The Residential School file is another one that Legacy Media has bungled by reporting from an ideological standpoint instead of seeking the truth. I dismiss whatever they have to say. I must struggle to discover the truth for myself, and find they have muddied the waters AGAIN!

I hope they take their government cheques and choke on their caviar.

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When we judge people in the past by the standards of today there is an arrogance implicit in that which is the belief that if we ourselves were raised in the environment of the past, we would have been different. For example, most people would claim that if we plopped them down in the 18th century they would have of course have grown up to have absolutely correct 21st century progressive values and would have been dedicated anti-slavery activists and therefore it is acceptable for them to pass judgement on the real people of the past who were not as virtuous. The reality is that slavery was such a completely normal and accepted part of human life for thousands of years that to only the most visionary and principled persons would it occur that it could and should be abolished. 99.9% of us would simply have gone along with the times and so are on very shaky ground when harshly judging people of the past.

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I’m very grateful for people like Mr. Stewart who are willing to see history in all its complexity rather than as “ good” or “ bad” . To retain our sense of connection and pride in our country and in those who came before us , more Canadians need to understand history this way. Thank you, Mr. Stewart, for being brave and for not taking the “easy” path of thinking like so many others in public education and academia right now. It would have been an easier road if you gave up your conscious and your critical thinking skills for expediency sake , but you didn’t . I look forward to reading your book!

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"You’re right and I understand why you would feel hurt by that part of history. And I’m sorry that that is part of your experience.” And then we might ask a question: “What else is there to the legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald?”

Oh crap. No. That is not the way to handle it.

First, they are not hurt. And nothing about their movement to destroy history is worthy of considerate dialog.

Insider academics are not qualified heroes here because they make the Nevil Chamberlain mistake of thinking we can should accommodate dangerous absurdities to keep the peace.

The destruction of history and language are the common tools of all collectivist authoritarian movements. They are right out of the Mao playbook.

Take a step back and think more deeply about what we are experiencing with campus youth political and social behavior. The kids are not just making up these woke ideas in their sleep? They did not just spontaneously combust in martyrdom rage over the tragic and unfortunate death of George Floyd, about as imperfect a human we could conger in a movie script.

The astounding era of peace and prosperity that has been delivered by the US to the world as a result of WWII... the US Global Order... the one that Bumblebee Canada owes most of its thanks to... is ending. It was never sustainable.

People like George Soros have seen it coming. So have many other wealthy elites. The WEF globalist projects are about this. So many countries are going to see mass death from wars and starvation as the US no longer can afford to be the world's peace keeper with all the export all her economic advantages to these countries and the import their poor and uneducated people. The US can pull in the rug and likely still be fine. Canada, with its abundant natural resources and close proximity to the US will also likely be fine. France should be fine. The UK should be fine. Poland and a few other countries should be fine. The countries that should be fine are those that can feed themselves.

This really got burning after the Great Recession. Brexit put in hyperdrive. The globalist cabal formed as it became clear that the US was not going to be able to sustain the global economic and peace miracle. The globalists would need to turn the US, and other into a giant global ATM controlled by the globalists before the realization kicked in and the US turned back to a nationalist agenda. Trump was elected and panic set in.

But for the last 40 years, after the fall of the USSR, the collectivists have been busy infesting democratic Western systems, mostly by plants in the education system, to brainwash the kids into adopting ideologies that are meant to destabilize and deconstruct the West, primarily the US, so that the US, and other free and independent democracies, can be defeated and occupied by those countries otherwise unable to stand on their own without the constant handouts from the West, and primarily the US.

The kids are weaponized political enemies of everything good with respect to Western liberal democratic ideas that have provided the backstop for nearly 80 years of profound peace and prosperity. They do not deserve any consideration for their ideological demands. They deserved to be spanked and sent to bed without supper until they grow true wisdom to back their demands.

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If we lose our history we cannot forge our future.

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I was in the room when the Harris government celebrated their plans for the gutting of public education. I saw that the plan was conceived in corporate boardrooms. I saw that the NDP and the federal Liberals endorsed the plan. The eradication of historical context is deliberate. Also, I would like to read the unedited text of this interview.

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What is the moral or lesson to be learned from the Residential Schools system: don't try to educate primitive people.Just leave them as you found them.

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Reasonably familiar with Harris, but How did they plan to gut education, budget, books, revisionsist history?

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By restricting the teaching of Canadian history, de-emphasizing the arts in favour of basic literacy; essentially removing those things that lead to critical thinking. They made jokes about it as they went, including the jocular MC named Bob Rae. It was appalling, most particularly because they were quite open about their intentions.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Then, you have the so-called Indigenous people complaining about "cultural genocide," and here they are guilty of doing the exact same thing today toward the European colonists. They seek to erase the entire history and culture of the Western civilization. And they are aided and abetted in their efforts by idiotic politicians like Justin Trudeau. But, while they're at all their "decolonizing", please remind them what that mean in terms of giving up their fire arms or fire sticks to use their language, ATV's ,snowmobiles and going to any modern medical hospitals, since they all are colonial inventions; as indeed are all the modern colleges and universities. The Industrial Revolution would have completely passed them by, and they'd remain in the primitive conditions we originally found them in?

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

What is the moral or lesson to be learned from the Residential Schools system in Canada: don't try to educate primitive people. Just leave them as you found them. Going forward, they can educate themselves and at their own expense. Not one red cent ( No pun intended? )of taxpayers' money should be "given" to them since it will just be another waste, of the hard earned money of the "real" contributors to the Canadian economy. People who don't even have to pay taxes in this country, shouldn't have a voice in how it is run. No representation without taxation?

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