It's not ironic that the left is abandoning free speech, because they never believed it in principle. Free speech was a means of attaining political power in the past, and censorship is a means of maintaining power now that they have it. But in both cases the goal is the same : power.

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Correct. The Abolitionists who fought to end slavery were largely religious people and lawyers of conviction. Many Quakers spoke out - and it was very dangerous to do so. These people were on the "Right". The Left is always weaker. Why ? Because they take Light without giving the same amount back, or worse - just take Light away from the people which is Communism. The Right gives Light. If the Right gives too much Light, that is Control - which is Fascism. But when Light is given without seeking Control, everyone benefits. Someone who opens a grocery store is doing so for himself and creates jobs. The real "money" is Light Energy. When you give and receive Light in equal measure, the world is in balance.

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Everyone always believes that only their voice matters and so it makes sense to silence those who don't sound like them. They never realize that this silencing will eventually be used against them.

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The Left has always been hypocritical on Minority Rights. Here is what I found on the Internet -

Which political party opposed the civil rights movement?

Southern Democrats were generally much more conservative than non-Southern Democrats and most of them voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by holding the longest filibuster in the American Senate history while Democrats in non-Southern states supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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