Discounting let's say... Bigfoot, the lunar landings, Flat Earth and reptilian shape shifters - what conspiracy theories the educated press have rolled their collective eyes at, is not true? It's not that Alex Jones for example needs publicity, he makes millions a month, purportedly, by selling nutritional supplements. An excellent wor…
Discounting let's say... Bigfoot, the lunar landings, Flat Earth and reptilian shape shifters - what conspiracy theories the educated press have rolled their collective eyes at, is not true? It's not that Alex Jones for example needs publicity, he makes millions a month, purportedly, by selling nutritional supplements. An excellent work around for a sick society, held captive by a nutritionally bereft medical establishment. But Alex Jones., for example has been reading news reports from Reuters, the Wall Street Journal etc. every day for 2 decades, that's all he does, and our MSM has contempt for him. They take the easy way out by saying 'gay frogs'. I rarely (take the time) to watch him, but every time I do, I cannot fault him. Jones can run circles around any MSM commentator, because he knows facts, not rumour. Most MSM just parrots rumours given out by the gov't.
Discounting let's say... Bigfoot, the lunar landings, Flat Earth and reptilian shape shifters - what conspiracy theories the educated press have rolled their collective eyes at, is not true? It's not that Alex Jones for example needs publicity, he makes millions a month, purportedly, by selling nutritional supplements. An excellent work around for a sick society, held captive by a nutritionally bereft medical establishment. But Alex Jones., for example has been reading news reports from Reuters, the Wall Street Journal etc. every day for 2 decades, that's all he does, and our MSM has contempt for him. They take the easy way out by saying 'gay frogs'. I rarely (take the time) to watch him, but every time I do, I cannot fault him. Jones can run circles around any MSM commentator, because he knows facts, not rumour. Most MSM just parrots rumours given out by the gov't.