but go full tilt. The main lesson from the book, "Gulag Archipelago" seems to have been that when the state thugs came one by one to take away dissidents in the night, the proper response from those not getting taken away was to en masse fully resist the tyrants when they started their tyranny.
Dare the tyrant to freeze your assets for funding a political cause. This is the time, it won't be later. They only back down when they are forced to. While we have exposure of the problem, there is power in shining the light on the problem. If we cower, they move several steps forward.