What if there is too much writing, and thinking, and introspection. What if we have way too many people churn through our universities with no skills except to talk. Can't fix a toilet. Can't replace a headlight. Can't build a bench. What if we're overborn with a top heavy thinkocracy that is destined to topple because of its uselessness?

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You know, I think you're onto something.

Today I will cash in some bottles and establish the "Jeffery Toobin Award."

For far to long we have ignored these loquacious useless jackoffs, and it's time the public shine a light on them and their endeavors.

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This brings up a variation on the problem which is the subject of this article. You are not only responsible (and punishable) for any conceivably objectionable association you may have had in your life, but any conceivably objectionable act you have performed in any area of your life is grounds for discounting, ridiculing or invalidating and ignoring any other act or accomplishment in any other area of your life, however remote. Take that you "loquacious useless jackoff!"

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Trish Wood has started to use the phrase "Truth not Tribe". I like that one because then the focus is on truth where ever it is to be found.

Truth, like science is a journey. Truth is what is left standing when everyone has taken their best shot at tearing it apart. For something to be true (in the broad sense - not did I go to the grocery store yesterday) it must with stand criticism and attempts to discredit it.

Nassim Talib talks about the concept of "Anti-fragile" or things that gain strength from being knocked around. (A tree in the wind becomes stronger) He also talks about enduring ideas. So a book that has been around 1 year, will likely still be read a year from now. A book that has been around for 100 years, will likely be read 100 years from now. Based on this, we can say with confidence that 5000 years from now, people will still know about the "10 commandments".

This tribal attacking of people will not last, because it is not a sustainable way to live. Success requires that we live by enduring principles, and the best way to know what is going to endure, is to look at the principles that have already lasted 1000's of years.

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Personally, I believe many of the issues you pointed out in this article are because the majority of this mad society is visionless. A 3000-year-old proverb says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It is no less true today than with King Solomon (assumedly). We have a serious dry and empty spot where visionary leadership is supposed to be. Someone else said, “Empty hands are the devil’s workplace.” It is fundamentally the same proverb.

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