Wow, I agreed with 99% of what Lui said. How did she ever get a full-time job as a professor? Where I work, she'd never get hired after critiquing the PMC in print. The only slight critique I would put on the table is that she seems to buy into the myth of the bogeyman of the right ready to turn America into a fascist tyranny. Instead, I…
Wow, I agreed with 99% of what Lui said. How did she ever get a full-time job as a professor? Where I work, she'd never get hired after critiquing the PMC in print. The only slight critique I would put on the table is that she seems to buy into the myth of the bogeyman of the right ready to turn America into a fascist tyranny. Instead, I see political ideology as existing as a series of points in a three-dimensional constellation, with many overlaps and confusions. There is no unalloyed "right" or "left" - we have to stop using the language of the woke if we want a reasonable conversation (e.g. stop saying "viewpoint diversity" and say instead freedom of speech and ideas, or rational debate).
Wow, I agreed with 99% of what Lui said. How did she ever get a full-time job as a professor? Where I work, she'd never get hired after critiquing the PMC in print. The only slight critique I would put on the table is that she seems to buy into the myth of the bogeyman of the right ready to turn America into a fascist tyranny. Instead, I see political ideology as existing as a series of points in a three-dimensional constellation, with many overlaps and confusions. There is no unalloyed "right" or "left" - we have to stop using the language of the woke if we want a reasonable conversation (e.g. stop saying "viewpoint diversity" and say instead freedom of speech and ideas, or rational debate).