This Liberal MP just said the quiet part out loud. I don’t read or watch any news from outlets that accept money from the government . They simply can’t be trusted to be objective. Sadly the current government has contributed to public distrust of the media by paying vast quantities of money to the very people who are supposed to hold the government to account. This doesn’t seem any different than outright bribery and many Canadians see it for exactly what it is.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

I still watch the C.B.C. as a live instruction of the left leaning and anti-White-Canadian agenda. All thanks to Justin Trudeau.

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True! It’s so sad. Realizing that CBC was totally biased was what woke me up initially. Instead of bringing Canadians together it has done everything it can to destroy our country and make most Canadians feel like criminals. I can’t watch it anymore……not good for my soul.

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You can't take bribe money and then be mad when you don't live up to your end of the bargain and get chastised. Quid quo pro dude.

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The Media needs to be reformed. I do not want a media controlled by anyone other than feedback from its consumers / readers / watchers. It costs money to have independent reporting, and good information needs to be paid for. (Sorry Google) That means we have to have a way to pay independent journalists on the ground. Going to city hall, asking questions of government and business at every level. Journalists, who have no loyalty to anyone other than the communities they represent.

The best idea so far I have seen presented is that of 100% tax credit on media subscriptions. I would put two caveats. I would only be willing to support media that are 100% Canadian Owned and are transparent with respect to their bias. (I would support a Catholic newspaper, or a progressive newspaper, provided they were up front & told me)

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Your comment seems to assume the existence of neutrality in reporting as you mentioned “journalists who have no loyalty.”

I believe neutrality is a myth. It has never been the position of the media in any age. Today, it is just a little more clear to everyone.

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He who pays the piper, chooses the tune. That is why the readers need to pay, not some government, corporation, religious body ....

As neutrality, I agree it does not exist, that is why I insist they declare their bias so that everyone knows. If I know that a publication supports the copper industry I know what their bias is and can evaluate what they have to say on that basis.

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By the way, Tara, I didn’t mean this as an insult to journalists. I don’t believe neutrality is something which anyone can boast.

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With two fundamental tenets of democracy broken- a free press and an informed electorate- what do election results indicate? The people's will or the permeation of the psy-op?

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The vast majority of the public simply do not care. We’ve had it so good for so long in this country, we simply refuse to accept it affects "us“. And our government leaders know that, which is why they say things like that publicly, because they know they can do so without incurring any accountability.

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Tara you ask all the right questions. Sadly what might make the biggest difference is if the vast majority of the public was aware of these issues and insisted things change. Oh, except who is informing them these days? It’s a conundrum. Hopefully independent media can pull us out of the self-perpetuating force of that cycle, bit by bit. There’s an increasingly long list of independents in Canada & USA that I share with friends, to follow and support.

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The government paid the media and expects subservience. Why is anyone surprised?

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Sep 22·edited Sep 23

I hope the Conservatives will not only defund the C.B.C. but put an end to all media handouts. It's the only way to garrantee impartiality. The MSM are so slanted left and anti-Canadian since Justin Trudeau came to power, it's unreal. But his goal is to put an end to the nation state and allow the WEF to call the shots. How wonderfully loyal of him?

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Here's a couple of ideas. There were at March 31, 2024, 364,772 federal employees. Why not provide each with a monthly allowance to subscribe to multiple Canadian media (of their choice). Or give Canadians tax credit like the charity donation credit for journalism subscriptions. Or both!

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And on the very day this piece is posted we have CTV going absolutely full Pravda with the shameful misrepresentation of the CPC's non-confidence motion. Oh well, as the joke goes, I don't have any less respect for CTV today than I did yesterday.

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I havn't trusted much of the regular News outlets since the government started subsidizing them. However, I do realize that the news business has presently got a difficult situation economically.

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