I’m not so sure we did it to ourselves. Were we naive? Yes. The pieces fell into place for me when I learned that planned parenthood was from the beginning part of the depopulation agenda. As was motivating women to compete with men to show they could. And keep them out of the home. Where families flourish. And so on.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 20

It may not have been a conspiracy, but it's certainly turned out well for the capitalist class, which makes its money when more people are in the labor force competing with each other and generating profits for the owners, not to mention buying more stuff and going into debt.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

"the neoliberal technocrats who send working-class women to work in droves — who have, in fact, engineered a society in which they can’t not work."

Stop with the conspiracy already. There were no neoliberals "out there" pulling strings and compelling women to work. Yes, those sorts did evolve but not in any way, shape or form as an intelligent being.

Events do "happen" Tara. You women did it to your selves...at least the women who made the choices parallel to you. Blaming some amorphous being is wrong. That is self-flagelating bunk.

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Men did it to us too.

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easy to play the victim .

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Unhelpful. Try again.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16

Given there was only one other "entity" available (men) I suppose you're prohibited from being wrong.

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I’m not sure if you’re generally just angry at women per se, or just irked at Tara‘s view. (I.e. "you women did it to yourselves…") I can assure you there are greater societal pressures at play which have created the mess that we are currently in. Us "women " lean into that, and many succumb to the belief that our husbands, brothers, teachers and mentors preach to us. That we need to work to find fulfillment and sacrifice our children in the process. Ultimately we are to blame, but do not think for one second there are greater forces at play (like our feminist Prime Minister and his pitch for Universal childcare) that mutes our own arguments.

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I have, as a generalization, a great fondness and respect for "women". I have an equal, non-fondness for the inclination to blame others--"the devil made me do it". Those women who subscribe to your view of "the neo-liberals did it to me" are laying off responsibility for unhappy results of individual choices. There are substantial numbers of "the cock of the walk" males ruing their decisions to chase intercourse instead of interrelationships.

I suspect in this discussion that we must now invoke "societal pressure" as an alternative to "elites" as the motivating factor for changed behaviour...and I suspect that would be more accurate. However, again, there is no single and cogent group/class/structure controlling the societal dialogue. Those things grow, evolve and die on their own. In humans, we call that maturity.

As a society, it is incredibly wasteful to ignore the contributions (ie: economic, maternal/paternal) of any segment of the population. But those segments make individual choices as to their participation. There is no other "blame" to go around.

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Collectively as a society we are where we are, not by individual decisions, but by consensus. I am all too familiar of being the lone voice in the room, being shut down by the mob, usually led by the zealots endorsed to invoke the New Order. One cannot be naive in this day and age to believe to establishment, i.e. those in charge via democratic process, are not under orders to instil a mandate from higher above. One does not have to look very far to find out how deep that betrayal has gone. Our local school does not acknowledge Mother‘s or Father‘s Day anymore, same sex bathrooms are installed at the elementary level and any concerns raised against these injustices, labels you a bigot. And it only gets much worse from there. In post secondary, in the workplace, on the soccer pitch…the odds at speaking, living, and honouring the time worn norm of motherhood has been eroded, no thanks to the feminist movement, first and foremost, but also then to everyone else who piled on to render us as obsolete.

And with all due respect, anyone who leads with "you women…" in any public forum, really has no respect for us. So I‘ll politely decline your acknowledgement of fondness for us, (WTH does that even mean) and bid you good day.

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Your polite declination is noted...as is the huff you've left in.

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Thank you, Tara.

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