I cannot believe that Tara Henley is only now beginning to understand the experience of anyone right of centre in their handling of the Legacy Media. A recent case in point was the "Million March for the Kids" last Wednesday. To believe the Legacy Media, the numbers of marchers and counter-protesters were fairly even. I was there. That was a bald-faced lie. Some were diligent to point out the parents demanding to be recognized as the primary care-givers were called "Haters" ( Give me a break) by the counter-people with little coverage about the very diverse crowd on the other side or about their position. This is the "reporting" anyone on the Right expects, having seen that for years. Anyone on the Right KNOWS that, if they are going to be depicted in the media, the article writer cannot stop themselves from attaching the word "far" to their politics. It is clear the media does not see anything moderate about you if you are right of centre.

And it is annoying.

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I am what one would consider an old school radical leftist (at least pre 2010) and I tire of the lies and labeling about conservatives too.

My grandad was a big Social Credit supporter in Alberta and BC. In the 1990s I was involved in electoral reform with conservatives like Nick Loenen. I have great respect for John Cummins (former MP), and Vicki Huntington (former BC MLA).

This idea that anyone to the right of Antifa is bad or a fascist is ridiculous. But ultimately this is going to backfire soon as most citizens tire of the elitist BS. Even I look forward Conservative governments at this point.

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I would say the media attaches "far" to anything that they disapprove of and can't control. That can include all kinds of perspectives. On social issues unless you have the politics of a gender studies prof or a climate change fanatic they basically label you "far" something.

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Great post. I hope the debate is released on YouTube for everyone to watch. I highly recommend seeking out the work of all these women who participated in the debate including Meghan Daum (The Problem With Everything is a great book and her podcast with Sarah Haider is terrific). I agree that in previous generations these women would be part of a diverse ecosystem of ideas in the mainstream. Unfortunately nuance, diversity of thought and any type of underground or oppositional culture not approved is out. That type of behaviour is looked at with suspicion! Downright seditious. Even in the music world or movies or any type of culture.

They have been circling the wagons for a decade now and the only thing to do is keep pushing until the culture once again "bleeds daylight".

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You might be interested in this news from Canada. The federal government has extended the main stream media bailout subsidies to 2025 (the year of the next federal election). Here in Canada we can look forward to the propaganda from the Liberal pro jab government right up to the next election courtesy of the near bankrupt Canadian MSM. Here is the article published this morning. Hint Temporary Bailout Stays (from Blacklocks Reporter September 13, 2023) Cabinet yesterday signaled it will extend a soon-to-expire $595 million temporary bailout for newspapers. Press lobbyist Bob Cox, who won subsidies on a promise “you can't give them forever,” was appointed to a bailout review panel that will now run into 2025: "I don’t like the idea of a long-term subsidy for newspapers that becomes permanent."

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The “extremely credulous liberal raised up in isolation from any information beyond the feminist blogosphere circa 2004” is an all-too-real phenomenon that warrants our understanding). " For more on this, listen to The Witch Trials of JK Rowling.

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It is a fantastic post. And it just reinforces what everyone already suspected of mainstream media journalism. It's no longer objective, but has its own agenda or narrative that it trying to pedal. That's especially true in Canada today under Justin Trudeau's Liberal government.

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"It’s downright heartbreaking. No wonder it makes me want to break things."

Ayn Rand devotees like me know the feeling well.

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I, too, am a staunch defender of Bari Weiss (I subscribe to The Free Press). Haven't made much progress in changing the minds of the "liberals" I know. I used to proudly call myself a liberal..., that is, until liberals went bat-shit crazy. I keep waiting for them to "wake up." I consider my liberal friends and family members to be "the walking dead." I keep attempting to sprinkle their minds with drops of wisdom and common sense, here and there, hoping that, like water on rock (over time), a crack will appear and the Light will enter..... Thanks for sharing Meghan's post with us Tara. Really, really appreciated reading this!

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The main stream media is so corrupt that even the Leftwaffe has noticed. Congratulations.

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I always say if you want to know if someone is a Rightwing/neonazi just ask how they vote, simple

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Enjoyed the Tara Henley x Meghan Daum here, bringing two of my preferred reading spaces together in one.

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If you are in any way surprised about MSM commentary, that would be deluded! I expect nothing less...

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