Two of my favorite authors in one place. What can be better than that on a Sunday? Shannon Hayes certainly made a prescient and calculated decision all those years ago to opt out of the hyper competitive rat race and into a much more deliberately rooted existence. I so wish I would have chosen to do the same.

I suppose it's not too late?

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Friend speaks my mind (to use an old Quaker phrase)! : )

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oh wow. Not sure how I missed Shannon's book over the years, but this is what my partner and i have been doing for years now--the '4 income streams' based on quality of life that she identifies. We call it a 'latticed' way of earning a living. In changing times, it feels to me more nourishing and agile than any one stream alone. It is also a direct antidote to the false polarity presented by 'stay in your corporate job for security' (there is no certainty) or 'leave your corporate job to pursue your passion' (which may not actually earn you a living). There are many ways to live, and earn a living.

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Some kind of insulation from the insanities that seem to grow on each other, and that don't seem to be slowing down, is priority. Something more than a big stash of toilet paper.

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