Perhaps men got tired of being demonized by the blue haired, believe all women, me too, Leftwaffe feminazis, and with the 1 testicle left, decided to quit simping, quit listening to that shreaking barren multi diplomaed progressive goddess, and vote for the person they like.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Jonathan Haidt in his writing talks about morality & conservative & liberals within society. Social Evolutionary Theory is exploring what in a tribal setting is optimal. In a village in the Jungle you need balance. You need to have a Liberal who is going to be compassionate & open to new ideas. They need to be balanced by conservatives who hold onto what works, and willing to do what is necessary for the village to survive. Men & women find their niches in the village as they provide different things the village needs. (Anthropologists discovered that tribal societies all have men's and women's work, but what that work is, can be very different)

If I was in the Jungle, I would want to be with a guy with ADHD. I would want someone on the Asperger's spectrum making tools & weapons. The person who ain't so smart would be useful because they could weed the garden and care for chickens all day long and not get bored.

Point being, in a traditional society, or even a community of plants, survival depends on diversity. When the population is all the same, that population is vulnerable.

Our modern society allows people to seek out those just like themselves. When people only associate with others who are like themselves society is weak. Conservatives & Liberals need each other for balance. In my parents & grandparents world, Conservative men were often married to Liberal women, and it worked because it provided balance.

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Lot of interesting points, thank you. But, I think you have the arrow of causality/timeline in the wrong direction. I think divorced women tend to go Democrat because the Democrat party tells them that their decision to end the marriage was justified for X, Y, Z or other reasons. I think they tend to disproportionately associate with other divorced or never-married women, who will likely have bought into the anti-male rhetoric and worldview of the Democrat party. There's likely some who also reject conservatism because their ex husbands were conservative.

IOW, the disparity widens after the divorce, not before. JMHO.

Thanks, Tara, for publishing topics/authors such as this. Important. Timely.

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Very interesting. I tried figuring out an explanation for the high numbers on the “living with a partner” data. I think it would be insightful to parse out the politics of same sex couples. I’m guessing unmarried gay couples help move those numbers to the Democrats.

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Interesting that ending no-fault divorce is now emerging as a popular political issue on the right among some Republicans. It's known that the majority of divorces are now initiated by women.

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NYT: "The precious few women attending [UFC] appeared to be on dates." Hard-hitting anecdotal reportage from the Nation's Foremost College Newspaper.

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I wonder if the widening political gap between men and women vis a vis Republican vs Democrat is actually due to nostalgia. Trump's promise to Make America Great Again hearkens back to a (imaginary?) golden era 50 or 60 years ago of post World War II prosperity and optimism. Of course, that was a time of much greater social inequality between men and women, and so maybe the MAGA call appeals much more to men than women.

Then why the larger difference between divorced men and women? Maybe because they're older on average and have more direct experience (while growing up, looking to their parents, forming expectations?) of those "golden" years?

Maybe I'm grasping at straws because the alternative, that our already badly fractured society is about to rupture further politically along the gender divide is disheartening to say the least. Or maybe not, if young couples consider politics such a salient feature in their partners.

Either way, thank you for giving us some real food for thought.

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