You have been a breath of fresh air for which I am so grateful. Finally real conversations with real people are being normalized and you are part of that. Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas! This is my fave Canadian substack because it’s so real. Thank You!

I would suggest an amazing British independent journalist who has some exciting new perspectives - Mary Harrington

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Merry Christmas Tara. I hope you have a fantastic and relaxing time with family and friends.

I love this bit focusing on the real. I think it is the key to everything.

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One of the joys of life is the wonderous variety of people whom we meet. I learn much from people with differing views. We may not like them all but together we make society work.

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....not in the ideas, but in the things

William Carlos Williams

All the Best of the Season

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Hi Tara. Merry Christmas! I read the same piece and admired the idea that people don't fit neatly in boxes. It's useful when trying to navigate life to have frameworks and structures that you can use to make decent decisions, but when a person tries to reduce life and people to formulaic calculations it inevitably leads to wildly inaccurate models and boringness. Life can't be reduced to a series of checklists...although I do find that checklists are comforting. I love ticking things off. A question for you. It seems as if you're extremely careful and guarded in how you interview and what you write. Do you struggle to break out of decades of working in the mainstream media? Thanks.

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Love it - thank you! Enjoy your holiday break.

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Merry Christmas, Tara. Wishing you a brilliant year of independent journalism in 2023!

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It should be a pre requisite that journalist should have friends & acquaintances whose world views and beliefs are different from there own. I believe this is lacking in our media culture today.

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