Thank you for mentioning the 3300+ healthcare workers in BC who were fired in November due to the vaccine mandates. My husband and I are 2 of the 1000+ nurses who were fired. Not only were we told this last week that we will not be rehired but the PHO has ordered our nursing college to send private info on the unvaxd to her office. We were ordered to reveal our vac status to the BCCNM by March 31st. What will Bonnie do with this information? Her demands happen to coincide with the BC government efforts to redefine "privacy" and freedom of information access. Many nurses and colleagues wonder, is the PHO going to dox our private info? Are we going to lose our nursing licenses by being unvaxd? The impact to healthcare access for the common person has been significant. Tens of thousands of unfilled shifts, closed units, canceled beds..... it's devastating for the regular person's healthcare. People please speak out in support of healthcare workers who are standing for medical ethics, personal rights, and body autonomy.

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I salute you and am with you 100%. I live in BC too and am appalled by the policies that have been enacted here that have hurt so many people unnecessarily. People moan and groan about the shortage of health care workers. Dah!

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You have my sincere sympathy. Overreach in this space was unnecessary and harmful.

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Im so sorry. I thought they quietly removed the mandate before the deadline. This is horrific.

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Excellent compilation, Tara. Thank you!

Although I've heard many in the US admit their mistakes vis-a-vis covid restrictions, I haven't heard the same from Canadian authorities. In BC, I estimate that 1,400 of the 2,200+ drug toxicity deaths are the direct result of the restrictions. So many families of the young who have died deserve an apology and a commitment to avoid this kind of foolish, deadly harm in the future. And the central fault: political ideology and authoritarianism. The experts abandoned science in favour of catering to anxiety ages ago.

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Yes, and here is the proof of that. It is criminal that this has been allowed to transpire. But ignorant, brainwashed people have condoned it by their failure to connect the dots. It takes tremendous courage to own up to mistakes of this magnitude, and I doubt it will ever happen here as the “losing face” on the part of government and health officials is just too great a risk for them to take. That would require honesty and humility. Ordinary citizens might come around eventually, though, and that is the only hope of making sure this stops and is never allowed to happen again.


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One book that connects the dots is by Dr. Peter Breggin, "We are the Prey", that actually might be the subtitle. Mr. Gates, Fauci and the usual cast of characters planned this pandemic for years. It is about transforming and perhaps depopulating western societies, as Dr. Nagasse is saying. Media and gov't officials were chess pieces brought on board ahead of time.

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I'm open to that possibility. But the level of coordination required to pull this off would be quite astounding. And to silence all potential or actual whistleblowers would be an immense feat. Not impossible, but also not the simplest explanation (a la Occam's razor).

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The simplest explanation, as you say, really is what's going on. But "the mind is repelled" to accept it, to borrow someone's quote. The movement to depopulate the masses is centuries old, the powerful quite often talk about it openly. Why would there be whistleblowers, from people who benefit from the increasing authoritarian measures?

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Not just the thousands fired in BC, there are many more healthcare workers who have quit or retired early because of the injection mandates. Who knows what the actual number is. I know of 3 primary healthcare workers in just my neck of the woods who left because of this BS but weren't fired (1 ND has quit and moved to another country, 1 midwife has retired early (and is now suing the government), 1 midwife has quit for the time being). We now have no midwifery clinic in our area because of this.

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Thank you for speaking. Yes, many nurses we know from the front lines have done early retirement. The loss of experience is not only devastating, it's dangerous for patient care.

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Meanwhile, The Professors and the credentialed urbanites are hard at work making sure Tara minds her manners:


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This is their reaction to things like substack and other alternative platforms - make them illegal.

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Tara, totally off-topic: your reference to the NY Times reminded me of their recent acknowledgement that the Hunter Biden/computer email scandal was, in fact...a fact. Please consider commenting on the MSM herd response of "Russian misinformation" in 2020...a gross example of industrial editorial blindness in what has become a truly untrustworthy estate.

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You left out that Shaka Senghor is head of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity for a company.

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and one of Tara's favorite writers...

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All brought to fruition by hate filled feminists in our universities. Young women are being trained and indoctrinated to hate men throughout their education, culminating in our universities.

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thanks for all the great information!

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If controversial Catholics are your thing, you'll enjoy what Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò has to say.


For context:

Carlo Maria Viganò (Italian pronunciation: [viganˈɔ]; born 16 January 1941) is an archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.


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Weekend listen: 15 minutes of Brand on Canada's Bill C11, he quotes Chris Hedges' substack:


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The Vanity Fair article probably came out because of RFK jr's book on Fauci, as well as Dr. David Martin's work exposing Peter Daszak among others. The mainstream media has been dabbling in childish analyses for decades, too afraid to take on the realities of the day because their controllers will not approve. So it's not surprising that people 'get fed up', however we must recognize our indoctrination through the years of schooling and start having the curiosity to look at the forbidden knowledge. The knowledge that's not hosted on big websites or behind paywalls, but is instead labelled as fringe or CT. It's labelled that to keep you from examining it. We start out in kindergarten, or child garden, and end up as adult vegetables as intended.

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So many very interesting things here to explore. I'm definitely curious about Vanity Fair actually investigating the lab leak theory. I'm not sure that I necessarily think the lab leak is entirely certain but I dislike the way it's been used to censor people.

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Tara, does Reality have an identity group?

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Canada could be labelled as 'post democratic' after the Covid initiative has taken hold. But by labelling each individual Canadian before we consider their statements, I think we are accomplishing the atomization the social engineers are counting on.

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