While I completely understand the chaos this caused for the residents of Ottawa the entire situation could have been stopped or shortened dramatically by the Liberal government simply addessing and meeting with Canadians that had the right to peacfully protest. The lies and media coverage of this protest was disgusting to say the least. The Emergencies Act was not only extereme but unconsitutional and the exact meaning of Authoritarianism. Since 2015 this government has trampled on our civili liberties and committed a handful of ethics violations. Yet here we are....7 years later. What will it take to remove this government?

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Looking forward to your continued coverage Tara!

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Thank you.

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Tara, you could teach a master class on, "How to Effectively Throw Shade While Still Recognizing the Dignity and Humanity of Your Targets". As my handle suggests, my inner large-mutant-reptilian-creature has been known to run amok when my emotions get the best of me, and the relational carnage is not pretty.

For the most part, the Freedom Convoy protests, and the brutish divisiveness they sparked, awakened the sleeping populist within. Supporters and opponents moved to their respective sides of the class divide, and neither camp could fathom the willful blindness of their ideological opposite. It was heartbreaking, and led to the demise of several relationships, including a romantic connection with an otherwise decent man caught between "warring factions". And yes, smoke is still rising from the twisted wreckage of the latter.

Discovering your Substack account was a revelation. I'm a longtime CBC listener who ideologically leans to the left, and I was feeling battered and bruised after having my allegiances repeatedly questioned, and even questioning them myself. Every time I voiced a concern about vaccine mandates, or the handling of the pandemic at the Federal level, I was immediately accused of being an anti-vaxxer. To prove that wasn't the case, my vaccination certificates were always at the ready. And when my discomfort with the rigid dictates AND inconsistencies of the CRT movement occasionally led to allegations of Nazism, I (sometimes) angrily informed my accusers that my paternal grandfather actually died at the hands of Nazis at Auschwitz. When that revelation failed to alter their vile perspective, I was quite frankly terrified. How do you appeal to the humanity of people who, for all intents and purposes, were behaving like automotons?

Thank you Tara for being a steadfast and gentle guide, and for exposing your readers and listeners to a vast array of smart and decent thinkers who are brave enough to put their careers/relationships/social-standing in peril to uphold the principles of free speech and intellectual curiosity. This will definitely sound melodramatic, but your courage and insight is helping to give many of us hope. Fingers (and toes) crossed that the tide will finally turn for the better.

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This thing in Ottawa was generally a protest against heavy-handed government restrictions. To respond to this protest with a heavy-handed action pretty much proves the point.

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By the way what is IT really doing while the nation is focused on the committee?

Just another disinformation campaign

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It was a test.

It was all a test.

" IT " now knows who, what and where will be a threat to their order and control. Just a test to gather Intel.

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... and here's a link to a brilliant TedTalk with the tagline, "Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong" by Julia Galef:

https://w w w.youtube.com/watch?v=w4RLfVxTGH4

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