Great interview. The mandates are tearing society apart. Maybe that has been the goal all along, have people yelling and screaming at each other and not look at who is really pulling the strings...

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The Covid-19 military depopulation operation enabled the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Canadians from government pensions, payrolls and benefits thus ERASING THOSE GOVERNMENT LIABILITIES and maximizing stakeholder profits. This was de facto DISASTER CAPITALISM using MKULTRA SHOCK THERAPY which enabled mass murder and asset-stripping of citizens by their fascistic governments and their public-private partners in the military-industrial-intelligence complex.



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Feb 19, 2022
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Feb 19, 2022
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That is not a prayer, man. It is a curse. For your own sake, ask forgiveness - it will be given.

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Feb 24, 2022
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Those who seek to demoralize others are themselves demoralized.

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Feb 24, 2022
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Such soulless remarks. I would much prefer having joke be on me than whatever has descended upon you. May your true self rise up, feel, and be free.

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Feb 24, 2022
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Thanks for doing what you did and now doing what you do Tara. I hope you inspire many more in media to do the same. It's unbelievable how the 4th Estate has so utterly crumbled in just 5 years. As the legacy media's readership numbers crash, I look forward to what is rising from the ashes. You are a part of that phoenix and we appreciate it. Keep being the journalist you were intended to be.

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Feb 18, 2022
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Feb 24, 2022
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This commenter is practising demoralization tactics.

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Feb 24, 2022
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"The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

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Feb 18, 2022
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Why don't you mosey on back to Stormfront, if you hate Tara so much. That seems like a win win for all concerned.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Ohhh, I'm pretty confident if I met you in real life I'd talk shit to your face too. How tall are you, 5'7"?

Everybody gets gaslit about everything, all the time. Gaslighting is table stakes for interacting with the world. If it bothers you that much, that's just a sign you're weak.

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Mocking height. Jeesh. Small of you.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Pure demoralization tactics. Are you being paid, JB?

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The Lululemonites have no idea what they've created or what is coming their way. The closer it gets, the harder they'll ignore it.


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I doubt it, you run your mouth like a little shit. Big guys typically aren't pissy the way you are.

I'd say short and skinny-fat, and definitely balding.

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Ugh. Take your screeching back to Reddit or whatever moist armpit of the internet you call home. You’re spoiling this otherwise placid comment section.

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Redditors all told him to fuck off, so he goosestepped his way here.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Jason: You're either 15 years old or you have a serious psychological problem. Do you realize that your comments don't advance your argument and will convince exactly nobody? Please speak to somebody you trust, or a therapist, to learn about how to channel your anger into something productive.

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Jason Bryan: paid by CBC to try to undermine Tara. You failed, man. Be gone. Be well.

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Oh Tara, thank you so much for this! It is indeed the breath of fresh air I have been waiting for. It is really what the general public needs to hear, and it is so tragic that they will, I strongly suspect, never hear it from the mainstream media. I have passed it on where I can, but this is mainly to the people who are already well aware of the truth that lies in this content. How to get it out to the people who most need to hear it is truly problematic. Most of my friends holding a different viewpoint are simply not interested in hearing other perspectives; unfortunately, their heads are thoroughly struck in the sand of the mainstream messaging. I don’t like to push anything on to anyone who isn’t open to receiving new information, so this is frustrating. Still, I do what I can.

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If it helps, Bill Maher (someone with fairly solid liberal credentials), just compared Trudeau to Hitler, so it's not just Elon Musk


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Yes, I saw and appreciated that segment as well. So, different viewpoints and perceptions are finding their way into the more perceptive and enlightened elements of the MSM, i.e., Bill Maher, which can only be a good thing. If only Trudeau could see what a laughing stock he has become! No laughing matter, actually.

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Actually I think he does know he is a laughing stock and it has just made it worse. He is a wounded animal backed into a corner. Very dangerous

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yes, good analogy. his draconian actions speak to this. a wounded animal is desperate and reactionary ...

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Yes, I think that’s true. His facial expressions of late reveal just that. His stubborn vindictiveness is plain to see. Ugh!

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Feb 19, 2022
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At the risk of sounding patronizing or being told to fuck off, Jason, I totally get your justifiable anger. What it tells me is that you are a deeply caring person who is deeply hurt by what you see happening around you. Just don’t let your anger eat you alive. We have to find a way to get through this in one piece, even if it has changed us forever. At least it has me. Constantly having to walk on fucking eggshells so as not to ruffle someone’s precious false narrative (not you) when they don’t have a clue about what’s really going on. I’m so sick of it.

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It may take some time but I expect many people will come to view the entire response to COVID as a serious overreach by governments. Fairly early in the pandemic there were reputable physicians telling us that cheap medications were available to treat most cases of COVID. I am uncertain about regulations in Canada, but in the States doctors were forbidden to prescribe some drugs that had been on the market for over 50 years and had shown good results and no side effects. That action, and threats to de-license doctors who prescribed these meds, should cause everyone to question the motives of those making decisions like that.

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Feb 19, 2022
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Feb 19, 2022
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while agree with your sentiment and observation it doesn't help to piss on the effort or the hope. you are never beaten till you have no hope and give up.

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Feb 19, 2022Edited
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Troll maybe? Je pense que oui. Sounds like the guy on tik tok who claimes to have hacked GiveSendGo. These paid social media types think they will be spared. But they are witnesses to the crime...

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Feb 24, 2022
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You are on the verge of collapse. May your soul be saved.

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Probably the most rational Q & A I've seen since this thing began. Will be reading the entire paper.

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When there is this much subterfuge from those in authority, nuance is not going to move this situation toward a just resolution. People are tired of deception and having their lives disrupted based on information that has no verifiable basis in truth! Too much corruption becoming too deeply entrenched!

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I've only recently learned of Tara Henley, just since she resigned from the CBC and started her own Substack newsletter.

I'll admit, I don't often pay a lot of attention to Canadian news, and that's an oversight on my part.

Anyhow, so far, what I've read in her newsletter, she reads like the real deal, an actual living, breathing journalist. Not the faux journalism pablum we're spoon fed every day by the establishment shills on CNN and MSNBC and others.

A personal note: My father made his living in print journalism his entire career. I'm glad he didn't live long enough to witness the sad state of much of today's chattering classes.

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Thanks for bringing this paper, “The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: Why Mandates, Passports, and Segregated Lockdowns May Cause more Harm than Good,” to your readers' attention and writing your interview with Bardosh. His paper needs to be read by everyone. Certainly changes are needed to what we have been doing. One thing I noticed was missing in his paper. There was no mention of people who do not wish to vaccinate due to uncertainly of adverse effects (short or long) but have supplied themselves with prevention protocol medications and early treatment kits as outlined by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance. https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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Tara keep up the excellent work.

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Frankly your paper on the consequences of mandates reads like academic mumbo-jumbo to justify your personal positions. When I was a kid mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria and polio were common. Solicitations for the March of Dimes to purchase Iron Lungs for polio victims were in all major department stores. The vaccines and antibiotic were a godsend. Somehow as the population has grown so has the distrust and dumbness factors. Politicians have disappointed the electorate since the first elections but generally civil servants, including medical authorities, have been trustworthy even if their bosses weren't. By now we should all recognize that our knowledge and understanding of Covid-19 was zero at the beginning of the pandemic. I agree that the Chief Medical Officers of Health in Canada have changed direction and advice a lot as the medical and scientific understanding of the disease has evolved. But to my knowledge they have never advised that people do things that were detrimental to their health. Strange antidotes, drinks and supposed medicines promising miraculous cures were never promoted. Use a mask. Well I am sure I don't have natural immunity but since early 2020 I have worn a mask, as recommended, when I leave the house and have not had a cold or flu. Is that a coincidence? I also got vaccinated, including booster, when it became possible. This was not a plot by provincial authorities, it was a reasonable, science-based recommendation to protect the health of my family and neighbours. Following health directives has most certainly not impinged on my freedom. The subject of "the consequences ..... et al" have been discussed to death. We aren't and have not suffered mental health issues as a result and in spite of the vicious battles waged in social media (Now there's a scourge of society if there ever was one). Our local high school has regretted not being able to pursue sports like they did in 2019 but they haven't given up and haven't succumbed to mass outbreaks of illness, vaping or drug abuse. All-in-all the students seem to be a pretty resilient bunch - as are their parents.

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A few issues here, in no particular order:

"When I was a kid mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria and polio were common."

- All of those diseases have fatality rates that are orders of magnitude higher than COVID, and all of those vaccinations are much more effective than the current COVID vaccines we have (covid vaccines seem to wear off over time and mostly just mitigate symptoms, but don't prevent infection or transmission).

"generally civil servants, including medical authorities, have been trustworthy even if their bosses weren't."

Depends how woke those civil servants are. The same medical authorities who on Monday were saying gathering in the streets is a recipe for superspreading, were on Tuesday saying we should all gather in the streets and cough phlegm down each other's throats to commemorate George Floyd.

"By now we should all recognize that our knowledge and understanding of Covid-19 was zero at the beginning of the pandemic. I agree that the Chief Medical Officers of Health in Canada have changed direction and advice a lot as the medical and scientific understanding of the disease has evolved. But to my knowledge they have never advised that people do things that were detrimental to their health. "

Sure, it took a while to figure shit out, but now we know that cloth masks are nearly useless (only N95 makes a real difference), but we're all forced to keep wearing them anyway. Plus, social distancing is detrimental to health in a downstream way, as substance abuse and addiction are through the roof, not to mention depression and anxiety.

"Following health directives has most certainly not impinged on my freedom."

Yes it has, you just either didn't notice or didn't care. I haven't been able to go play pool at a poolhall/bar in 2 years.

"We aren't and have not suffered mental health issues as a result"

OH YES WE FUCKING HAVE. Literally all the data we have on mental health says mental health issues skyrocketed with the advent of social distancing. That's without even touching learning & social development deficits in schools (masking 24/7 really fucks with kindergarteners' social skills).

"All-in-all the students seem to be a pretty resilient bunch - as are their parents."

Calling people resilient is a polite way of saying you don't give a shit about their problems. Maybe residents of Ottawa just need to be more "resilient" regarding blocked streets and honking horns.

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But you haven’t had to endure vaccine mandates and passports, have you? So you actually have no idea how it feels to be subjected to these idiotic policies for so long.

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I was violently assaulted by Vancouver Police at work, permanently injured, handcuffed, placed in a police van, wrongfully fired, lost 11 years of future income, my benefits and fully half of my Maximum Pension for my refusal to wear a mask on August 17th, 2022 WHEN NO PROVINCIAL OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MASK MANDATES WERE IN EFFECT. Canada Post has kept the enormous proceeds of crime stolen from rightfully non-compliant workers like me. Where is the justice for these crimes against humanity?


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Feb 19, 2022Edited
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That is terrific, Jewel! You pretty much summed up the entire catastrophe. Vulnerable people getting sick and even dying from the virus is one thing, although early treatments to prevent this were denied and many deaths could have been avoided. All the rest of these horrific consequences have been man-made through a completely off-the-wall, fear- and propaganda-based reaction to the situation. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” The damaging consequences of the skewed and repressive stance taken by governments and public health officials will be felt for years.

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And in response to the last part of your post, I said to myself around Christmas, “The battle lines have been drawn. Now we fight!” That is precisely what’s happening as we have been persistently pushed into a corner and denied our rights. We are fighting for our lives now.

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Speaking from the inside for over 30 years there is no reason to place civil servants on a pedestal. We're in need of the same public scrutiny as any other body including the science community. Agree the response to COVID had to be swift to deal with this. Just saying it better have been the right response or the backlash will be horrible if evidence and scientific discussion were ignored.

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Well-said, thank you!

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what an absolutely ignorant comment, not sure where to begin.

You do know that covid shots DO NOT prevent infection and transmission right? Unlike the polio, measles, smallpox etc vaccines which actually prevent infection and transmission. Stop comparing them.

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You have swallowed the propaganda. Hence the virtue signaling. Is Trudeau your daddy role model?

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I'm going to read the paper but I am really concerned about the state of freedoms. I bought into the whole thing with vaccines and passports but never wanted to restrict or disrespect anyone else's freedoms. At the end of this when the dust settles there'd better be a full and open discussion. If we find out much of this was not science but was exaggeration then I don't want to see that fall out. The implications could go on forever. History is being written and maybe not in a nice way. Thanks Tara again you have opened my eyes.

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You know what’s really pathetic about the parliament vote in favour of the Emergency Measures Act? Probably many of the Liberals and NDP who voted for it know damn well it isn’t called for. But they were kowtowed into it by Trudeau’s framing it as a non-confidence vote. In other words, a no vote would have triggered an election. Those chicken shit, compliant MPS were not voting in the best interests of Canadians or with any moral conviction or fortitude at all. They were voting to keep their cushiony jobs. How hypocritical is that in the face of all the decent, hardworking, and caring Canadians who have lost their jobs due to draconian policies?

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Exactly...I was violently assaulted by Vancouver Police at work, permanently injured, handcuffed, placed in a police van, wrongfully fired, lost 11 years of future income, my benefits and fully half of my Maximum Pension for my refusal to wear a mask on August 17th, 2022 WHEN NO PROVINCIAL OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MASK MANDATES WERE IN EFFECT. Canada Post has kept the enormous proceeds of crime stolen from rightfully non-compliant workers and UNIONS WERE 100% COMPLICIT with these egregious crimes against dues-paying workers. Truly disgusting.

I laid 39 private informations (criminal charges) in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against my former boss, the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall for administering Canada Post's mandatory mask, test and gene therapy practices. This case is being heard in secret courts paid for by the taxpayers yet which refuse our access.

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Great interview Tara, thank you for doing what you’re doing. I hope more locate their moral compass and follow in your steps.

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This is an intense, stimulating, incisive, and right-on conversation between Jordan Peterson and Rex Murphy about the whole Canadian catastrophe that has unfolded and is unfolding before our very eyes.


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Feb 21, 2022
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Yeah, I shared it on my main Facebook page (which I don’t use much) just to get it in people’s faces! Maybe one mainstream news-hypnotized person will watch it and open to the possibility of other viewpoints and analyses of the situation. I hope so, as they say pretty much everything that needs to be said about the demise of democracy in Canada! Thank goodness for these two gentlemen voicing the truth strongly in the face of this political and societal stupor.

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Feb 21, 2022
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Yes, it is truly astonishing how closed-minded such people are. Very slowly the truth is seeping through, thanks to interviews like this. I savoured every minute.

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The US is looking at ways to offer asylum to Canadian truckers. Off the charts awesome.

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Feb 21, 2022
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Moi aussi.

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