Although I appreciate the spirit in which this piece is written, Tara, and celebrate the reemergence of joyful gatherings, as you do, I continue to feel downtrodden and depressed by the victimization of unvaccinated people in society, in particular by the travel mandates that are restricting my freedom of movement to participate in and enjoy social, familial, and cultural events. The federal government is keeping these in place because they believe they have the public’s support to do so, not because there are any medical or health reasons behind it. I know you know this, as many of the readers on this forum are also painfully aware of. The pandemic will never be over until everyone in society is treated with dignity and respect and our fundamental freedoms are restored. I am in the process of writing a letter to all MPs asking them to support the removal of these mandates. If more people who are against the travel mandates, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, let their MPs know this, then the jubilance you describe might soon be available to everyone.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

It would be nice if somebody told the federal government the pandemic is over, so everyone can travel again when they want or need to. The feds appear to be beating up on a big part of their citizenry and that really sucks. They even refuse to justify it with any kind of data or real science. Perhaps they think making it into a wedge issue will score political points for them but it will not. As soon as every family in the country realizes that they have friends and family they still can not visit with, or work obligations that are destroying people's livelihoods, the Liberals are going to be hated even more than they already are, by more and more people. If I was a Liberal MP I would organize a caucus revolt and demand that Trudeau steps down and if he doesn't I would make sure that next time there is a vote in the Commons (ha ha what an oxymoron that word is) that enough MPs don't show up that Singh can not save their sorry ass.

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Please do not move on without us, the unvaccinated. For millions, the pandemic is not over and every day that the mandates remain in place the damage is driven even deeper.

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I love that you experienced this feeling - I too am warmed by social gatherings, being able to enjoy music live etc.;however there are millions of Canadians who still can not travel to another province let alone another country because of their vaccination status. My husband couldn’t fly to another province to attend his brother’s memorial. I also heard recently that a politician was banished from parliament because of her vaccine status. The pandemic is far from over in terms of the power plays of our government. Sorry if I burst your bubble. I am glad you had a good time. 🙂

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I still feel like I live in prison that I am paying for .. I can’t travel or visit family ..

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This is a pretty optimistic piece for a place like Canada that has bought so hard into the narrative. If BA 5 is indeed preferentially infecting the boosted Canada could be in for a big wave and a return to ab-normal over the summer.

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Being maskless and revelling among the hundreds (thousands?) in Ottawa last January, and I went twice, I felt the same sense of jubilation and freedom and kinship to humanity. Then, the Emergencies Act, cuz, you know, fear and lies.

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"That we can awaken, once again, to all that is beautiful." Ya got me with that one Tara. My thanks from a down-at-the-mouth, I-didn't-used-to-be-this-angry Canadian.

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What a lovely piece. It reminds me of the day the Tragically Hip did their last concert and the country closed down. Back when we still liked Trudeau. My copy of “A wrinkle in Time” is missing from the boxed set because it was literally read to pieces. I read it to both children at least twice. I will go check out that podcast.

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Patryce thank-you for your thoughts. There is a certain amount of shame I feel as a Canadian when our government shows such flippant disregard for its own citizens. It is not reflective of our history and our international reputation. Our Federal leaders have reduced our international standing and influence on the international stage. The trickle down from the top (PM) has a very bad smell.

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Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022

I echo the other comments here, and further them--the pandemic won’t feel over until these travel mandates are lifted, until jobs stop requiring this fake vax, until nowhere requires masks, until the jab for children is completely rescinded, and until there is some reconciliation offered from our government over the hatred they have provoked between the Canadian people.

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So love this spirit.

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"Our artists will show us the way."

You mean like Neil Young or David Gilmour?

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Tara is happy. Some people are kinda-sorta willing to admit that somebody they "might have" supported screwed over the younger generation by squashing their development for 2 years. Great Tara. smfh

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CS Lewis “ The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a not-so distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a perfect understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to see through any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the controllers will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed.“

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Ontario schools mandate these vaccines:



pertussis (whooping cough)





meningococcal disease

varicella (chickenpox)

All these mandates should be dropped! Vaccine mandates are evil! We should allow all these diseases to ravage us again and again, as they did in the past!!!

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